I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1147: Collect the demon, in the Cangxuan domain

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Indeed, the appearance of the Lower Eight Demon Race was too shocking.

Ordinary people may not have seen the Sixteen Monster Race in their entire life, so how could they not be excited inside.

After Xu Zimo was slightly surprised, he also reacted.

Not long after he got the Demon Mirror, one of the Eight Demon Races came to the door.

It can be said that there is nowhere to be found.

The old demon of Laoshan was roaring, and under the thunder, not only was it fearless, but it was even more powerful.

The roars seemed to provoke Heaven.

When the thunder fell on him, his originally black hair gradually turned blood red.

His blood-red hair burned like flames, very violent.

His eyes are blood red, and his arms are as long as tens of meters.

He jumped and killed Xu Zimo.

Every time it beats, the void shatters and the sky collapses.

With a "boom", greeted Huang Huang Tianwei with a punch in front of Xu Zimo.

The powerful pressure squeezed the space, the space turbulent flow, and the air arrows shot randomly.

Xu Zimo raised his sword to resist, and an unmatched force struck him directly and blasted him out.

"Death," the old demon Laoshan said in a murderous tone like a bloodthirsty knife.

He did not give Xu Zimo a chance to resist at all.

Seeing the direction Xu Zimo flew out, he ran away again, taking advantage of Xu Zimo not standing still, his right fist bulged high.

There was another "boom".

This time, from top to bottom, he directly smashed Xu Zimo's figure from the void.

It's like falling from a high cloud.

Xu Zimo's figure fell from midair, smashing a deep hole in the ground.

For a while, the house collapsed, dust was everywhere, and people around quickly avoided.

The Laoshan Old Demon fell on the pit with a roar like a cannonball.

His feet made two deep footprints on the ground.

He clenched his right fist and smashed into the pit that Xu Zimo fell like crazy.

His fists are like raindrops, dozens of punches can be dropped in one second, and every punch is as heavy as a mountain, as powerful as a mighty force.

The originally flat ground was smashed into a bottomless abyss.

But the old demon Laoshan still didn't want to stop, his nose was panting, and his fists were getting stronger and stronger.

"This arrogant beast deserves to be called an old demon, and acts so cruel."

"I'm afraid that young man has been smashed into meatloaf."

"It's not just meatloaf, I think it's gone."

There was a lot of discussion in the surrounding people, and they all felt the ferocity of the old demon Laoshan.


Another punch fell, as fierce as before.

But here, a big hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed the fist of the old demon Laoshan.

Before the Laoshan Demon could react, the big hand clenched his fists and threw the Laoshan Demon directly away.

Fa Tianxiang acted out, and Xu Zimo stood up from the ground like a giant.

He is surrounded by revolving Tongtian Sanshengmen.

Behind him is the Sky Shaking Giant, and inside his body is the visualization of the gods and demons.


The ten magical methods used four at once.

The power is indescribable.

Seeing him stepping forward, he came to the front of the old demon Laoshan, blasted a punch, and hit the opponent's chest heavily.

The chest was smashed and sank in.

Thick blood penetrated from the body.

The old demon Laoshan was roaring, and he fought hard, clenching his fists, fighting with force.

But at this moment, like a plaything in Xu Zimo's hands, he was dominated at will.

Countless fists fell on the old demon of Laoshan.

The Ba Ying swirled around, endless sword intent burst out.

Seeing the Laoshan Old Demon fell to the ground, Xu Zimo stomped on his head.

In the sky, Lei Jie fell, and Venerable Taiyi was completely unrecognizable and struggling.

"Let me go," the old demon Laoshan shouted out of breath.

"I am a Beast Monster Race, do you dare to kill me?"

"I dare not kill you, what am I doing now?" Xu Zimo asked rhetorically.

"If you kill me, you are an enemy of the Yaozu," Laoshan Old Demon replied.

"From now on there will be no place for you in this world."

Xu Zimo shook his head and waved his hand to get the demon out.

A strong demon spirit enveloped Yao Jian, and it floated in front of Xu Zimo.

"This, what is this?" Laoshan Old Demon asked in horror.

A small book actually made him feel fear.

It seemed that this was born to be the nemesis of the monster race.

"Have you heard of Demon Mirror?" Xu Zimo asked.

"What is that?" Old Demon Laoshan frowned and asked puzzledly.

"Since you don't know, I don't bother to explain," Xu Zimo said.

"Aren't the Beast Clan in the Cangxuan Realm, why did you come to this Mortal Realm?"

"Who told you that the Demon Race is only in the Cangxuan Domain," the old demon Laoshan replied coldly.

"These nine domains are so big that there are places ruled by my monster race everywhere, so why not save them in only one domain."

"Then do you know where other demons are?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I don't know anything," Laoshan Old Demon threatened.

"I only know that the sixteen monster races are of the same heart, but if you kill any one of them, you will be the enemy of the entire monster race."

"If you are an enemy, you are an enemy. Even if I am an enemy of this avenue, I have done it before, so why not talk about it," Xu Zimo replied.

Holding the demon mirror in both hands, he slowly opened the first page.

Seeing Yaojian seemed to feel something, a black light shrouded and shone on Yaomon.

Laoshan Old Demon only felt his body was stiff, as if something had been sucked away.

"What are you going to do?" he yelled, struggling.

"Close," Xu Zimo waved the demon mirror in Xu Zimo's hand, and the light was bright, and the huge figure of Laoshan Old Demon was instantly shrunk countless times.

Then it turned into a streamer and sank into the demon mirror.

The thunder fell in the sky, and the figure of Venerable Taiyi was completely submerged in the Huanghuang Tianwei.

The ashes went out.

Xu Zimo slowly opened the Demon Mirror in his hand, only to see the first page of the originally blank Demon Mirror with colorful patterns.

That is the picture of the beast.

There is also a name description on the top, it is about the beast, it is not secret information.

On the other side, Xie Changliu's sword intent was in the air, and countless sword intents swept across the horizon.

Thoroughly penetrate the sword of Li Xiuran, the mountain lord of Tan Dishan.

Everyone around saw this scene, and was shocked.

They know that from this moment on, Tan Dishan will be completely degraded by UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

Two great emperors died, and even the mountain lord did not exist.

And Laoshan has no possibility of revival.

Xu Zimo collected the demon Jian.


At this moment, the Cangxuan domain was very far away from the mortal domain.

The monster race here is prosperous, of course, other races also exist, but the sixteen monster races have the final say here.

One of the eight demons,

Within the Golden Winged Roc Clan, in a very ancient mountain, there are countless golden-winged Roc bird bones.

There are many statues standing here.

A golden-winged roc bird landed on the top of the mountain, looking straight into the depths of the sky and the earth.

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