I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 967: [A documentary that has never been seen in history! 】

This is a conference that has never been seen before!

This is the first documentary released in history!

Zhang Wei calmly stood on the stage, facing the different expressions of many reporters in the audience, he did not change his face. "How does PM2.5 enter our body? How is it destroying our body? We With the help of experts from the Department of Environmental Sciences of Peking University, I made a short film."

The big screen is bright.

Cartoon characters appear there.

"I am PM2.5, my brothers are many, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, all kinds of heavy metals, each with a sharp weapon. I rarely missed the attack in the attacking human game. The first level, nostril nose and nose can block the outside. Foreign bodies. 90% of the particles larger than 10 microns in diameter are killed here, but they can't stop me. The second level, the micro-hair of the upper respiratory tract of the throat is shaken 20 times a second, but my body is light, the smooth muscle of the trachea is stimulated and contracted to try to block I, this is self-deprecating. The third level, the lower respiratory tract, there are bronchi which is as thick as a tree, which is our best ski trail. We are fighting with cells and lymphocytes all the way. Inflammation."

This is the video they made earlier.

Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo and others waited again!

The reporters of CCTV News Channel are also a bit stunned!

Are these things not deleted?

CCTV did not come back early?

Why are you still there? You, how did you get it back?

The talents of Channel 14 know that Zhang has been carrying what they have done in these days, much more than they think! Zhang Dao has made plans for today's press conference from the very beginning!

"Our big troops finally reach the alveoli at the end of the tree. There are more than 300 million alveoli in humans. Once we block the alveoli, humans can't breathe. But here are our most terrible enemies - macrophages. They specialize It is a hard battle to devour foreign bodies, which is called a scavenger in the body. But we have many people, there are hard-to-decompose cores, and heavy metal toxins, macrophages are difficult to digest, and it is easy to break the wall and die. Human immunity is This is a drop. We also have a group of blade warriors with a particle size of less than 0.5 micron, which can pass through the alveolar membrane directly into the blood, damage the intima of the blood vessels along the way, narrow the blood vessels, raise blood pressure, and cause blood clots. We can even pass the pulmonary circulation. Come to the core of humanity, attack your heart and cause myocardial ischemic injury, heart rhythm disorder, and cause myocardial infarction."

"Trembling, human!"

"I have every breath you breathe!"

The animated video is over in the mad laughter!

Many reporters have held their breath, not even breathing!

how come?

This is impossible!

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "When I was planning this animated short film, I had a colleague who was present. She was very scared and said that she had a two-year-old child. What should the child do in the future? When I think about it, I asked Peking University. Professor Wang, I said, Pharaoh, are we going to throw our children into the haze as soon as possible to adapt to it? Isn't there a slogan now? You can't let your child lose on the starting line."

Many people want to laugh at this.

However, many people in the audience did not laugh.

Zhang Wei spreads his hand. "Professor Wang told me that there is no scientific basis for this statement. If you expose it to the sun for a day, you will be hurt by one day. There will be no so-called adaptability! I said what to do, how do we? How to do? What did the child do? Professor Wang hesitated and gave me a suggestion. He said that if it is foggy, reduce the number of trips." Looking at the reporters who are going to the stage, Zhang Yan smiled and said: "I want to I thought, this is actually a way. We can’t go out in the fog. We can’t go out. Isn’t that okay?”


Then you can only reduce your exit.

The reporters listened carefully and thought about it.

However, Zhang Wei’s voice was a meal. “But later, I found out that I thought more. I contacted the Ministry of Environmental Protection and got an internal information.”

What information?

The reporters glanced.

Without warning, a short movie will play on the screen again!

The music sounds, it is a very heavy background music, the screen on the screen is constantly flashing, is the measurement result of PM2.5 in a large and medium-sized city last year!


Air pollution lasted 267 days last year.


The number of air pollution days last year was 189 days.


The number of air pollution days last year was 192 days.


The number of air pollution days last year was 184 days.


The number of air pollution days last year was 107 days.

Amazing numbers appear in front of you!

The reporters are all stupid, how is it possible? Has the smog reached this point? But why don't they know? Why are they not actually feeling?

In this world, the popularity of smog is very low, and they really don’t know anything!

Zhang Yi pointed to the screen and smiled bitterly: "Many cities have large-scale air pollution in half or even more than half of the year, and don't go out? Unless we don't work, don't study, don't buy food, don't go shopping, get it. I was particularly surprised by this statistic. I am also very surprised. Why? I don't understand why this is? Is smog a word that has been proposed in the past two years? How can it be like the whole country overnight? Was shrouded in smog? Why didn’t you have it before? Why didn’t I know before?”


