I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1140: Go to Linjian Academy and challenge

The latest website: "Uncle San, that person is on it, and it was he who injured Brother Ming.

We suspect that he is the remnant of the front," the sound of footsteps echoed along the stairs.

"Don't judge anything," Youdao replied in a magnetic voice.

Then this group of people walked up to the second floor.

In addition to the previously familiar young people, this time there is an old man.

The old man was wearing a green robe, and his chest also had a pattern of crossed swords.

His beard fell to his chest, and a blue long sword hung from his waist.

"It seems there is a problem," Xu Zimo smiled.

Xie Changliu looked straight, stood up slowly, and looked at the people who came up.

"In the next palace of swordsmanship Liu Changlin, I don't know how many are they?" The old man did not dominate others, but reported himself to his family and asked calmly.

Xu Zimo smiled and said nothing.

"Xie Changliu," Xie Changliu replied faintly.

"Why did some of you hurt me? Please give a reasonable explanation," Liu Changlin said.

"Is it counted as taunting and insulting my teacher?" Xie Changliu asked rhetorically.

"I was going to your school. Since you are here, please give me a reasonable explanation."

"Li Zi's affairs are different and cannot be compared," Liu Changlin replied.

"Now I trouble you to come with me."

"It just so happens that I also want to meet the palace lord of your school," Xie Changliu said.

Xu Zimo stood up and shook his neck.

Several people followed Liu Changlin's figure, left the inn, and walked towards Linjian Academy.

Because Li Zi had inconvenient legs and feet, Xie Changliu supported him.

"If it's dangerous later, you don't care about me, just leave," Li Zi reminded.

"If you don't take out the sword canon, they won't do anything to me."

"Master, don't worry," Xie Changliu explained.

"I'm just going to beg for justice. I'm not trying to be an enemy of Da Zhou."

Li Zi nodded slightly.


Walking on the bustling streets, this Chang'an city is divided into two types: inner city and outer city.

The outer city is where ordinary people live, and most of the outsiders stay in the outer city.

The inner city is the Linjian Academy, where some generals and ministers live.

Only famous people in Dazhou can live.

Walking into the inner city is less prosperous than the outer city, but the surrounding buildings are either rich or expensive.

The deep mansions stood tall, with various trees planted on both sides.

There are granite scattered under the feet.

"Li Zi," Liu Changlin smiled, leading the way.

"Are you not going to hand it over the sword code?"

"I don't have a sword canon," Li Zi said lightly.

"I can call the shots, hand over the sword canon, and let you guys leave safely," Liu Changlin said.

"No wonder you took us to Linjian Academy and wanted to use it to blackmail me," Li Zi said heavily.

"Why don't you persevere," Liu Changlin shook his head slightly.

"Handing over the sword canon will also benefit the entire Linjian Academy and the entire Great Zhou Dynasty."

"What is Da Zhou doing with me," Li Zi said indifferently.

As they were talking, they had already come to the front of Linjian Academy.

Because I was too close, I couldn't see the whole view of the whole school.

Looking into the distance, the wall on the north side of the college can be nearly one thousand meters long and the scale is fair.

At the entrance of the college, students dressed in the same style came and went, and there were two huge statues of sword lions standing on both sides.

Around this academy are some weapon shops selling swords.

"Please, please," Liu Changlin said.

Walking into the academy, his eyes widened.

However, there is nothing particularly surprising about Xu Zimo, that is, the arrangement of the ordinary academy.

On both sides are towering pavilions, except for some trees, all you can see are open spaces.

"Today is the day for my senior students in Linjian Academy to learn from each other. In Linjian Valley, I will take you there," Liu Changlin replied.

"Before you see the palace lord, you'd better think carefully.

And you, Li Zi, you used to be alone and you weren't afraid of life and death. Now that you have your apprentice, you don't care. "

The three followed Liu Changlin's figure and walked into the Linjian Academy.


After passing through several tree-lined avenues, scenes of loud voices began to appear in the front.

The so-called Linjian Valley is a small valley surrounded by countless remaining swords.

All around this small valley were filled with various broken swords, some of which were new swords, which were still intact, and some were rusted and damaged.

Directly in front, there is a very huge sword inlaid vertically in the valley.

And under the giant sword, there are many arenas.

At this moment, the students surrounded the ring, cheering and cheering were very loud.

Xie Changliu raised his head slightly, he didn't draw his sword, but with a wave of his right hand, the sword intent was soaring to the sky.

With a "boom", the sword intent slashed on the side of the valley, as if cutting tofu.

The entire valley collapsed, and rubble rolled down from the sky.

"Everyone, get away," the explosion caught everyone's attention, and someone shouted.


"I am Xie Changliu, I don't know where the master and deputy palace lord of Linjian Academy are?" Xie Changliu yelled softly.

"You are crazy, openly disturbing the academy," Liu Changlin next to him said in shock.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw several figures stepping into the air from a distance.

These figures are all sword-powered, especially the two standing in the front.

A man and a woman, the sword intent of the whole body is faintly intertwined, giving people a completely natural feeling.

"Li Zi," I saw the man frown slightly and asked faintly.

"Who cut the sword intent just now?"

"I heard that the two of you represent the strongest kendo in the entire Great Zhou. I am here to challenge you," Xie Changliu said.

"Who are you?" the man frowned and asked.

"Anonymous casual cultivator, you have never heard of it," Xie Changliu replied.

Liu Changlin next to him stepped forward and whispered in front of several people.

The man looked up and glanced at the woman next to him. The two seemed to be Taoists.

"It's boring to try, so let's take a bet," the man said.

"What do you want to bet on?" Xie Changliu asked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I want a sword canon," the man said directly.

"What about your bet?" Xie Changliu replied.

"If I lose, how about giving you the master seat of the Palace Master of the Linjian Academy?" the man said.

"A palace lord, no one is rare," Xie Changliu shook his head.

"Boy, what do you know," someone next to him heard this and stood up to retort.

"In this great week, the position of the palace lord of the Linjian Academy can only be the Emperor Zhou.

Below one person is above ten thousand. "

"What's Da Zhou's worth?" Xie Changliu said flatly without being angry.

"If the emperor is still powerful, without the protection of emperor, the current Great Zhou might be reduced to the Ming empire of that year."

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