I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: Xuanyuanjian

When the big hands of those two magic clouds suppressed everything.

Xu Zimo drew his sword and stepped forward, his sharp sword intent constantly erupted with great power.

Above the head, thunder riots, raging fire.

Countless, all kinds of profound meanings are mixed together, condensing above Xu Zimo.

When the knife fell, his figure seemed to freeze in the void.

The thunder is rolling, the magic is vast, as if all the magic is merged into one.

With the destruction, the power of invincibility fell.

"I underestimated you," Fairy Wanhua said lightly.

"I don't know where it exists, but I have to come out and see."

"If you don't come here in real body, you won't be qualified to see them," Xu Zimo said.

"A few domains apart, you really think you can act recklessly."

He fell with a knife, and half of the Hundred Flower Valley island was cut in half.

"Rumble" sounded like the anger of the sky.

The island of Baihua Valley was forcibly dragged down.

"Leave Xuanyuanjian, otherwise no one will want to leave today," Xu Zimo said lightly.

Fairy Wanhua's eyes were slightly cold, as if she passed through layers of void, trying to see where the two Heavens Through Devil hands were.

It's just that the mainland of China can be Xu Zimo's permission, no one can know or see through.

Searching for no result, Fairy Wanhua waved his right hand.

The sky above has changed again.

The dark clouds were so dense that before the sword arrived, the sword intent to rule the world had already descended.

The so-called Xuanyuan Sword smashed through Wan Zhongtian with one sword, and the heaven and earth Xuanhuang was here.

It contains endless power, and there are many legends about Xuanyuan Sword.

Some people say that the Great Emperor Xuanyuan realized the source of Taoism, and when he became the emperor, the sword fell from the sky, mourning for three years, and the neon never scattered for several days.

Countless people can't help but surrender when they see this sword.

This sword is an ancient sword, and even Emperor Xuanyuan specifically called his emperor title Xuanyuan.

Just to remember this sword.

There are also rumors that this Xuanyuan sword originally came from the hands of Emperor Xuanyuan, and this sword represents endless luck.

It is a sword of luck.

After Emperor Xuanyuan left, he deliberately left this sword in the Xuanyuan family, hoping to pass on his luck.

However, there are different opinions, and there is no one worthy of affirmation.


A golden light descended, the dazzling golden light and the sword intent that pierced the soul.

Torn the thick dark clouds above the head, endless time and space, as if coming from hundreds of millions of miles away, across the long river of time.

That shocking sword intent is moving.

Xu Zimo looked up and saw that when Xuanyuan Sword fell, except for the dazzling golden light.

The entire sword is also in sight.

The body of the sword is golden yellow, and the tip of the sword is like a triangle, which is extremely sharp.

The sword has a long straight line, as if it was deliberately carved out.

But in fact, this is a bit similar to the energy slot of Xuanyuan Sword, absorbing different powers, and the colors appearing on it are also different.

When the straight line is completely filled with power, the full Xuanyuan Sword power can be fully exerted.

In addition to the golden yellow on the outside of the sword, there is also a layer of gilt gray on the inside of the long sword.

On the inner side of the gray sword, there are many densely packed marks like tadpoles.

Going up is the sword style.

The two sides of this sword grid split into two small ax knives, and the inside of the small ax knives is also inlaid with dragon-shaped patterns.

In the center of the sword grid, there is a six-diamond sword crystal.

The whole crystal block exudes golden light.

It seems that the radiant light radiating from the entire sword now diffuses from its body.

The whole sword was crystal clear, like a circle of all power.

This Xuanyuan Sword descended from the void like this, shuttled hundreds of millions of miles away, heavily inserted into the void in front of Xu Zimo.

The hilt kept trembling, and the golden streamer on it was still flashing.

"Xuanyuanjian has been given to you, let me come to Baihuagu," Fairy Wanhua said lightly.

"I knew that, so why bother," Xu Zimo said, shaking his head.

With a wave of his hand, those two big hands that swallowed the devilish energy tossed over the floating island of Baihua Valley, and then returned to the mainland of China.

Under the gaze of Fairy Wanhua, the island was also swallowed by the void.

The earth where Hundred Flower Valley was originally uprooted, now there is a bottomless abyss.

"This is a test, Xuanyuanjian will be my meeting gift for you," said Fairy Wanhua.

"Tentative?" Xu Zimo said, shaking his head.

"What I want, I will definitely get it, no one needs a meeting gift."

"I hope you can reach a height with us as soon as possible," said Wanhua Fairy.

Her voice fell, Jin Luan screamed and took off, and her figure gradually disappeared into the void.

The thick dark clouds all around gradually dispersed.

But Zhang Bei stood up from the void in embarrassment.

Everyone looked around, and when they saw that there was no danger, the three of Zhang Bei bowed deeply to Xu Zimo.

"Thank you Brother Xu for his life-saving grace."

Xu Zimo waved his hand slightly and picked up the Xuanyuan Sword in front of him with his right hand. This sword was very heavy.

Even if it was him, he felt a heavy feeling in his palm and arm.

"The sword of faith," Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

It was only then that he realized that the power absorbed by the Xuanyuan Sword of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was the power of faith.

All living beings worship him just like bodhisattvas and buddhas, absorbing incense and the power of faith and practicing.

Normally, the invisible power and spiritual energy between heaven and earth cannot drive Xuanyuan Sword.

This may be difficult for others.

Because the power of faith cannot be collected in a short time.

Even the Taoism and Buddhism have worked hard for countless years before finally gaining roots in people's hearts and being enshrined by many mortals.

But for Xu Zimo, this kind of faith is not lacking.

You know, there is a whole world standing behind him.

Although he does not control the mainland of China, it is not too difficult to gather some power of faith.

"Now that Fairy Wanhua left with Baihua Valley, Brother Xu also got Xuanyuanjian, it really can be said to kill two birds with one stone," Zhang Bei smiled.

"Yes," Xuan Xie nodded and said.

"It's just that we all underestimated Fairy Wanhua. We originally thought she was nothing but the fairy king, but now it seems that I was short-sighted."

"Brother Xu, what are your plans next?" Zhang Bei looked at Xu Zimo and asked.

"Find a power called Zhenwu Shengzong, and Haotianzong," Xu Zimo said.

Before, he promised Emperor Qi Tian to return the inheritance token of the law of shaking the sky back to Hao Tianzong.

Now that I don’t have much eyebrows, I can also look around.

"I heard that the lich reappeared recently, and I don't know what to do," the ten thousand buddha monk sighed slightly.

"Where is the Brahma Demon?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Don't hide the truth from Brother Xu, the ancestors have already left," Xuan Xie replied.

"The ancestor said before he left that the fate of Fanyu is already doomed, and he is not the savior."

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