I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: 9 Oni Gakuin, Contradiction

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There are fierce beasts in the Shenzhou Continent, and they are making trouble in all directions, intending to rule the whole world.

This fierce beast went all the way north, and no one could stop it wherever it went. Since Yuecheng, dozens of cities have been destroyed and destroyed.

This news has spread throughout the entire mainland of China, and it is getting more and more outrageous.

Many people are paying attention to the situation of the fierce beast. It is said that a coalition has appeared, gathering all the strong men in this world and preparing to unite and destroy the fierce beast.

However, these Xu Zimo were not worried, because the current strongest person in the Shenzhou Continent was not an opponent of Chaos.

As long as Chaos is not careless, he will not miss it.

After returning to the mainland of China, Xu Zimo's first thing was to practice.

Because of Zhu Rongzhi's way, he figured out some doorways, but he still felt almost meaningless.

He is hidden in the void, in front of the highway.

With the help of the power of the avenue, I am constantly feeling it.

It took more than half a month to repair the formation wall, and the talents of the Nine Ghosts Academy repaired it.

For half a month, Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, a black flame was burning and floating.

Exhale a long breath and exhale white gas from the mouth.

If it can be similar, you will find that there is a black flame burning in Xu Zimo's body.

The black flame resembled Zhu Rong, curled up in a human form.

It is gestating and growing in the self.

The Tao of Zhu Rong has begun to take shape.

"The Northern Territory has fallen under the chaos," Xu Zimo woke up, Bymon told him the news.

"Let it continue," Xu Zimo commanded.

He wouldn't play well without experiencing too much pain.

After leaving the mainland of China, the people at the Nine Ghosts Academy are ready.

In addition to the six people who came down from the Nine Ghosts Academy, there are still more than 20 students who are left at the Tiansheng Academy willing to go to the Ghost God Realm together.

On the formation wall directly in front, dense numbers floating in it.

Ye Mi stood at the forefront, waving his hands, and the fonts were arranged in tracks, thus reorganizing.

As his hands line up faster and faster, the power emanating from this array of magic walls is getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, a beam of light beams through the sky projected from it.

The mighty and inexhaustible power is condensed in the light beam and rises into the sky with it.

On the sky, it seemed as if a channel was opened by the formation, the situation changed, and the world changed drastically.

"Let's go," Ye Mi said, and walked into the formation first.

Immediately the others followed suit and walked in.

As soon as he walked into it, Xu Zimo felt a strong suction drawing him into it.

In my ears are roaring hurricanes and intermittent walls of space.

Although it is stronger than the sense of tearing from the Yuanyang Continent through the nine regions, it is not to be underestimated.

The cultivation base has not reached a certain level, and it is impossible to travel through the world at will.

From the mortal realm to the ghosts and gods realm, although only a layer of sky has passed.

But this layer of sky is easy to say, but it's tens of thousands of miles away, and it's not too far to reach.

In this formation, boring space shuttles.

The speed was unexpected, and within seven days, he had already arrived in the Ghost God Realm.

Xu Zimo remembered that when Ye Mi and others arrived before, it only took a few seconds.

Thinking of this, there are differences in the formation.


Ghost God Realm is a very magical place.

Because there is no sun in this world.

Yes, it is night here all day long, of course, not the kind of invisible darkness.

It's a gloomy weather, like a cloudy day with dark clouds.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the Protoss of the Kunxu Region and the Ghosts of the Nether Region fought a great battle here.

As for the content and reason of the war, no one knows.

In short, that battle completely destroyed the ghost domain.

It is said that even the sun fell in that battle.

The entire Ghost God Realm will never see light forever.

Although the Protoss and Ghosts have already left after the war, their traces can still be seen here.


The void in front of him began to fluctuate.

In a blink of an eye, everyone's figures have appeared on a square in an open space.

This is the Nine Ghosts Academy.

"Master Ye Mi, seniors, you are back," someone next to him greeted.

That is the student guarding the formation wall.

Wearing a gray robe, his hair is black, and his eyes are black.

There are no white eyes.

"Yeah," Ye Mi replied without saltiness, and then walked away quickly, leaving only a paragraph.

"You guys are taking Kongde to heal your wounds, Xuanming, you are responsible for arranging these people from Tiansheng Academy."

"Students obey orders," several people replied quickly.

After Ye Mi completely left, the disciple named Xuan Ming just turned around.

He took a look at Xu Zimo.

He is the young man with a basalt appearance among the four elephants before.

Many disciples from Tiansheng Academy came to the Nine Ghosts Academy for the first time, and everything was full of freshness.

Looking around, even Xu Zimo took a few more glances.

The sky is densely covered with clouds, as if an oppressive knife hung above the head, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

The area of ​​the Nine Ghosts Academy is so large that everyone can only look at it roughly.

The architecture is quite fascinating.

The black eaves, hideous faces, and even the heavy iron gates are oppressive.

There are countless bells hanging around the college.

There are sculptures that look like gods and ghosts everywhere, sacred and ferocious standing on both sides.

The trees here are mostly gray and black, with teeth and claws, and abnormally evil.

"Follow me," Xuan Ming said lightly.

He walked in toward the path beside the square, and everyone followed him.

"The trees here are all ghost trees," Jiang Mozi, as a person who had been in the realm of ghosts, introduced one by one to the students behind him.

"Because there is no sun in this world, many plants cannot survive.

Only plants that do not need sunlight can survive. "

"President, if we come here, are we still students of the nine ghosts?" someone next to him asked.

The Nine Ghosts Academy is the most desirable and the most powerful academy in the Ghost God Realm.

Students like them from Tiansheng College, if they can join, they will not be considered rootless.

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"What are you thinking?" Xuan Ming sneered in front of him.

Indifferently said: "The Academy of Nine Ghosts is the highest place in the Ghost God Realm, and often only the unparalleled Tianjiao can enter.

Not all waste can come in. "

"You..." the students of Tiansheng College looked at Xuanming, one by one angry.

But he didn't dare to take the lead and could only glared at him.

"What? Are you still not convinced?" Xuan Ming said.

"I give you one hand and you go together. If you can hit me, I apologize.

how about it? Do you want to make a gesture? "

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