I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: Dan Lei, Phoenix Ancient Furnace

The latest website: "I'll see how you can do without a pill furnace."

The figure of the elder Qiancha retreated to the side, giving the free space to everyone.

All the ten people looked solemn, although the sixth-grade pill was not difficult for them.

But in alchemy, the rank is the most important, followed by the time used.

A true alchemy master, even if he refines a first-grade pill, can forcefully refine the highest grade.

That is the most perfect fusion that the profound medicine can withstand.


Many people were discussing in a low voice on the periphery of the central square.

The Wanfadan Society began to warm up as early as January, and all the forces participating in the alchemy were looking for alchemists.

People from all over the world who love alchemy also gathered here, wanting to witness this flourishing age.

The Dan Club hasn't started yet, but it's not bad to look at this dessert.

On the Zen side, a disciple moved a chair and let the old Zen ghost sit down slowly.

"Elder, will these people be threatening," a disciple next to him asked in a low voice.

"Look first, although I don't care, I might meet some folk masters," Old Zen said lightly.

He and the elder Qiancha quickly came to disagree, not only because of his personality, but also because of the secret fight between the two schools of Demon Zen.

There are constant contradictions on weekdays, but he never despise the other party in his heart.

He is a prudent man.


"Brother, look, there are people doing alchemy in front of me, and many people are watching," a little girl shouted.

She was holding a candied haws in her hand, and her mouth was full of candies.

The little girl was thirteen or fourteen years old, with two suet braids, and a dimple on her left face when she smiled.

The skin is tender and tender, just like a ceramic doll, very cute.

And behind her was a young man.

The youth spoiled her back.

"Higher, higher, I can't see it," the little girl shouted, holding candied fruit in her hand.

The youth smiled helplessly, and saw him quickly shuttle through the crowd.

The dense crowd couldn't stop his figure, and after a few breaths, he had already flashed to the front of the central square.

"Now it's clear," the young man laughed.

"Yeah," the little girl nodded.

"What's so good about this kind of alchemy test? It's better to go back and read a few more alchemy books," the young man said helplessly.

"No, I'm going to watch," the little girl pouted.


In the central square, the alchemy competition has begun.

Xu Zimo was not in a hurry, he looked at the others.

Six of them were quite satisfactory and nothing to look good.

Only three people stand out.

One is a white-haired young man, his white hair is like snow, his face is like a knife cut, his eyes are deep and his face is quite high.

His pill furnace is pure white.

Seeing him tap the pill furnace, the "buzzing" sound followed.

The flame of this pill furnace was like white snow, but the white snow was hot.

In March, the sun drifted with white snow, and the heavy snow condensed in the pill furnace, making a "cracking" sound.

The other is a young man with short hair.

Cuntou, sturdy face, wearing a black gown, the pill furnace in front of him is shaped like a lion.

The lion opened his mouth, and flames spurted out. That was the entrance to the furnace.

Around him, a lion-shaped flame was entwined, as if a fire lion was roaring, possessed on the fire lion pill furnace.

And the third person in the end was a woman.

The woman was wearing a Confucian Taoist robe, and her black, straight hair was **** with a butterfly rope.

Her features are ordinary, but she has no charm.

Belongs to that kind of attractive type.

The pill furnace placed in front of her was very special, and Fengming came from it from time to time.

Nadan furnace spreads its wings like a phoenix, its wings turn into red flames, and its four feet are like blue flames.

The head is green flames, and the eyes are black flames.

The body became a yellow flame.

A total of five colors of flames condense into the appearance of a phoenix.

When the raging fire burned, there was nothingness all around, and the strength of this flame was moving.

"It's the ancient Phoenix furnace," someone next to him said in surprise.

"It is said that this ancient Phoenix furnace is the Zhen Guo Dan furnace of the ancient Phoenix country.

Later, the ancient Phoenix kingdom was destroyed, and the whereabouts of this pill furnace was unknown. Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of this woman. "

"Who is this woman, looking at her face, will she be a survivor of the ancient Phoenix country."

People around were talking.

The little girl holding the candied haws was also surprised: "What a beautiful flame."

"Although the flame is good, but the alchemy technique is immature, it's a pity that this kind of alchemy furnace," commented the young man on the side.

"Brother, you always compare others to you," the little girl laughed.

"On the thirty-sixth floor, few people dare to say that they will win you."


In the central square, the other nine people were carefully practicing alchemy.

With skillful movements, one by one mysterious medicine was thrown in.

Fire pill Fire is very important for alchemy, it can not only smelt profound medicine faster.

It can also retain more of the essence of the mystery medicine, making the elixir of a higher grade.

Xu Zimo yawned, somewhat lackluster.

I saw him slowly stretch out his right hand.

Originally, he stood motionless inside, which made many people very curious.

When he moved at this moment, many people's eyes fell on him involuntarily.

The cyan flame on the right hand was burning.

Xu Zimo waved his hands, and all the profound medicine that Elder Qiancha gave him was thrown out.

Genus water grass, green wood root, fire phoenix blood, long platinum including wisteria.

The mystery medicine of the five elements is mainly used, and the other mystic medicines are auxiliary materials.

After all the profound medicines came out, Xu Zimo directly burned with cyan flames regardless of the order.

"Naughty," someone around me angrily scolded upon seeing this scene.

"This person is simply a waste of profound medicine, and he doesn't know anything about alchemy."

We must know that in the pill, the medicinal properties of each mysterious medicine are in conflict and complement each other.

For example, the principle of mutual restraint and mutual growth of the five elements must follow the order.

Like Xu Zimo, the cauldron all burned like a stew, and there was no pill furnace to condense.

This technique is not as good as a novice, it's just a mess.

However, less than ten seconds after the person's voice fell, Dan Xiang floated out.

"Who is it? Dan is going to be?"

"It's such a strong pill, it shouldn't be the case for the sixth grade pill."

"The best of the best!"

Everyone talked a lot, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com was shocked the next moment.

I saw Xu Zimo's cyan flame disappeared in his hands, and a five-element colored pill revolved in the void.

At the moment that the medicine was formed, there was a Dao pattern shining brightly on it.

At the same time, the originally clear sky suddenly became dark.

Thunder and lightning flashed and dark clouds gathered above his head.

"This, this is Thunder Tribulation."

"Dan Lei, where is the sixth-grade pill like that?"

People exclaimed.

You should know that pill thunderbolt began to appear at the sixth stage of the pill, but the pill thunder of the sixth stage is just a vision.

No one can be hurt at all.

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