I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: The 3rd Realm of the Great Emperor

In a heavenly palace very far, far away.

This heavenly palace stands in the celestial fog, deep in the clouds, like a giant.

The sound of vast immortals kept coming.

On the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine celestial steps, dragons and phoenix sounded together, hovering towards them.

Chi Yan Tianlin was lying on the high platform, and the red burning flame wrapped around him.

There are Yinglongs who open their eyes for day and close their eyes for night, and the colorful peacock spreads its tail, and the peacock opens its screen. Above the tail are densely packed eyes.

Countless beasts hovered around the periphery of the palace.

And at this moment in the palace, a boy was wiping the lamp in the hall.

There are hundreds of life lights here, densely packed, bright and dark.

Suddenly, as soon as the boy turned around, he saw a life-lighting lamp dimmed.

And the candlelight dies, and it feels like it goes out at any time.

"Holy ancestor, holy ancestor," the boy was startled, and hurriedly ran outside.

The boy came to a large hall.

The main hall has no door, but a sealed chamber.

The main hall is like Yuyu's attic, the whole body is shrouded in fairy mist.

There is a thick fairy mist here, and countless fairy auras can be stepped on with your feet.

"Holy Ancestor, it's okay, Uncle Broken Demon's light is dimmed, I'm afraid it's too bad," the boy knelt in front of the hall and shouted.

"Where did Broken Demon go?" After a moment of silence, a magnificent voice came out.

The voice was erratic, like coming from the main hall, and like coming from all directions.

"I don't know, how dare we interrogate Master Broken Demon's whereabouts," the boy said quickly.

"Don't panic," only the voice replied.

In the next moment, the Taoism of the Great Dao descended from the sky, and the endless Taoism was evolving in the void.

In this palace, no one was seen, but it was shrouded and covered by the endless fairy mist.

Suddenly, the fairy mist was dispelled by Dao Yi, and a picture appeared in the void.

Around the picture, there is a faint sound of the river of fate.

The picture began to change, and the figure of Broken Demon Tianzun appeared in the picture.

This is like a mirror, tracing the scene before Tianzun Broken Demon disappeared.

I saw Broken Demon Tianzun sitting cross-legged, and suddenly a mouthful of blood came out from his mouth.

Frowning slightly, he murmured to himself, "The Town Demon Tower is broken."

Broken Demon Tianzun stood up, his whole body was extremely powerful, and he tore a void tunnel with one hand.

Then the figure sank into the void tunnel.

Heavenly Sovereign Demon Breaker shuttled through the void, and the scene was constantly moving with Heavenly Sovereign Demon Breaker.

Gradually, for some reason, the fog in the picture became heavier and heavier, and eventually disappeared together with the figure of Broken Demon Tianzun.

I can't see anything.

The void becomes empty.

"Huh," the voice in the hall sounded.

It became silent again.

The picture in the void shattered, and the palace was calm again.

"Holy Ancestor, where is Master Broken Demon?" The boy asked cautiously.

"Dao He can't trace his whereabouts," the voice replied flatly.

"How come," the boy said in surprise.

"Daohe traces back to the nine realms, and everything under the sky is reflected in them. How can there be things that cannot be traced back."

"There are only two explanations," the voice calculated calmly.

"Either there is an existence in the same realm as me that has blocked the secret.

Either the Broken Demon went to a place that Daohe could not trace back. "

The voice fell, but the boy just knelt on the ground and did not dare to speak any more.

Because he couldn't elaborate on the existence of the same realm as the holy ancestor, that is not what he can say.

As for the place where Daohe could not be traced back, he hadn't seen the second one except the ancient magic cave that had been exiled.

Both of these explanations are beyond his conjecture.

"The Demon Squad Tower was broken, and the Broken Demon should have traced the Demon Squad Tower.

I remember that the town's magic tower should be trapped by the devil's heart," Saint Ancestor said.

"Yes," the boy nodded and explained quickly.

"This is the order of the immortal lord. The twelve gods of the immortal gate perform their duties, and Master Broken Demon is the guardian of the devil's heart."

"Perform their duties, Broken Demon put his devil's heart in the Qianniu Daoyuan, do you think I don't know?" The voice snorted heavily.

The boy was frightened and quickly lay on the ground.

"The disciples don't know about this, the immortal master has always been in charge of this matter."

"The matter of broken demon must have something to do with the demon lord. Go and check it out for me. I can't get out of it now," the voice said faintly.

"The disciple will inform the immortal master," the boy said on his knees.

"Take my token, otherwise you will be quiet and no one will pay attention," the voice said.

I saw a white token floating down from the void.

The boy was relieved after receiving the token.

He stood up, bowed and said, "The disciple is leaving."


In the Shenzhou Continent, the condensed mountains of infinite power crushed the Fragment Demon Tianzun inside.

Not to mention escaping, Tianzun Broken Demon couldn't even move.

Xu Zimo has no time to care about him.

But as soon as his right hand stretched out, the demon heart in the sky turned into a torrent of demon energy, surging towards him.

The prison demon body seemed to be called by some kind, and the devil energy around it became more and more majestic.

There was a "cracking" sound in the body.

The devilish energy was directly reflected on Xu Zimo's chest.

The torrent of billowing devil qi submerged in it, and Xu Zimo felt an indescribable powerful force filled his body.

The previous prison suppression monster was just a simple body, then this demon heart was the heart, the source of all power.

With the boiling of this power, Xu Zimo felt the blood in his body flow back.

Not only is the power in the body strong, but even the soul and consciousness seem to have entered a dark void.

In the five realms of the Great Emperor, Xu Zimo is now in the second stage of refining the void.

The third stage is Tongshen.

The so-called power of God, the soul is immortal, controls the world, moves mountains and fills the sea, can chase moon and meteors, and can be thousands of miles away.

Divine soul gives divine consciousness.

This is the most important thing, because before this, the souls were all unconscious, operated by the consciousness of the flesh.

Once mastered, two consciousnesses can be produced.

One primary consciousness, one secondary consciousness.

These two consciousnesses are related to the later cultivation of the Great Sage, which is very crucial.

The body, the soul, and the dual consciousness are integrated, and all of their actions are divine.

Xu Zimo's consciousness entered a dark space of nothingness.

The devil's heart seems to have a special power.

Like the magic road left by Mi, the black words condensed and formed in the void.

These words floated, pouring toward Xu Zimo's eyebrows.

Xu Zimo sat cross-legged, his face solemn.

Between the veins in the body, more and more meridians and acupoints are opened up.

The power in his body skyrocketed, and the void twisted all over his body. As time went by, he saw the heavenly divine will rise to the sky.

Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes, and the third stage of the Great Emperor's abilities had been achieved.

If you look closely, you will find that his spirit has grown dozens of times.

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