There was no smog before!

Zhang Huan’s words suddenly said that everyone’s heart, they did not understand, this smog, seems to be sudden in the winter before, there is no sign at all!

The next paragraph of Zhang Wei’s words allowed the reporters to take a breath!

Zhang Wei: "Professor Wang told me that smog has always been there. I said it is impossible. Is it that I am jealous? How can I never know? Then Professor Wang asked me to turn over the news of previous years."

On the big screen, a picture of a newspaper came out.

It was the headline of the Jinghua Times on a certain day a decade ago.

There is an airplane.

There is heavy fog.

Zhang Wei said: "Professor Wang asked me: What do you think is this? I said it is smog? Professor Wang said: Then you look at the news headline of that day."

The screen has changed again.

There are a few more words on the picture, and the news headline of the day was hit.

"The Capital Airport has experienced large-scale flight delays due to fog! 》


Is it fog?

The reporters were shocked, and a chill from the bottom of my heart was born!

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "In fact, ten years ago or even earlier, there was already fog, but the smog at that time was not called the name, but called... fog!"

The reporters are amazed!

Even the people on Channel 14 were chilling. They actually participated in the production of this documentary from beginning to end. They interviewed a lot of places, made a lot of videos, and even Zhang Hao said, they have already understood and I know, this is exactly what they did, but I don’t know why. I watched Zhang’s standing on the stage and listened to Zhang’s story. The 14th channel people were shocked like those reporters. It’s even more shocking than when I first knew it!

This is Zhang Wei!

One of the most professional hosts in the country!

Organization, logic, control, and appeal are all too great!

People on Channel 14 have every reason to believe that even if their original documentary was broadcast on TV, the effect after the broadcast is absolutely impossible compared to Zhang Wei’s live speech today! This is not a grade at all! This is the level of speech of a top domestic host!

It’s so charming!

"Lung cancer." Zhang Wei suddenly said: "A word that makes people feel scared and jumped, I didn't think of it, it happened to me." He smiled: "I always thought that only those of us who smoke and drink would get it. Lung cancer, but I knew that I was wrong that day. I have a female colleague, one year younger than me. It is a pistachio in our office. It is very good, and the work is very motivated. I don’t smoke, drink, or have a family. Genetic history, but lung cancer just found her, I was very angry at the time, I asked the doctor: Why! Why? How old is she? The doctor told me: I can only tell you that this is an unexplained lung cancer, But based on my clinical experience, I judge that this is caused by air pollution!"

Huang Dandan fell into tears.

Hazizi took her hand.

Xiao Wang took Huang Dandan's other hand and accompanied her to cry.


Lung cancer? ?

The reporters were shocked again!

These things thrown out by Zhang Wei have completely subverted their perception of smog!

Zhang Wei looked at them. "So I have to find out, I have to figure out how the smog came from! I want to know who made it!"




For an entire hour, there was no manuscript, no assistant, and Zhang Wei stood on the stage and talked.



A meeting room of CCTV.

A regular meeting is over, and the leaders are sneaking out of Dada.

"Right, the press conference of the 14th channel, is it over?"

"Oh, it seems to have not."

"Not finished yet?"


"It’s been more than an hour!"

"I do not know."

"How is it so slow?"


on site.

A rotating earth appears on the screen.

Zhang Wei looked at everyone. "Thousands of children are gestating and are being born. These rivers, the sky, the earth, should belong to them. We have no right to know that consumption is not restrained. We have no right to only complain about building. We have a responsibility to prove to them that a world illuminated by energy can be clean and beautiful at the same time."

For large screens.

Facing the earth.

Zhang Xiaoyin’s mouth hangs a slight smile: “Every time I see the planet spinning in the night sky, my heart will have an indescribable attachment and kindness. One day, I will leave the world, but my loved ones. My child is still living in it, then the world is related to me. So I stare at it, just like I stare at you, so I guard it, just like I guard you."

The music is drifting away.

Go further.

The press conference is over.

Everyone is sitting there and motionless!

Suddenly, Haziqi slammed his hands!

Xiao Wang applauded!

Zhang Zuo applauded!

Tong Fu is desperate to clap!

In an instant, the applause broke out!

All the reporters present stood up at once, with shock, with confusion, with fear... Sending the most respected applause for this press conference that has never been seen in history!

This is Zhang Wei!

This is the new documentary of Channel 14! !

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