I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1138: Looking for Zhuoqiu, Changan's Prosperous Capital

The latest website: "Who?" The Seven-faced Demon asked quickly.

"Old Zhuoqiu," Xu Zimo said word by word.

When he was in Beiluocheng before, the old man Zhuoqiu helped him.

Miss Jing said that his master Gongyangce and the old man Zhuoqiu are called double heroes, and they are the best in the world.

It's just that the old man Zhuoqiu gave him the last chapter of the Great Heaven's Secret Technique for free, but he refused to count Xuanyuanjian's whereabouts for him.

Miss Jing is not credible, and Gongyang Ce is not credible, but Xu Zimo has a hunch that this old man Zhuoqiu will not harm him.

He had been reluctant to kill Girl Mirror and Gongyang Ce before, and he wanted to recruit them.

If there is a great heavenly secret technique in the world, and great heavenly secret technique knows everything, it will be of great benefit to him.

It's a pity that in the end, Miss Jing and Gong Yang Ce are nothing but unpredictable people.

The meaning of Miss Mirror's existence is to be by his side and guide him into a certain game.

"From Beiluocheng, do you know the trace of the old man Zhuoqiu?" Bymeng asked.

Xu Zimo flicked his finger, and saw a ray of devilish energy surge in his palm.

"This magical energy will lead me to find him," Xu Zimo said.

At the beginning, he left a ray of demonic energy on Miss Jing, Elder Zhuoqiu, and Gongyangce separately, just in case.

It's a pity that Miss Jing and Gong Yang Ce can't sense the devilish energy.

Only the old man Zhuoqiu, there is still a sense of devilish energy.

After chatting with Baimen for a while, Xu Zimo left the mainland of China.

As far as he could see, he returned to the room of the Great Temple.

When he opened his eyes, the soul and the body were completely fused.

The eyes became deeper and deeper, and the third eye on the forehead was the eye of reincarnation.

But since the devil's heart returned to its place and the strength of the prison demon body rose greatly, more and more power began to surge toward the center of the eyebrows.

The devilish energy seemed to occupy the third eye.

What happened in the end, Xu Zimo didn't stop it either.

He stood up, his eyes and black hair seemed to be dark again.

Opening the door, Xie Changliu dutifully guarded the door.

"No one is looking for me," Xu Zimo asked.

"The people from Danta came once and wanted to visit you, but they have left now," Xie Changliu replied.

"Then go," Xu Zimo nodded.

Leaving the Great Temple, Xu Zimo also knew that this trip to the Brahma City was about to end.

The demonic energy in his palm surged, and the position of the old man Zhuoqiu kept guiding him to the east.

He did not refuse Xie Changliu's follow.

Instead, he summoned Chaos and rode towards the east with Xie Changliu.


After half a month,

Chaos has not known how long it has been flying, but still does not see the location of the old man Zhuoqiu marked by the devilish energy.

It is estimated to go further east.

However, the road was very dusty and the two passed by a very prosperous city, Xu Zimo decided to stop and repair it.

When they fell from the chaos back, they walked slowly to the front of the city.

I saw two extremely large characters engraved on this stalwart city.


Chang'an, the capital of flourishing age.

The city is extremely lively, with people coming and going.

Walking into the city, there are countless people who can see lion dances and acrobatics.

"It's so lively," Xu Zimo said.

"Chang'an is the founding capital of the Six Nations, naturally lively," Xie Changliu replied.

"This city has existed since the Middle Ages. It has undergone six dynasties and is still blooming today."

"Then rest here for one night and leave tomorrow," Xu Zimo said.

Xie Changliu nodded.

Passing through the lively crowd, the two found an inn with fairly good decoration.

Walking into the inn, because most of the people were already seated on the first floor and it was very noisy, the two of them came to the second floor under the leadership of the guy.

Habitual location by the window and street.

Xie Changliu sat at the window, looking down on Xiaoban Chang'an City from the second floor motionlessly.

His eyes were deep and with inexplicable emotions.

"The last dynasty here was the Ming Empire," Xie Changliu said silently.

"The one created by Emperor Ming? I heard it was destroyed by the Emperor," Xu Zimo replied.

He had been to Mingdi's small world before, and the opponent had already died in the hands of the Lich. To be precise, the Spirit had been controlled by the Lich.

So I should understand more or less.

"Yes, after the Emperor Shi destroyed the Ming Empire, this place was once particularly barren," Xie Changliu replied.

"Later Shidi left, and the Zhou family, who helped Shidi to destroy the Ming Empire, occupied this place.

Created a new empire, Da Zhou. "

"You know this well," Xu Zimo said.

"I learned swordsmanship in the Ming Empire when I was three years old, and I have lived for hundreds of years. This is already a home.

It's a pity that when the Ming Empire was destroyed, I couldn't do anything. The Emperor was too strong," Xie Changliu said with emotion.

"The Tianya Haijiao Small World has been in the small world for nearly a thousand years, but now when I come back, I only feel strange.

Everything is different from what you imagined. "

The two were talking, and the guy at the inn had already brought the special meals.

"Slowly, two," watching the figure leaving the buddy, at this moment, a group of people came up from the stairs on the second floor.

Both are young men and women, wearing expensive robes, with an oval underneath.

Both are dark blue, with two crossed swords on the chest.

I can see that they have a good status.

After the group came up, they sat in a private room separated by a screen.

The private room has no door, only a screen.

From Xu Zimo's perspective, you can even see the interior of the room.

"Junior Sister Yurou, can you comprehend the Four Swords Pose taught by Master today?" Only one of the young people asked.

"Upside-down split, swing swing, straight stab, and counterattack. Master said that these four styles are the basis of swordsmanship, and they are also the essence.

If you can comprehend it, you can derive endless sword moves," the woman replied softly.

"Junior sister is ignorant, there is no way."

This group of people talked and laughed there, discussing sword moves all the time.

At this moment, I saw another person walking up the stairs.

The man dressed extremely like a beggar.

Ragged clothes, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com is tattered and unkempt, and you can smell a stench from far away.

And one of his legs was interrupted.

The hair covers the face, and nothing can be seen clearly.

He limped up the stairs and sat quietly in the corner of the second floor.

The guy from the inn followed behind him, holding the cheapest sake.

"You're in this corner, please leave as soon as you finish drinking quietly, lest the shopkeeper calls me again," the guy put the sake down and left quickly.

Only the beggar sat quietly in the corner without talking, just drinking.

After a while, the young girls in Naya walked out and saw the beggar at a glance.

"Look, everyone, the sword mad of the past is here again to beg for wine," a young man laughed.

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