I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 966: ["Zhang Wei's smog investigation"! 】


<p The door of the scene was closed by the staff.

This is also an announcement that the press conference has officially begun!

The reporters started their spirits and looked at the stage. They looked around for the host of the conference, or the person in charge of the CCTV record channel.


"What about Zhang Wei?"

"What about people?"

"Hey, why didn't you come?"

"Who is hosting?"

Just at this time, suddenly, the lights of the venue were extinguished!



Countless lights are extinguished in turn!

Only a few dim lights on the stage were left!

The scene was black at once!


"what happened?"

"What about turning off the lights?"

"What does this mean?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The reporters are all embarrassed, and they have questioned the staff of the 14th channel. They are a bit inexplicable in this battle. They have never participated in such a press conference. What is the name of the lights?

However, the people of Channel 14 are also stunned. They don't understand what is happening in front of this scene. They have not received any notice at all. How do you answer the reporter when the lights are off?

Wu Yi busy said: "It may be a light failure!"

"Go and see!" Yan Tianfei's secretary also came today.

Xiao Wangdao: "Yes, can you seem to be behind the scenes?"

Another person also wondered: "The light is already adjusted, there is no lighting engineer today?"

"That is how the matter?"

Haqiqi feels wrong!

Zhang Zuo and others have also felt it!

On the next moment, on the rostrum, a vertical light hit it from the top without warning. At this moment in the dim venue, the light is quite conspicuous!

For a moment, the scene was very quiet!

Everyone looked at the stage with amazement!

In the direction of the background, a figure walked out slowly.


Two steps.

Three steps.

"Sometimes the night is quiet, I will turn on a bunch of lights, I can see the light, I can see the dust, and there may be a few small bugs that fly along the light to join in the fun."

The face has not been seen, and the sound has already rang.

Zhang Wei walked onto the rostrum. His eyes didn't look at the hundreds of media reporters in the audience. They were staring at the light at the moment. They stared straight at the light and walked over and looked at it until he stood. Under the lamp, "I can't see anything else. They are some particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microns. They can refract a lot of visible light, leaving us with a world with low visibility. Later, many People gave it a name, it seems to be called smog." He smiled and reached out and grabbed it, but caught an empty one. "I have been very curious about smog, I want to know what they are, they are I can't really see it in front of me."

The scene is silent!

No one can respond to the situation at hand!

This opening, this opening remark, let everyone be jealous!

Haqi Qi big eyes!

Zhang Zuo's body pores are all blasted!

Huang Dandan was so excited that he clenched his fist!

Xiao Wang’s eyes are red, and the tears are almost out of the box!

Zhang guide!


At this time, Zhang Wei took two steps and clicked on a master computer that had been set up on the stage. "There is only one way, I can put it in front of me."

The big screen behind it is bright.

An instrument picture appears there.

Zhang Xiao smiled and pointed out, "This is a PM2.5 sampler. I am coming from a colleague of the Department of Environmental Science at Peking University. Professor Wang of the department told me that the instrument is very precious. There are only ten units in Peking University. Absolutely I can't borrow it. I stuffed him with a bottle of sixty-eight dollars. He sent me the instrument directly."

A female reporter from the audience laughed aloud!

There are still many reporters who can't help but laugh.

Zhang Wei spread his hand and smiled and said: "I always thought that there was much mystery in the smog. I always thought that there was a lot of smog. I later realized that I had a piece of instrument that I had exchanged for a bottle of wine. Very clean sampling film, the smog came out."

The screen flashes.

A picture of Zhang Zhang’s life appeared.

Have time.

There are places.

There is a value of PM2.5 at that time.

Zhang Weidao: "This is the day before yesterday, I carried a twenty-four hour photo of the instrument."

The day before yesterday?

It turns out that you have not come to work these days, are you doing these things?

At this moment, the people of Channel 14 are all without exception, all of them are moving!

Haqiqi almost lost his tears! Zhang guide!

Then, a shocking picture came out!

The reporters can't help but exclaim!



"this is?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and pointed at the screen: "This is the last sample collected."

The sampling film on the picture is completely dark!

It is the same color as black charcoal!

"How could this be?" A female reporter did not dare to set the channel!

"This, this is smog?" A male reporter was also shocked!

A reporter almost stood up, "Impossible!"

Zhang Wei looked at him and smiled. "Yes, I didn't believe it at first. Later, I found a colleague of Peking University, or Professor Wang of the Department of Environmental Science. I sent him a bottle of wine and asked him to help me. I analyzed the sample and I want to know what is inside."

The picture is changed.

The dense names are all chemical names!

Zhang Hao raised his hand and said, "The result of his analysis is this. There are fifteen carcinogens in it. Among them, benzoan, one of the world's strongest carcinogens, is how many times the national standard value. What? Over the standard fourteen times!"

Everyone is in awe!


Over the standard fourteen times?

Zhang Wei said: "I don't believe it. Yesterday, I walked across the street with my instrument and made another test. Then I went back to Peking University to find Professor Wang and let him do another analysis for me. The conclusion is that benzo a 芘 ... exceeds 17 times the standard! I am very surprised, I thought the first measurement was wrong, but how can the second measurement result be higher than the standard? Professor Wang asked me to say ' Professor Zhang, are you shopping this time? 'I said yes, Professor Wang said, 'If you go shopping for a while, you will exceed the standard more!'

The people looked at the stage with horror.

Zhang Yiyi shrugged. "I know that Peking University has built a new laboratory. Just as you all know, I am also a Peking University. I am close to the water. I told Professor Wang, can I be a volunteer, I will go to our high concentration. The lab used my own experiments. You gave me a test of my physical data so that I could tell the people. Professor Wang shook his head and said that there was no drama. I asked why, I said that I am not afraid of this, let me sign the agreement. Also, if my body does not make you responsible for any problems, let me in."

Everyone was shocked, and I didn’t expect Zhang Wei to be so fatal!

As a result, Zhang Wei said helplessly: "Professor Wang hesitated for a long time and told me that you don't have to go into the high-concentration experimental cabin. The air you breathe outside every day is actually higher than the air pollution of the ethical safety value in the experimental cabin. More!" Looking at the crowd, Zhang Wei said: "At this time, I realized that each of us actually lives in a lifelong violent-exposed experimental cabin. This is smog. This is our enemy. We can't see them. But they are everywhere!"

Many reporters have been scared!

There are still many reporters who were shocked by this scene today!

Not a press conference? Not explaining why the documentary was taken off the shelf? Why is this happening? What is the situation?


Your mother actually posted a documentary on the spot! ?

No one has ever seen it! These reporters have not even heard of it!

the other side.

Everyone on Channel 14 is a little out of control!

Tong Fu wants to give himself a mouth, "Zhang Dao!"

Wu Yidao: "This..."

Xiao Wang wiped his tears. "The original Zhang has done so many things these days! We don't know! I don't know anything! I, I still talked loudly with Zhang Dao! I thought, I thought that Zhang Dao didn't care. Let's go!" The more you go on, the more tears Xiao Wang has!

One employee said: "I am so damn!"

"I should have thought of it!"

"Yes! When was Zhang’s fear of something!"

"Why did he go alone? Why didn't he tell us? Let us not make trouble? Let us not care?"

Haqiqi’s lips were a little shaken. “He’s afraid of being tired! This nickname, he wants to be alone! All of us...have misunderstood Zhang!”

"Zhang Dao!"


[These chapters are not easy to write, hehe, in fact, from the beginning to the end which chapter is not very good to write, ask for the monthly ticket to encourage! Haha! 】


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