I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: Fusion Xuanyuan Sword? The way to the ancient magic cave

The latest website: the growth of the soul is not supported by any magic, but is really strong.

Before that, Xu Zimo had a second battle body, which was the nine-week palace body of the spirit.

With the growth of the spirit now, this nine-week palace is completely integrated with it.

The number of nine weeks is the ultimate.

The rule of palace is the ultimate defense.

In terms of the power of the soul, Xu Zimo felt that within the great emperor, no matter whether he was in the heaven or the state of life and death, he was not as strong as his soul.

The five realms of the Great Emperor, the invincible soul is not an exaggeration.

He took a deep breath, and after entering the God-Communication Realm, Xu Zimo felt that he had more feelings for the tenth channel.

When he had just stepped into the Great Emperor before, his tenth channel was absolutely out of reach.

But with the burst of realm, more and more meridians and dark acupoints in the body are opened up.

The accumulated power is getting stronger and stronger.

He knew that at the end, a torrent of power would completely open up the tenth channel.

Thus stepping into the Great Sage.

It's just that there is still a big gap from now.

The soul is restrained, and more and more power is boiling in the body.

Xu Zimo's figure stepped down into the air, and several people from Bai Meng greeted him.

"Congratulations, Lord."

"It's not far," Xu Zimo waved his hand, not impatient or impatient.

Because he knows that the road ahead and the twists and turns are far and rugged, this kind of thing can't be rushed.

Cultivation is a matter of course, and what you pay attention to is an enlightenment.

"Let's take a look at the so-called Broken Demon Tianzun first," Xu Zimo said.

Everyone walked to the front of Broken Demon Tianzun.

Because the power formed by the endless road suppressed the broken demon Tianzun, he also had no power to resist.

In the mainland of China, Xu Zimo can borrow the power of various avenues at will.

"Now we can get to know each other well," Xu Zimo smiled.

"You...you are the Demon King," From just now to now, the sweat on the forehead of Demon Breaker Tianzun has never stopped.

He knew what the person before him meant.

Once opened an era, opened up the war of the heavens, and even spread darkness over the entire continent.

Even now, the vicissitudes of life, the change of times, the cycle of the sun and the moon, but after this man reappeared, the fears that were once awakened again.

He can't forget, even many people in their holy court can't forget.

Because those things in the past were the things and memories that they had encountered the most profound, indelible, imprinted in their bones during their practice.

"Is it important to you?" Xu Zimo replied.

"In any case, you can't change your status as a prisoner."

"If you are the demon master and die in your hands, my Heavenly Demon Breaker is not wrong, and I am worthy of the word Demon Breaker," said Tianzun Broken Demon.

"I didn't intend to let you die," Xu Zimo said.

"Tell me about the Holy Court."

"Don't waste your words, I won't talk about anything about the holy court," said Fragment Demon Tianzun.

"What if I let you go?" Xu Zimo asked.

"With freedom and life as conditions."

"I never make a deal with the Demon Race," Fragmented Demon Tianzun said flatly, unmoved.

Xu Zimo stood up, knowing that it would be useless to say more to such a person.

Not afraid of death, and there is no weakness that can be threatened, and there is a deep hatred with the demons.

He looked at Bymon and asked, "Is there any way I can forcibly check his memory?"

"It's okay for others, but not for the people of the holy court," Bymon said, shaking his head.

"Everyone in the holy court is connected to the lamp of life.

Once their memory is searched forcibly, the fate lamp will be extinguished, and the lamp will die.

The Holy Court was not as easy to deal with as expected. "

"Then put him in there first, you can find a way to ask what," Xu Zimo said.

Although Broken Demon Tianzun did not ask anything, he was not depressed, and he did not hold much hope.

After entering the God-tongs realm, he looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

To be precise, this Xuanyuan sword was useless.

But as the third existence of the Big Thousands of Things, it was stronger than its own tyrant.

Especially this is a sword of faith.

The strength of faith also determines its strength.

Xu Zimo intends to incorporate this Xuanyuan Sword into his domineering shadow.

It is impossible for him to give up Ba Ying and switch to Xuanyuan Sword.

Ba Ying accompanies him all the way, in a sense, it is more than just a cold weapon.

More like his partner.

With this Xuanyuan sword, he didn't know how strong Ba Ying would be.

However, it is conceivable that it is definitely not weaker than other weapons.

Fusion of Xuanyuan Sword, Xu Zimo prepares to proceed in the mainland of China.

Because if it were in the Nine Realms, once the Domineering Shadow took shape, he might not be able to deal with the catastrophe that he incurred now.

And the Shenzhou Continent is self-contained, not affected by the nine regions, and also shielding the heavens of the nine regions.

The Heavenly Dao of Jiuyu could not control his Shenzhou Continent.

Then everything will be much simpler.

The only question right now is how to forge it.

When the Ba Ying and the True God Sword were forged, the Stone Clan helped him forge and integrate.

Now that it is integrated into Xuanyuan Sword, the difficulty will probably increase by hundreds of thousands.

Xu Zimo has never been in contact with refining tools, even though he is in his realm, ordinary refining tools can't help him at all.

Just like before alchemy, one is one's own realm, the other is the merit of the Supreme Profound Pill Sutra.

But in terms of refining tools, this time refining tools are like refining emperor pills, and even stronger.

He also didn't have the help of powerful refining techniques, and Xu Zimo didn't dare to refine it hastily.

If it fails, the two weapons will be damaged, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

He thought about it and decided to find someone else to refine it.

In the Nine Realms, there are bound to be many masters of refining. Many people have been addicted to refining for tens of millions of years, and there should be better choices.

Xu Zimo decided to take one step at a time.


"Master," the Seven-faced Demon General walked over.

With a wave of his hand, Xu Zimo transferred the Fragmented Demon Heavenly Sovereign to the Ten Thousand Demons Tribe to avoid getting in the way.

"Now let's talk about the ancient magic cave," Xu Zimo said.

"Now that the ancient magic cave is exiled, we have to break through the space wall if we want to go there to enter the exile."

The Seven-faced Demon General said: "It's just the space wall of the Nine Realms. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not something we can get through.

Even the Great Sage, it will not help. "

Xu Zimo nodded slightly. He had been to the Eternal Continent before. It was a small world, and he could forcefully break the space wall and come back.

But the space wall of Jiuyu is not comparable to other worlds.

"Do you have any idea?" Xu Zimo asked.

Both Bymon shook their heads.

"There must be a way, but we don't know it," Bymon said.

"We don't know much about Jiuyu."

"I know someone, maybe I should ask him," Xu Zimo said.

(End of this chapter)

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