I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1112: 6 Dan patterns, prepare materials

Latest website: The power of the five elements rises to the sky.

It turned into five beams of light to reflect the heavens, and the blood evil spirit of the Five Elements Blood Coagulation Pill was strong.

This pill, blood evil, is the core, suppressed by the five elements, and supplemented by the power of the five elements. It can be said to be the best pill among the six products.

The thunder in the sky became more violent.

The pill thunder of the sixth-grade pill will not fall, but at this moment the thunder hung high above the head, like a knife, with signs of falling at any time.

"Just kidding, this can be done?"

"Did you count how long it took him to refine alchemy just now, ten seconds? Or fifteen seconds?"

"I feel that I have practiced pill all my life, and I have practiced it on dogs."

There was a lot of discussion in the surrounding people.

The little girl with candied haws licked the candied haws in her hand and smiled: "Did you see clearly?"

"No, I didn't understand anything," the young man shook his head and said solemnly.

"Look at what I said, don't underestimate others," the little girl replied triumphantly.


The sky was densely covered with thunderclouds, and the thunder robbery was about to fall.

"Rumble" thunder has come.

Xu Zimo waved his right hand, the spiritual energy in his hand surged, and he directly grabbed the five elements of blood coagulation pills.

The breath of the pill was blocked, and the thunder robbery in the sky gradually weakened.

In the end, the sky disappeared and the sky cleared.

As if nothing happened.

Xu Zimo stretched out his hand, and the pill was released, bursting with colorful light.

There are six Taoist patterns shining.

The ultimate of the six-pin pill is the six-dao pattern, and so on, the seven-pin pill is the seven-dao pattern.

Dan incense diffused out, and you could smell it within a few kilometers.

With a "poof", there was a sudden sound nearby.

I saw that the pill furnace flame in front of the gray-haired youth was unstable, and a mouthful of blood was spit out.

The pill that was about to take shape instantly became a waste pill.

The white-haired young man's face was as gray as death. Originally, he was about to become a pill, but he saw that Xu Zimo was one step ahead and his quality was so high.

Naturally, I became anxious.

A small mistake made all previous efforts to be abandoned.

This is the cruelty of alchemy.

Before the last second, no one is sure that he will be perfect.

And following the mistakes of the gray-haired youth, several others completed their own medicine one after another.

It's just that the others are mediocre. They are only six-tier pill, and rarely have one or two pill patterns.

And the woman in the Phoenix Ancient Furnace was regarded as the most outstanding among them, having refined the five pill patterns.

Elder Qiancha stood up and looked at Xu Zimo deeply.

Immediately everyone's pills were put away.

"No need to compare, he won," the woman from the Phoenix Ancient Furnace said frankly.

"What's your name?" Elder Qiancha looked at Xu Zimo and asked.

"Xu Zimo."

"Yes, you will come to the Great Temple with me later," Elder Qiancha nodded and said.

He looked at the other contestants, thought a little, and said: "Nine of you, each of you can get 100 points.

Five high-level mysterious medicines are rewards. "

Several people quickly thanked.


Among the gradually dispersing crowd, Old Zen squinted slightly.

A disciple next to him asked in a low voice, "Elder, how to deal with this?"

"Do you understand his alchemy technique just now?" Old ghost Zen asked.

"There is no way of alchemy, he is purely humiliating," the disciple replied.

"Hu Lian?" Old Zen sneered.

"Can you refine a pill of such quality in such a short time?"

The disciple was silent.

"I have my own conclusion on this matter, you don't have to worry about it," Old Chan waved his hand slightly.


Xu Zimo followed Elder Qiancha all the way back to the room in the Great Temple again.

"To be honest, I underestimated you," Elder Qiancha said directly.

"Then what?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I'll give you a brief explanation of the Ten Thousand Pills of Heaven. If you can help my Demon Sect achieve good results, the Demon Sect will definitely not treat you badly." Elder Qiancha said.

"I only need points," Xu Zimo said.

"No problem," Elder Qiancha said.

"Do you think about what pill to refine tomorrow?

Naturally, the higher the rank, the better. "

Speaking of this, Elder Qiancha said: "Among the people who participated in the Ten Thousand Pills, the most noteworthy of you are the people of Danta and Zen."

"Danta?" Xu Zimo asked suspiciously.

"Where is that?"

"As an alchemist, you don't even know the pill tower," the elder Qiansha said in surprise.

"Who taught your alchemy?"

"I'm self-taught," Xu Zimo replied.

"Don't be kidding," Elder Qiancha obviously didn't believe it.

"How can you be an unknown teacher at this level."

"Then look at my alchemy technique just now, who is it like?" Xu Zimo asked.

Elder Qiansha thought a little, and shook his head slightly.

Although the alchemy was successful just now, it was indeed Hulian, and there was no so-called technique at all.

It's just that Xu Zimo succeeded, so I can't say anything.

"Alchemy materials need to be prepared by yourself, you can tell me what you want, and I will try my best to help you," Qiansha Elder asked.

Xu Zimo thought for a while, most of the materials he wanted had already been prepared by Master Jin Chan.

Only a few more important materials remain.

"You help me find the three main medicines," Xu Zimo said.

"Nine-lived cat demon's demon pill, a ray of immortality, and the dragon ball of ten thousand years of golden dragon."

As soon as he said this, Elder Qiansha's expression instantly became embarrassed.

Of these three medicines, one is enough for him, let alone three.

"What kind of medicine are you going to make," Elder Qiancha asked with a wry smile.

"You'll know until then," Xu Zimo replied.

"To be honest, it can't be done with my ability," Elder Qiancha shook his head.

"Let your entire Demon Sect help me search," Xu Zimo said.

"This is impossible," Elder Qiancha shook his head directly.

"What if I can get the first place in the Ten Thousand Fa Pill Club?" Xu Zimo said unhurriedly.

"This...," Elder Qiancha hesitated.

Wanfadan will be related to the small world of Tianya Haijiao, this small world is so important.

"Are you sure to take the first place?" Elder Qiancha said. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

"Do you know your opponent this time."

"No matter who it is, I will take the first place," Xu Zimo replied calmly.

There is no self-confidence, no pride or contempt in his words, it is this plain voice, but it is full of extremely convincing feelings.

"Okay, I'll gamble with you," Elder Qiansha pondered for a long time, and finally raised his hand and said.

"Tomorrow morning, I will give you these things."

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Zimo left.

Fairy Zhaoyue and Miss Jing were waiting outside.

The three of them left the Great Temple. Elder Qiancha left to find the main medicine. He asked his disciples to take Xu Zimo to rest.

There is an inn next to the Great Temple, which was established by Fanzong of the Western Regions.

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