I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: Beihai City, the hero Yanyingzhou

Latest website: Golden-winged Dapeng bird dignifiedly looked towards the sky.

The night sky is as if it has been washed, and it feels very, without dark clouds or moonlight.

Only to the southeast, there are a few stars gleaming bright and dark.

The gust of wind hits, and another golden-winged roc bird flies.

The feathers of the wings are like a knife cut, the whole body is golden, and the eyes are like a sharp blade, very sharp.

"Ancestor, what's the matter?" the newly arrived Golden Winged Roc Bird asked.

"I watch the sky at night, the Eastern Demon Star is dim, and our demon race's luck is a bit less," the golden-winged roc bird on the top of the mountain said lightly.

"Let's look it up, what happened to Jiuyu?"

"We have been paying attention to Jiuyu, and there is no major event at present," the new Golden Winged Roc Bird replied suspiciously.

"The demon star is dim. Either something has happened to the monster clan, or something is wrong with our sixteen monster clan.

Check it out again," the golden-winged roc bird on the top of the mountain continued.

"Tao-sun obeyed," the new Golden-winged Roc Bird nodded slightly.

The golden light shone, and the valley was calm again.


"Do you know Beihai?" Xu Zimo looked at Xie Changliu and asked.

"Nine regions and eighteen seas, the North Sea occupies the third, of course I know," Xie Changliu replied.

"There are 18 well-known sea areas among the nine regions, and our mortal North Sea definitely ranks in the top three.

It starts from the Quartet in the east to the lion collar in the west.

It falls in Tianluo Bay in the south and reaches Beihai City in the north.

In the entire mortal domain, no one knows, no one knows. "

"Are we going to Beihai next?" At this point, Xie Changliu also guessed and asked.

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

"Let's go, I haven't been to Beihai for a long time," Xie Changliu replied.

Beihai is located at the junction of Tuocang Region and Sifang Region.

It straddles between the two domains and can reach the North Sea from any direction.

However, Xu Zimo went to find Dragon Girl this time and asked her to help integrate Xuanyuan Sword.

The second is also to search for ancient gods to ask the Tao.

So it is natural to go to Beihai City.

This is the only city recognized and created by Beihai.

Because Beiluocheng is a big city in the Tucang Territory, its teleportation array extends in all directions, connecting half of the Tucang Territory.

You can take the teleportation array directly to Beihai City from here, which is much more convenient.

Xu Zimo and Xie Changliu have attracted a lot of attention along the way, after all, the battle just now is still vivid.

Beiluocheng's teleportation formation was established by a family called the Wang Family.

Naturally, you must pay a fee to ride the formation.

The two entered the formation, and the surrounding world began to spin.

A turbulent flow of space hovered all over the body, and time and space shuttle was boring.

Because at this time, you can't take any action, otherwise it is easy to interrupt the teleportation mark of the space.

Beiluocheng is very far away from Beihai City. Even if it is space teleportation, the two have experienced more than two months.

Just arrived in Beihai City.

This time was a little beyond Xu Zimo's expectations. When the void shattered and the light appeared, the two of them had already stood on the ground of Beihai City.

"Everyone who enters the city, change their clothes," the voice of the city guard sounded in his ears.

The Teleportation Array of Beihai City was built outside the city.

At this moment, not only Xu Zimo, but many others also came here by the teleportation formation.

Xu Zimo looked up and saw a huge glass city in front of him.

It is an exaggeration to say that it is a glass city, but all the buildings in this city, including the city walls, are built with a glass-like material.

The sun shines on it, and the light reflects, blending, reflecting, and penetrating at various incredible angles.

This can be called a strange city.

No bricks and other materials are seen, they are all this kind of glass-like spar.

"This is Xuan Bing, how about it? Does it seem shocking at first glance," Xie Changliu smiled.

"It is rumored that Dragon Girl had a dream a long time ago.

I dreamed that an ice city appeared on the border of the North Sea. It was a city made of cold ice.

After waking up, she began to build the city in her dream and named it Beihai.

But as soon as the city was built, she discovered that ordinary ice was simply unrealistic.

Because once there is the sun, the ice will melt.

So she moved profound ice crystals in the depths of the North Sea. This kind of profound ice will not melt for thousands of years.

Hence the emergence of today's city. "

"Very good," Xu Zimo moved his gaze away from this strange city and looked straight ahead.

I saw two city guards wearing ice armor standing there.

These ice armors are lifelike, if they don't move, they might be regarded as ice sculptures.

In the middle of the two guards, piled up clothes on the hill.

These clothes are in robe style, in black and white, generous and decent.

The armors of the two guards also wore such black and white robes.

I saw that everyone who entered the city had to get a set of clothes from them, and then they could leave.

"What are you doing?" Xu Zimo asked suspiciously.

"This dress...," Xie Changliu frowned slightly, as if thinking of it.

He quickly grabbed the people passing by and asked, "Xiongtai, what date is today?"

"September 9th, Heroes' Remembrance Day, don't you know it?" a passerby asked in surprise.

Only then did Xie Changliu react. He looked at Xu Zimo and said, "Let’s go, let’s get a set of clothes first, and I’ll explain it to you later."

Although Xu Zimo was a little confused, he nodded.

The two of them took the clothes in front and walked towards Beihai City after putting them on.

"In the history of our Nine Regions, there was once a great hero.

Rumor has it that darkness fell 30 million years ago, and the devil ruled everything and wanted to destroy the world and enslave all beings.

And the great hero Yan Yingzhou stood up, eliminated the Demon King, led the crowd to drive away the darkness and restore peace.

It happened to be September 9th.

Since then, Jiuyu will commemorate the hero Yan Yingzhou in this annual festival.

Everyone must wear a black and white robe, this is the uniform that Yan Yingzhou wore.

And there must be no fighting.

The nine domains on this day are the most peaceful. "

Xie Changliu smiled and said: "We have traveled through time and space for more than two months, and I have forgotten about this holiday when UU read www.uukanshu.com."

"Yan Yingzhou," Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

"This festival has been handed down since 30 million years?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Yes, no matter whether it is the holy court or other masters, you must not violate it," Xie Changliu nodded.

The two dressed in black and white robes and entered Beihai City.

This Beihai City is still full of flowers, and it is not far from Beiluo City.

Because it is close to the North Sea, many things are related to the sea.

Crowds come and go, and there are shadow puppets on the streets. The content is about the hero Yan Yingzhou killing the devil and saving the world.

There are also gongs and drums, and lion dances to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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