I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 95: Killing Sword

On the contest platform of the Holy Spring Sect, Morey recovered and exhaled deeply, and then walked to the contest platform.

"Let's go," Morey looked at Xu Zimo and said flatly.

The tortoise whispered and the tiger shouted. He didn't dare to have reservations. He killed Xu Zimo directly.

"Clang" sounded, except for a few big men present, many people didn't even see Xu Zimo's movement of drawing a knife, and the knife light was already blooming in front of him.

This trick is extremely fast and extremely sharp. Morey didn't even have time to respond. The tigers and mysterious ghosts around him had been shattered.

Morey looked dignified, and quickly took two steps back.

He did not expect that the other party was just an ordinary knife, and he easily destroyed his two beast shadows.


He exhaled for a long time, and the ghost image of the reincarnation of Tianma appeared again, and all the huge beast power poured into Xu Zimo.

"Ask about the fifth style of the 19th style, the wind is flying," Xu Zimo murmured softly.

The scimitar rolled up like a storm, and turned into an extreme gust of wind on the blade. The aura between heaven and earth changed suddenly.

When the scimitar collided with Morey's reincarnation Tianma, a crack appeared at the Biwutai under their feet.

Two extreme forces collided into a stalemate, the reincarnation of Tianma roared, and the strange eyes seemed to reflect the vast light.

Above the machete, the cold gusts of wind became more and more boiling, the storm roared past and seemed to bury the whole world.

Seeing Morey's full-strength, almost distorted face, Xu Zimo seemed comfortable to deal with it, very relaxed.

He stepped back slowly, and said softly in his mouth: "The sixth type, the knife of killing."

When asked about the sixth form of the 19th form, the storm of the blade calmed down a little bit.

A choking **** smell began to diffuse around, and Ba Yingtong was covered with a layer of blood red.

Morey looked at the red and scimitar that had become flirtatious and strange, and his eyes seemed to reflect a sea of ​​blood.

It seemed that the blood of the sky was going to melt him and swept from the sky above.

It was just a moment, the reincarnation Tianma broke apart in a painful cry, Morey could not dodge, and the machete passed directly through his right shoulder.

The scene instantly became quiet, only the sound of "click, click" sounded, and the already-cracked Biwutai was completely broken.

A drop of blood ran down from Morley's shoulder, and the scimitar that had been sucking blood appeared even more strange.

"I lost," Morey's forehead sweated and spit out these three words with difficulty.

Xu Zimo chuckled, pulled the scimitar out of the sheath, and then walked down the competition platform.


"The disciples of Shengzong are really talented," Luo Changhe under the stage smiled awkwardly.

He had also thought that Morey would lose, but he did not expect to lose so simply.

Was defeated in less than three strokes.

"Brother Luo Miao praised," Elder Tianzhen shook his head with a smile, looked at Xu Zimo who had stepped down, and asked, "Xiao Mo, how long have you been practicing?"

"Less than half a year," Xu Zimo replied.

"Then what are you currently ranked in the Qianlong list in the inner door?" Elder Tianzhen continued to ask.

Like the outer door's Crouching Tiger List, the inner door naturally has its own Qianlong ranking.

"The disciples are ashamed and have not yet entered the Qianlong List," Xu Zimo sighed regretfully.

"Then you have to continue to work hard, only by entering the Qianlong list, can you be regarded as an elite inner disciple," Tianzhen elder said with pity.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the face of Luo Changhe beside him became more and more embarrassed.

These two people were just in front of his face, and a disciple who failed to enter the Qianlongbang murdered the first person of their inner ancestor.

If the disciples of Qianlongbang, could they hang their core disciples?

Long River absolutely does not believe that Xu Zimo's strength can't enter the Qianlong List, but he can't refute anything, who makes his disciples do not disappoint.

Otherwise, the person who is pretending to be now should be himself, and it is the first time he has discovered that the old fellow Tianzhen is so vengeful.


"Elder Tianjin, this inner door is too close. I will let the elders entertain you. I can't delay the matter of the Immortal Sister, I may have to deal with it now," Luo Changhe could not bear. The two boasted, and they were about to make an excuse to leave.

"It's okay, you go, don't worry about us," Elder Tianjin waved his hands and smiled: "This time I came to watch the inner door Dabi, and it also benefited me a lot. The Holy Spring Sect is really talented."

"I'm going to leave you still pretending to be forced?" Luo Changhe smiled at the elders of Tianzhen, which belonged to the kind of people who didn't smile, but actually greeted the eighteenth generation of the elders of Tianzhen several times.


At this time in the Zhenwu Shengzong, with the vast majestic momentum of Xu Qingshan's body.

When that momentum broke through the sky, several sacred prestige also appeared in various places within the sect of Zhenwu ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ When these sacred prestige loomed into one piece, the divine prestige on the sky rolled, as if the world and the world would collapse, the emperor Born generally grand.

The wind lingered in the clouds, the blue sky rumbling and exploding, Elder Xianyun's face was white, and he only felt the momentum back, his throat was sweet, and he almost spit out a bite of blood.

"Sect Sect Master Xu is angry, we are not trying to fight Shengzong," Elder Fan Yun on the side quickly grabbed Elder Xianyun and said respectfully: "Elder Xianyun is also a little emotional because of the Holy Lady's affairs. I also hope Sect Master Xu should not be surprised. "

"Since Shengzong was founded, you are one of the few people who dared to come to wantonly," Xu Qingshan snorted coldly, and grabbed his right palm towards the blue luan.

Aura of heaven and earth condensed into a big hand in an instant, and I saw the index finger of this big hand pressed lightly, as if the sky collapsed.

The endless aura spread out at the fingertips, and a vortex like a black hole was crushed and crushed.

The space collapsed, the rules were disordered, and the huge blue luan was too late to even scream, and was directly wiped out by his fingers.

There was a large vacuum in the space where Qingluan originally existed. Elder Xianyun beside the forehead was cold and sweaty.

To know that it is the same sacred vein, when Xu Qingshan shot just now, she didn't even have the chance to resist.

Fortunately, Xu Qingshan was just facing Qingluan, not her.

"This is a lesson. If there is another time, this Qingluan is the end of your fairy sect," Xu Qingshan said flatly.

"Sect Master Xu, I offended this time, I apologize to Guizong for the behavior just now," Elder Xianyun in the side was silent for a while, then said slowly.

The Sacred Vessel is already the part of the person who stands at the very top of this heaven and earth, and it is a very rare thing to allow an Sacred Vessel to apologize.

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