I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 96: Draw ruthless

"Sovereign Xu, I came here to ask about Qingyang Village," said Elder Xianyun.

"I'm not in a mood to answer your question now, and come back tomorrow," Xu Qingshan waved his hand and replied faintly.

Then saw the light blue aura condensed, Xu Qingshan's figure disappeared instantly.

Elder Xianyun looked at Xu Qingshan's original standing position, staring at her eyes, and she felt that this man became more and more unfathomable.

"Elder Xianyun, what shall we do now?" Elder Fan Yun beside him asked.

"Go back and wait for tomorrow, there should always be a solution," said Elder Xianyun: "Although Zhenwu Shengzong is strong, they must also obey the rules.

They will not fight us because of a small village. "

As the elders of Xianyun left in vain, Xu Qingshan also returned to Zhenwu Shengzong's meeting hall.

At the moment, in addition to Xu Qingshan, the other six core elders also arrived.

"Sect Master, what happened to this Immortal Sect?" The big elder beside asked.

"I also want to know what happened," Xu Qingshan replied faintly.

"Sovereign, I have asked the disciples of the Information Hall to investigate the situation. It is estimated that it will not take long to have results," said the three elders aside.

"This matter will wait until there is a result," Xu Qingshan nodded and said, "I heard that there have been rumors of the birth of the painting palace in Ziyang City recently."

"Yes, a lot of warriors have rushed to Ziyang City recently," the three elders replied: "The ruthless painting disappeared with his painting palace at that time, disturbing the entire land of the extreme west, and became a temporary unsolved mystery.

But I heard that somebody got a picture some time ago, he inadvertently unlocked the secret of that picture.

It turned out that when the painting was ruthlessly hiding the painting palace in its own paintings, no wonder we have not found it for so many years. "

"I'm not interested in his magic pen, but I heard that the world pearl was given by him," Xu Qingshan said slowly. "Maybe the world pearl is in his inheritance, this time can not be missed , Must be won. "

"So who shall we send to the palace this time?" Asked the three elders.

"Let the elders lead the team and choose some of the core disciples," Xu Qingshan replied.


At noon, the disciples of the Information Hall had already inquired clearly about the course of the incident.

"You mean that, because of Bailixiao, Xianlingzong should worry about moving Qingyang Village?" Xu Qingshan asked in contemplation.

"Yes, in fact, they don't dare to determine whether it is the village," the disciple replied respectfully.

Xu Qingshan thought for a while, looked at the elders under the field, and asked, "What do you think?"

"This matter has nothing to do with our sect, we can't commit to commit evil because of a village and the fairy sect," the elder replied blandly.

"I don't think it's appropriate, let's ask Xiaoer first, she is also the heir to the emperor anyway," said Xiao Ruoxuan, the elder of the six elders. "Since it is her village, she should have the right to speak."

"Come on, call Baili Xiao," Xu Qingshan nodded and said.

It didn't take long for Bailixiao to be called over. She first greeted everyone in the field.

Xiao Ruoxuan also told her about Qingyang Village.

Bai Lixiao's complexion was instantly pale, and she shook her head in disbelief, saying, "This is impossible. Chu Yang and I grew up together. He couldn't buy a fierce to kill the saint of Immortal Spirit Sect.

There was no antagonism between them, and when I left Qingyang Village, he was just in the context of the world, where did the energy come from? "

"We called you not for you to defend him," said the elder of the side: "Since Qingyang Village is your hometown, we feel that you have the right to know, and we just tell you."

"Sovereign, please help Qingyang Village, those villagers are innocent," Baili Xiao looked panic, knelt down and pleaded with Xu Qingshan.

"A small village, is it so important to you?" Xiao Ruoxuan asked helplessly.

"I grew up there when I was young, and the villagers there are like my loved ones. I can't watch them die without being indifferent," Baili Xiao shook his head.

She was silent for a while, breathing out a deep breath, and finally she seemed to have made a decision. She looked firmly at Xu Qingshan and said, "Sect Master, if the Zong Men really have concerns and don't want to help me, I can understand."

I am willing to surrender the inheritance of Hongtian Emperor, and I will die with Qingyang Village alone. "

"What did your child say," Xiao Ruoxuan frowned, and said hurriedly: "Aunt, can you still watch you die?"

"Sovereign, a small village, just for the dead," Xiao Ruoxuan looked at Xu Qingshan and said: "Baoxing Qingyang Village, I will negotiate with Xianlingzong, what kind of price do I have to pay, and I will solve it."

"What do you think?" Xu Qingshan asked, looking at several other elders.

There was a moment of silence in the field. The elder elder replied blandly: "Since the six elders can solve it, then it is okay to leave it to the six elders."

"Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Xu Qingshan looked at Xiao Ruoxuan and said: "You tell Xian Lingzong, we Zhenwu Shengzong are willing to help them find Chu Yang.

Wanted to the entire extreme west, who can provide accurate clues to Chu Yang, can get a Chen-level weapon.

People who can catch Chu Yang can get a star-level weapon.

This is the quotation we can make. As for whether Xianlingzong still needs to increase the price, let them bear it themselves.

In addition, let Baili Xiao draw the face of Chu Yang and use it when it is wanted. "

Hearing Xu Qingshan's words, Xiao Ruoxuan nodded.

Side Baili Xiao quickly said: "Sovereign, Chu Yang cannot be the murderer."

"Enough is enough. Someone will bear the death of the Immortal Emperor Sect." The elders on the side interrupted Baili Xiao's words and said, "If you don't know what to do, leave the inheritance of the emperor and go back to Qingyang Village, I see who you saved. "

Hearing the words of the elder, Baili Xiao was silent, she knew she had no right to choose.

Zhenwu Shengzong can help Qingyang Village this time, also for the inheritance of the Empress.

Then she returned to Miao Liufeng. Under Xiao Ruoxuan's persuasion, her heart seemed to be bleeding, as if someone was holding a knife to cut the meat in her heart.

She personally drew the portrait of her most wanted person.

Bai Lixiao looked at the familiar face of the teenager above the portrait, and his whole brain was blank.

"I'm sorry, Brother Chuyang, I'm really sorry," she cried, holding her head alone.

It is impossible for her to draw a portrait at random, because there are so many people in Qingyang Village, just find someone to identify it, you can know the true and false of the portrait.

No one will understand the feeling of pushing the favorite one to **** by hand.

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