I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1141: Wan Jian Zhu Xian, lost

The latest website: "Speak up without shame," the person next to him snorted coldly.

I saw the palace lord of the Linjian Academy and the assistant palace lord next to him glanced at each other.

Both of them have absolute confidence.

Long ago in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there has been a legend of the Three Swords.

The so-called three swords are the sword madness and the nameless two swords.

Later, they defeated the sword mad Li Zi, and they respected them throughout Da Zhou's kendo. Linjian Academy was also known as the strongest kendo holy land.

So in Kendo, they are not afraid of anyone.

"What do you think of this," the palace lord said: "If you win us, the two of us are at your disposal.

Life is a bet, and if we win, as long as the sword canon, we can let you go safely, how about? "

"Take it," Xie Changliu replied calmly.

As soon as he took a step, his figure was already standing on the competition platform, his body straight and straight, like a sharp sword about to unsheath.

The men and women of Wuming Erjian looked at each other and stepped onto the competition platform.

The palace lord drew his sword, the scabbard on his waist made a "clang" sound, and the long sword gleamed with a blue light.

He only heard him say faintly: "This sword is named Canghe, weighs 36 jin, and has a length of 38 cm. It is one of the top ten famous swords in my hometown."

The deputy palace lord next to her also drew her sword and stood, her slender figure covered with a long robe.

She glanced over Jian Ying and also said: "This sword is named Cheng Ying, weighs 26 kilograms, and is 36 centimeters long. The direction of the sword is all strong."

The nameless two swords drew their swords, and their sharp sword intent continued to merge.

Soaring upward, turning into a huge torrent of swordsmanship, completely shattering the void above.

The eyes of the two are like swords, and their figures are like swords.

Xie Changliu's expression was calm, and he took out the scabbard with him.

The sword didn't get out of its sheath, the sword intent was already surging up into the sky, and he calmly said, "You don't need to draw your sword to kill you."

Wuming Erjian glanced at each other, both with a cold snort.

The two figures left and right, double-teamed towards Xie Changliu and killed them.

It was like two unsheathed swords, setting off a sword storm in the sky.

Xie Changliu was not in a hurry, his figure retreated back, not fast, but dodged just right.

Two long swords flew across his chin and flew behind his head, slamming him in the middle.

Xie Changliu lifted the scabbard upward, and directly flew the sword in front of him. The scabbard drew a half circle in the void, and directly hit the opponent's chest.

The three figures are separated.

Just a simple test, you can see the level of swordsmanship.

"Kill," Wuming Erjian glanced at each other and yelled softly: "Sword Cloud Storm."

I saw their swords crossed, and their figures were spinning quickly.

A steady stream of sword intent condensed around the body, and finally formed a dust storm of sword aura.

Sword Qi and sandstorm swept through everything and killed Xie Changliu.

Xie Changliu's eyes were deep, he held the hilt in both hands, and the infinite sword intent was condensed in the palm of his hand.

In the end, it rushed into the scabbard, with a great range of movement, and a sword intent that cut the sky burst out from the scabbard.

At that moment, the roar sounded continuously from my ears.

I saw the sword scabbard bursting out of tens of meters of sword energy, and the sandstorm was directly cut in half.

The sword energy dissipated at the same time, and the three figures separated again.

Wuming Erjian's face was solemn, although they were just a few tricks, they were obviously at a disadvantage.

"One move will determine the outcome," Xie Changliu said lightly.

"Your kendo... is too weak."

The two Wuming Erjian's eyes were raised, faintly overflowing with murderous intent.

For a true swordsman, the sword is more important than life. Xie Changliu's words have already violated their scales.

The two slowly raised their hands, Cang He Jian and Cheng Ying Jian lifted at the same time, the swords crossed the top of their heads, cyan and blue auras filled out.

I saw the two holding hands together, and the two swords melted into one in an instant.

A blue thunder flashed from the sword, accompanied by waves of electric arcs.

"Nine days of thunder," the two yelled, and countless thunder fell down, covering a void above their heads.

The sound of "crackling" sounded, and the figures of the two disappeared. What appeared in front of them was only the thunder that destroyed the world.

"Your swordsmanship is too clumsy, you just want to seek a sword canon, but you don't face your own background," Xie Changliu said.

"Even if the sword canon is given to you, it will be violent."

"Shut up," a roar came from the thunder.

Xie Changliu held the saber horizontally in front of him and slowly pulled out the blade.

A gloomy sword light flashed, his long hair was flying, and the endless sword energy filled the void.

With a wave of the sword, supreme mighty power descended on the sword.

Li Zi underneath said with emotion: "The kendo that has been left for now has reached the stage it is now."


Xu Zimo smiled. In terms of kendo alone, Xie Changliu is worthy of the name of the sword god.

It's just that he had too much concern in his heart, which caused the sword to never get his heart.

Now that the woman's death has broken Xie Changliu's last yoke.

Thousands of years later, either dying in the Nether Realm or saving the ghost of his lover are nothing more than these two choices, so he has long been fearless.

That sword intent was like a horse running out of the rest, and it couldn't stop the eruption.

The Thunder Sword Intent of the Wuming Two Swords was suppressed, and the original aggressive Thunder was unable to move.

Can only dodge the surrounding sword energy continuously.

"It's impossible to lose to you, I'm not convinced," a roar came from the thunder again.

"Wan Jian Zhu Xian."

The original blue and white thunders turned into dark yellow thunders, as if their power had increased several times.

The same endless sword intent burst out from the thunder and killed Xie Changliu.

Xie Changliu's gaze was dull, walking in the air, no matter how much the sword intent he had killed.

When he touched his whole body, he was instantly assimilated and used by him.

Turn the sword intent of others into your own.

"How could this happen, how could this happen," the voice in the thunder was a little incredulous.

"All said, you don't understand swords," Xie Changliu flashed, and the next moment, the long sword in his hand pierced into the thunder.

A violent explosion of "boom" sounded ~www.ltnovel.com~ In this valley, it spread far and wide, shattering the competition platform under our feet, and also suffered heavy losses on both sides of the valley.

Many elite disciples in the Linjian Academy were unavoidably affected, vomiting blood one by one.

The thunder dissipated, and Wuming Erjian's figure flew upside down.

"You lost, according to the test, now I have the final say on your lives," Xie Changliu replied lightly.

Wuming Erjian had panic in his eyes, and his severely wounded body struggled to dodge towards the rear.

Xie Changliu sounded step by step, raising the sword in his hand.

"Keep people under the sword," at this moment, a very shrill voice came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, Long Yin mixed with Ma Ming came over.

Not far away, dragons and horses came in the air.

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