I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: Kui descends to the ghost gods

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"Stop the Hunyuan Heluo formation to prevent her from absorbing the strength to break the seal," Ye Mi shouted.

"But if you turn off the formation, she will run away," the person next to her reminded.

"I can't manage that much now, hurry up and take Heluotu away," Ye Mi said.

The disciple holding Ye Mi quickly raised his head, with golden aura in both hands, grabbing Heluotu floating in the void and spinning.

Want to tear it off.

Einiankui saw this situation and rushed towards the disciple.

"Stop her," Ye Mi shouted.

He took the lead in blocking the front, and the other four were also in the posture of the four elephants, and their power surged.

Tianlei billowed along with the four elephant beasts, trapping them together.

At this moment, I saw that Evil Niankui suddenly roared to the sky.

The holy light surged out.

"Not good," Ye Mi took the lead and shouted first.

"It's a sad song of heaven."

However, it was too late. When the sound passed by, it was like a stone thrown into the calm water.

Countless water splashes and ripples suddenly splashed.

Everyone's spirits were startled, and then they stayed in place.

Although it only took a few seconds, it clearly missed the opportunity.

The disciple who was holding Heluotu was directly seriously injured. Under the culprit's tail, he was defenseless, just how strong it was.

Seeing the disciple's severely injured figure flying out, Ye Mi yelled, "Kongde."

However, he didn't have more time to pay attention to that disciple, because E Niankui's self-destruction was imminent, and it was difficult to stop it.

"If there is an afterlife, Quina will surely become the soul of mine.

I am not willing! "With the blazing light shining down, the self-destruction of evil thoughts has reached the extreme.

"Master Xu, go and help," Jiang Mozi looked anxious underneath, pleadingly looking at Xu Zimo.

"Don't worry, she can't blew herself up," Xu Zimo smiled.

He looked up at the corner of the sky.

It seems to be no different from usual, but if you look closely, you will find a faint blackness on the sky.

It seemed to be the shadow of something, projected by sunlight.

When the explosion of evil thoughts began, a pair of **** hands fell from the sky.

This big hand is made of jade, smooth and translucent, crystal clear.

The lines on the hands are clearly visible.

The big hand descended from the sky with an irresistible force, covering the entire space of evil thoughts.

The next moment, the sun and the moon look back, time and space flow backwards.

That little piece of void actually started to regress.

Einiankui slowly exploded to calm down, without the slightest resistance.

"This, this is," Jiang Mozi couldn't speak to himself in shock.

Although I didn't see the deity, it was just a big hand, and the power emanating from it was moving.

"It's Kui, you're not wrong," Xu Zimo stretched aside and yawned.

"Do you think if it was you, it's about your own life and safety, so you can rest assured that it will be done by others?"

Starting from the formation, the Nine Ghosts Academy came.

Xu Zimo felt the mighty power in the dark, thinking that if Ye Mi could solve it, it would be better.

If it doesn't work, the real Kui will definitely shoot.

He is one body with evil thoughts, how can he ignore life and death?

Jiang Mozi took a look at Xu Zimo, only to react.

He thought it was too simple.


"This mountain ghost is the lowest sage," the voice of Bymeng heard from the mainland of China.

"It doesn't matter what the great sage, if he provokes the Lord, I will tear him to pieces." The Red Blade Bull Demon followed.

Xu Zimo smiled. On the sky, that big hand had already controlled everything.

The **** jade hand turned things around and turned the time back. Evil Niankui's self-destruction naturally returned without success.

"Qui, you dare to come out," Yinian roared.

"Why? I did something like a villain, so I didn't dare to show my face."

At the yelling at evil thought, Qui himself ignored it.

But that big hand covered everything, swept away the evil thoughts, and then disappeared into the void.

"I took her away, you can come back and return."

"Follow the order of Master Kui," the other people quickly bowed down and replied.

Xu Zimo felt that the figure looked at himself before leaving.

But he couldn't be sure with a glance.

Seeing Kui's big hand disappearing, Ye Mi and his group also descended together.

The disciple named Kongde was severely injured and was supported by several others.

"Master Ye Mi," Jiang Mozi hurriedly stepped forward to greet a few people.

"Embarrassed," Ye Mi just snorted coldly.

"Yes," Jiang Mozi quickly lowered his head to deal with it, not daring to refute too much.

"There is no need for Sheng Academy to exist on this day, so let's count how many disciples there are, and let those who want to leave.

Those who don't leave will return to the Nine Ghosts Academy together," Ye Mi said.

Although Ye Mi's attitude was not very good, he didn't care about other people.

Jiang Mozi nodded quickly, then pointed at the two Xu Zimo and said: "Master Ye Mi, this time the evil thought came out, thanks to their help, otherwise I can't even contact the college.

I promised them before that I would take them to Ghost God Realm together. "

"When do you need outsiders to intervene in the affairs of the Nine Ghosts Academy," Ye Mi replied indifferently.

"Don't let outsiders interfere, you can't solve it yourself," Xu Zimo replied.

Hearing this, Ye Mi's eyes narrowed.

Staring at Xu Zimo closely, after a few moments, he said lightly: "Then take it with you."

When the words fell, he walked away.

"Hey, you shouldn't have spoken just now," Jiang Mozi whispered from the side.

"What?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Master Ye Mi is very prestigious in the Nine Ghosts Academy. It is really unwise to offend him," Jiang Mozi said.

"If he wants to say it, you can let him say it, and it won't be much."

"Will he still retaliate against me?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Even if he holds his own identity and does not retaliate, the students below," Jiang Mo Ziyan reminded concisely.

He can't speak too clearly.

Xu Zimo smiled carelessly and patted Jiang Mozi on the shoulder.

Replied: "You have been kneeling for too long, so Tiansheng Academy has finally fallen~www.ltnovel.com~I...," Jiang Mozi said, trying to explain something, but the words remained silent in his mouth.


On this day, the formation wall of Sheng Academy had been damaged.

Because just now when Yemi came down, they used this formation wall.

Now that he wants to return to the realm of ghosts, he needs to repair the formation wall.

But this doesn't need Xu Zimo to worry about, because the Nine Ghosts Academy will do it by itself, but it will take some time.

Xu Zimo found a relatively quiet place, and the soul returned to the mainland of China.

At this moment, Chaos has left Xishan and is cholera in the north.

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