I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: Hunyuan Heluo formation, blew himself up

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Xu Zimo shrugged, he looked into the ghostly beam of light.

Six figures came out from inside.

It was led by an old man, followed by five young people and girls.

All of them are sword eyebrows and star eyes, beautiful and beautiful.

The most important thing is that they exude a powerful force, which makes people move.

A gray robe with a ghost head painted on the chest of the gray robe.

"Master Ye Mi," Jiang Mozi hurriedly yelled greetings when he saw the visitor.

The old man Ye Mi lowered his head, looking at Jiang Mozi frowning slightly.

"How did you make this look?"

"I was ambushed by this evil thought," Jiang Mozi said with ashamed, bowing his head.

"The academy gave you such an important task, but you screwed it up," Ye Mi said lightly.

"When the time comes, I will go back to the academy and collect the punishment by myself."

"I am now in a broken body, so what face do I return to the college," Jiang Mozi sighed.

I think he was a strong man who could fight against Kui at the beginning, but now he has become a mortal.

The bitterness and feelings in it, I am afraid only he knows.

Hearing this, Ye Mi's expression slowed down, and then he looked at the evil thoughts on the sky and shouted: "The evil chief, why don't you catch it?

Today I wait for my arrival, don't want to do fearless resistance. "

"What about Kui? Why didn't he dare to see me?" The evil Kui raised his head and said hoarsely.

"Master Kui is busy with everything, I can solve you later," Ye Mi said lightly.

The evil chief snorted coldly, and a dozen tails behind her were erected in the void like tails from the sky.

Xu Zimo smiled, he withdrew, and the current situation no longer needed him.

This is the internal affairs of the Nine Ghosts Academy.

The evil chief roared, and countless tails were all killed.

Ye Mi's eyes condensed, and he ordered: "Arrange the Hunyuan Heluo Array."

The five disciples behind him gave a soft drink and all stepped into the air.

One of them holds Heluotu.

This is the forty-sixth existence of Big Thousands.

Heluotu unfolds, there are great rivers and mountains, waves and rivers are flowing, and towering mountains stand upright.

Lifelike, as if to leap out of the picture.

This disciple was standing in the middle, Heluotu held high above his head, and light gradually emitted.

The remaining four disciples stood in the position of the four elephants.

The posture of the green dragon closes the limbs, like wandering in the void.

The white tiger opened its teeth and danced its claws, roaring the sky.

Suzaku's posture is like a white crane spreading its wings, with one foot sharp and empty.

The basalt posture is a combination of turtles and snakes, and the tsunami slowly rises.

The four elephants stand up, the dragons are fighting and the tigers roaring, and the red birds scream and basalt.

Five people surrounded the evil chief.

I saw Ye Mi stepping into the sky, with a rainbow-like momentum beneath her feet, and the setting sun rolled.

"A thousand calamities are coming, all ghosts avoid."

He yelled, and suddenly there was a black aura from under his feet.

Heluotu spreads out, covering an area of ​​100 meters.

Ye Mi stepped on Heluotu, and a pentagram gradually lit up all around.

I saw Ye Mi quickly seal, and countless rune marks flew into the Heluo map.

"Hunyuan is immortal and at ease.

Heluo was in charge, and the evil spirits retreated. "


His voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing in the sky with a continuous echo.

Hunyuan Heluo formation was activated, the sky suddenly throbbed with wind and thunder, and violent storms hit.

The sky has changed!

The evil chief was trapped in the formation, struggling and roaring.

An overwhelming momentum came from the formation.

No matter how hard the evil chief struggles, it will not help.

Six people are in their place, and four elephant beasts are faintly appearing majestic and pouring into the formation.

More than a dozen tails came to kill several people, but every time they approached several people, they were hit by the power of the pentagram.

As if getting an electric shock, he quickly retracted it.

"Lei Luo," Ye Mi shouted loudly.

Fingers sky, thunder exploded, and he was guided down from the sky-changing sky.

Shocking thunder bursts in the formation.

With the blessing of Hunyuan He Luotu's power, the evil chief dodged in a panic.

Looking at its appearance, it was quite embarrassing.

Although she dodged with all her strength, this was limited after all, and was hit by several thunders on the spot.

Suddenly, the skin was ripped apart, and the screams resounded all around.


"The power of this formation is just enough to restrain the villain, otherwise there would not be such a strong reaction," Xie Chang said, staying aside.

Jiang Mozi reminded him: "Master Kui has researched it specifically for this evil thought.

The last time it was captured, it was also used in this formation. "

"It's boring to use the same thing a second time," Xu Zimo smiled.

Everyone's eyes are on the sky.

After countless thunders fell, the evil chieftain was completely buried.

Shocking thunder again and again, even a mouse can die several times.

When the thundering completely stopped, the entire void where the formation was razed to the ground.

It was devastated and broken.

The evil chief fell weakly in it, motionless.

Ye Mi looked squarely and took out an iron chain from his clothes.

The iron chain was shining with scarlet red lights, tens of meters long, and it had been surrounding all around.

"Sleepy," Ye Mi said softly again.

The chain rushed straight up and bound towards the evil thoughts.

Everyone sighed with relief when they saw this situation.

As long as this evil thought is caught, their mission is over.

Seeing that the chain just touched the evil thought, suddenly the weak evil thought became riot.

She grabbed the chain, opened her mouth wide, and swallowed it directly.

"Be careful," Ye Mi shouted.

Pointing to the sky again, Endless Thunder fell more violently.

"Thousands of thunder, listen to my orders."

"I am one with Quiben, how dare you kill me?" Niankui laughed.

"Rather than being trapped in the abyss for countless years, it would be better to really kill the fish and break the net."

When the voice fell, the evil thought quiz opened his arms.

From her tail, as well as from the long hair that has risen, a swell of air filled her.

She was bathed in light.

The self is very brilliant, as if standing on this sky, it is the focus of everything.

"What does she want to do?" someone asked suspiciously.

Everyone stared at each other, even Ye Mi was stunned for a long time, without reacting.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something.

Hurriedly shouted: "No, she wants to use the power of the formation ~www.ltnovel.com~ to forcefully break through the seal of Lord Kui, and then blew herself up."

Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

Everyone in the Nine Ghosts Academy knows that the veins in this evil thought kui have been sealed.

She herself couldn't do it even if she wanted to commit suicide.

Because this seal was set by the true mountain ghost chief.

But now, she was so crazy, even desperate, that she scared everyone.

If she blew herself up successfully, the consequences would be immeasurable.

"Get her organized," Ye Mi shouted.

"How do you stop this?" The few people looked at each other, and they had never experienced such a thing.

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