I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1132: The real Ten Thousand Flower Fairy, the Great Sage comes

The corpse floated down, falling very slowly.

It's like a petal.

Countless petals floated around at the same time, covering the top of the corpse, rotating around her.

Everyone looked at the corpse. At this moment, a figure suddenly emerged from the side and hugged the corpse of Fairy Wanhua.

"Who?" Zhang Bei shouted.

Xu Zimo looked up, and the figure that came into the air turned out to be the sword **** Xie Changliu.

Xie Changliu raised his head and looked at the four of them, then set his eyes on the fairy Wanhua in his arms.

There are inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

"What is your relationship with Fairy Ten Thousand Flowers?" The holy demon giant disbanded, and the souls of the black scorpion and ten thousand buddha monks returned to their bodies.

Just listen to Xuan Xie asked.

"She is not Fairy Wanhua," Xie Changliu said calmly.

He picked up the body of "Fairy Wanhua" and walked away step by step.

"Leave the body of Fairy Wanhua," Zhang Bei said faintly as he stood in front of him.

"I said, she is not Fairy Wanhua," Xie Changliu replied.

"Then who is she?" Xu Zimo turned around and asked.

"A friend of mine," Xie Changliu said calmly, touching the corpse's face.

"It's nothing more than a worm that has occupied the flesh."

When his words fell, Xu Zimo glanced at each other, as if thinking of something.

"not good."

The few people didn't care about Xie Changliu anymore, but the figure traveled through time and space and headed towards Huagu.

After a few breaths in the void, a few people came to the top of Flower Valley.

At this moment, the valley of flowers is still the same as before, the wind is calm, and there is no clue.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bei frowned and said.

"Did we guess wrong?"

As soon as his words fell, everyone seemed to feel something, and they all looked up at the sky.

I saw the originally windy and sunny sky, instantly sinking down.

The sky was covered by dark clouds, and the whole world was covered in gray.

I can't see the depths of the clouds when I look up, only the squally wind is raging in the bleak autumn wind, blowing a burst of dilapidation, slowly blowing.

In the depths of the dark clouds, a ray of light shone down.

And when the light was blazing, it seemed as if there was the roar of an ancient beast.

Two golden luans pulled a golden chariot and galloped from the depths of the mighty sky.

When this car appeared, everyone only felt a coercion, as if there was a willingness to resist from the depths of the soul.

The door curtain of the car was opened by a slender hand, and a woman walked out from inside.

Looking at its outline, it should be a woman.

But she couldn't see the specific appearance, and a mystery enveloped her.

"Fairy Wanhua?" Xu Zimo asked tentatively.

When Xie Changliu appeared, many doubts in his mind had already been figured out.

The reason why Fairy Wanhua is so weak is because her true body is not in the mortal realm at all.

This is just a puppet representing her will.

And Xie Changliu was a sword **** and obeyed her orders, just so that the body occupied by the fairy Wanhua would not be harmed.

What made Xu Zimo most suspicious was the cultivation level of Fairy Wanhua.

Several people in Zhangbei once said that Fairy Wanhua should be a fairy king.

But after coming to the Valley of Flowers, Xu Zimo turned around, and Fairy Wanhua was similar to him, carrying the same mission, and wanted to lead the plant family to change their fate against the sky.

If it's just the strength of the fairy king, this might be difficult.

The mortal domain is recognized as the weakest among the nine domains. Everyone yearns for other domains, so how can they be willing to stay in the mortal domain.

"The devil, today is your face, I won't kill them," Jin Luan roared on the sky, and ten thousand golden lights flickered.

Just listen to the woman in the mist saying lightly.

"But if you offend my clone, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape."

When the sound fell, a few rays of light fell.

The speed of these rays of light was extremely fast, and there was no time to dodge them, and they directly sank into the bodies of the Xuanxie, Ten Thousand Buddha Monks and Zhang Bei.

The next moment, the screams of the three people rang.

Although it is not fatal, the pain experienced by the three people may feel fear when others see it.

It is conceivable to make such a strong person so painful.

Xu Zimo stepped into the air, facing Jin Luan's car, and asked faintly: "What do you want to do?"

"The devil, you are not qualified to talk to me now, we will see each other when we grow up," Fairy Wanhua said lightly.

"There is also the matter of Emperor Qi Tian, ​​I don't plan to care about you for the time being.

But there is one thing you need to understand. "

"What?" Xu Zimo asked with a frown.

"Although the past has been forgotten, everything exists after all, and many things will come back one day."

Fairy Wanhua said lightly: "You have planned the war of the heavens with your own hands, and it is up to you to understand this farce or battle."

"I can say nothing, there is only so much I can say," Fairy Wanhua waved his hand.

Under the sky, the earth began to shake.

With Baihua Valley as the center, countless traces of cracks appeared on the earth.

These marks evolved into cracks.

The cracks became bigger and bigger, like long snakes, like dragons, and the sound of "rumbling" continued to come.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Fairy Wanhua lightly lifted his right hand.

With a "boom", everything exploded completely.

As if the flower valley was uprooted, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com directly flew up into the sky.

Huagu and the many creatures where Huagu is located, turned into an isolated island, and headed for Jinluan.

"I don't care if you want to take Huagu, but you must leave the Xuanyuan family behind," Xu Zimo said.

"I am not qualified to negotiate terms with me," Wanhua Fairy said lightly.

She insisted on going her own way, letting the island of Hundred Flowers Valley tear the sky and head towards her location.

Although Xu Zimo didn't know which of the nine realms her body was in.

But no matter which domain, it is thousands of miles away from the mortal domain.

In another domain, the things of the mortal domain can be forcibly brought across time and space.

The existence of this level is at least a great saint.

The Five Realms of the Great Emperor did not have this ability yet.

"I said, Xuanyuanjian stayed behind," Xu Zimo stepped through the air, and the devilish spirit was surging behind him.

One-handed Baihuagu, who wanted to leave.

The figure in the mist saw this scene and snorted heavily.

This cold snort, like a thunderbolt in the sky, exploded in the void, and Xu Zimo's figure seemed to have been hit hard and was directly shot out.

"Stop her," Xu Zimo shouted loudly.

In the Shenzhou Continent, two groups of Shengwei rushed out of the sky.

I saw two big hands filled with devilish air stretched out from the void and grabbed at Fairy Wanhua.

For an instant, the sky was imprisoned, the surroundings were silent, and all time and space were blocked.

When the devilish energy passed by, the golden light in the sky was crushed, and the roaring golden luan lay directly on the ground, motionless.

"Why don't you care about the Fairy Ten Thousand Blossoms or the Great Sage, block my way, try my knife sharp?"

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