I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Devil's Heart, Broken Devil Tianzun

However, Xu Zimo chose to return to the Brahma Demon City.

Xie Changliu followed closely in the teleportation formation at Zhenxiguan, and the two returned to the Vatican City.

There was a distorted space, and the figure drifted in the weightless void for a long time before reappearing in the Great Temple.

Elder Qiansha had been waiting for a long time.

"Friend Xu Dao," Elder Qiancha said quickly when he saw Xu Zimo coming out.

"The two girls are missing."

"As expected," Xu Zimo said.

If Elder Qiancha could watch the girl in the mirror, the other party would be a little too unsatisfactory.

"Friend Daoist Xu doesn't blame me," said Elder Qiancha.

Xu Zimo shook his head slightly and said, "Prepare me a quiet room. I don't want anyone to disturb."

"There is my Demon Sect's room in this great temple, and no one will come in," Elder Qiancha said quickly.

Under the leadership of Elder Qiansha, the three of them left the teleportation formation of the Great Temple and came to the room on the left.

Elder Qiancha said a few words before leaving.

And Xie Changliu voluntarily guarded the door of the room.

This room is just an ordinary room, there is no difference, Xu Zimo sat cross-legged, the soul entered the Chinese mainland.

"Lord," the people of Bymeng greeted him.

"You have heard what those people said before," Xu Zimo asked.

"Well," Bymen and the Seven-faced Demon General nodded.

"After the era was destroyed, we fell asleep.

It seems that in the nine domains, there are many things we don't know. "

"If these questions are found in the Ancient Demon Caverns, maybe they can answer them," the Seven-faced Demon General also said immediately.

"Fairy Wanhua said, I am the initiator of the Great War. It seems that things are much more complicated than we thought," Xu Zimo replied.

"Tell me, how can I unlock the seal of the ancient magic cave."

"After the ancient magic cave was exiled, everyone knows that it was the work of the holy court.

I think it’s not enough just to have a holy court, there must be heaven’s participation in it," Bymon said.

"We must go and see the exile in person."

"Do you know where the entrance to the Exile Land is?" Xu Zimo asked.

"To be precise, there is no entrance to the exile," Bymon replied.

"They banished my demons and didn't plan to let us come back."

"Yes, but there is no entrance, we can forcibly open up a path," the Seven-faced Demon General snorted coldly.

"Let me fuse this demon heart first," Xu Zimo said.

He slowly took out the devil's heart, and the billowing devilish energy surged out, and the seal on the surface was constantly flashing.

The devil's heart rose into the sky, floating in the void with a billowing power.

Xu Zimo stretched out his hand, and Xuanyuan Jian came from thousands of miles away.

The sharp sword light and golden light shine in the hand.

And the power of faith is diffused from the people of Baimeng and the many existences of the Ten Thousand Monster Tribe.

The power of many beliefs has turned into a torrent of torrents.

The torrent remained in the void, filling the entire sky.

Then it turned into a light beam and fell on Xuanyuan Sword, and in an instant, Xuanyuan Sword's power soared.

The sword intent Ling Ran continued to climb.

In the energy trough in the center, the energy went straight to the sky, turning into crimson and flashing.

The Devil's Heart seemed to sense something.

The billowing devil qi radiated from the devil's heart, and more and more devil qi covered the sky.

The devil's heart began to beat.

"Boom boom boom!"

Like the sound of war drums, it resounded through the world. When the demon's heart was beating, among the ten thousand demon tribes around, the hearts of beasts were also beating closely.

Thousands of hearts beating at the same time.

That kind of sight is earth-shattering.

Xuanyuanjian's sword intent rose to the sky, and Xu Zimo held Xuanyuanjian as his figure stepped into the air.

I saw the demon heart, the prohibition was triggered, and a vast pagoda shape was condensed in the sky.

The pagoda is inwardly divine and full of Taoism, with a total of 33 levels of scenery.

It fell from the sky and enveloped the entire demon heart inside.

This pagoda is forbidden.

The demon energy of the demon heart condenses into a demon head, constantly impacting the prohibition of the pagoda.

In Xu Zimo's eyes, demon energy surged out, the prison demon body was turned on, and purple demon marks appeared on the surface of the skin.

He has black hair like ink, Xuanyuan Sword's golden light flickers, and sword intent rises into the sky.

Raise the sword with both hands, over the head.

Facing the exquisite pagoda, he severely chopped it down.

The sky-shaking sword light suddenly exploded, and the entire void sank.

In everyone's sight, it seemed that the heaven and the earth had disappeared, and only the stunning sword light passed through the sky.

Then annihilate everything.

The Xuanyuan Qi wrapped around the pagoda, severely torn the entire pagoda, and the devil heart inside was completely unraveled.

"Why, what kid dares to destroy the magic tower in my town," a loud shout suddenly sounded from the sky covered with magic clouds.

"Devil Town," Xu Zimo sneered.

"You people really use the same name a thousand times."

I saw the sky was torn apart, and the torn pagoda turned into a void gate with glittering golden light, reflecting the sky.

A figure walked out of the void door.

This figure is very stalwart, the whole body muscles are high and bulging, UU reading www.uukanshu. He is wearing a loose fairy robe.

The fairy robe shined with white holy light.

His long hair was tied with a headband. This was a middle-aged man with a dark and dense beard, and his appearance was rather irritable and pretentious.

"The Twelve Heavenly Sovereign of Xianmen, the Heavenly Sovereign Broken Demon is here, you are not ready to surrender."

As soon as his words fell, he sensed something was wrong.

In this continent of China, Xu Zimo is the only true god.

To fight here is to be an enemy of the whole world.

As soon as the Broken Demon Tianzun appeared, he was instantly suppressed by the Heavenly Dao of the Shenzhou Continent, unable to move.

Drops of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

"Where is this?" His gaze was horrified, especially after seeing the Seven-faced Demon General and the two great sages, his figure couldn't stop shaking.

"I didn't expect this forbidden pagoda to be your magic weapon," Xu Zimo smiled.

The pagoda was destroyed, and the Master Broken Demon Heavenly Sovereign was probably sent here for the first time.

But he didn't expect that he would appear in the mainland of China.

If it were outside, with the strength of his Great Emperor's Five Realm Heavenly Sovereign, he might be able to turn some storms.

But here, ants are no better.

"Since it's here, then stay," Xu Zimo chuckled lightly.

With a wave of his right hand, the power of Heavenly Dao suppressed it and turned into an invisible mountain, directly suppressing Tianzun Broken Demon underground.

The other party discovered the existence of the Shenzhou Continent, and it was absolutely impossible for him to leave alive.

However, since this broken demon Tianzun came from the holy court, he should be able to inquire a lot of things from him.

This could not be better for Xu Zimo's current situation.

With a wave of his hand, China Continent evaded, completely isolated from the void.

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