I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Challenge

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"Don't be impulsive," Jiang Mozi stopped everyone and said quickly.

"Tiansheng College was originally a branch of the Nine Ghosts College, and it can be regarded as Tongmai students. It should be peaceful coexistence."

"A small disciple in the branch yard dare to talk to the disciple in the main yard like this?

Besides, the evil thoughts are gone now, your branch is in name only," Xuan Ming said lightly.

"Take the exam at the Nine Ghosts Academy honestly. You are lucky to pass.

If it fails, leave as soon as possible. "

"Is that what Master Ye Mi meant?" Jiang Mozi asked with some sullenness.

"What? You still need to trouble Master Ye Mi for this kind of thing?" Xuan Ming replied lightly.

"I was originally a disciple of the Nine Ghosts Academy. I went to the mortal realm to guard against evil thoughts.

After so many years, even if there is no credit, there will be hard work," Jiang Mozi said.

"Now I bring my students back, not to mention how good training and training resources are, at least a place to live in, the academy should not be stingy."

"If your cultivation base is still there, you speak with some weight," Xuan Ming said with a light smile.

"But looking at how you look now, you can't protect yourself, so what else do you want?"

When these words came out, Jiang Mozi was stunned.

He felt that he thought everything was too simple, and his current self is indeed no different from a useless person.

"You insult me ​​and wait, but to insult our dean is really deceptive," Hearing only from Tiansheng College, a dozen students were filled with righteous indignation.

Angrily glared at Xuan Ming and shouted: "We will compete with you."

Before Xuanming could speak, a lazy voice suddenly came from nearby.

"Xiao Xuanzi, are you bullying the new student again?"

Everyone looked up and saw a young man wearing a white robe with a three-foot green front hanging around his waist coming down the front steps.

The young man's black hair was tied with a rope, and the hair on the temples fell randomly.

The eyes are like cheetahs, quite heroic.

The most eye-catching thing is that the young man's hands, as if burned by fire, are all red.

The red palms are very eye-catching.

"Senior Fei, Feilin," Xuanming greeted him in a vague voice.

Quickly explained: "What kind of schoolboy, they are all from below."

"Next?" That called Feilin thought a little bit with interest, and then said: "Tiansheng Academy."

"Yes," Xuan Ming nodded and said.

"And I didn't bully them, they wanted to challenge me."

"Is that the case?" Feilin said with a smile.

"Since I have to challenge, I like to watch the show the most, so I should be the referee.

Don't worry, I am the fairest person, how about? "

"Can I say no?" Xuan Ming replied with a little headache.

"No," Feilin patted him on the shoulder, then looked at Tiansheng Academy.

Asked: "What do you think?"

"You and our dean will be the referee together," a student at Tiansheng College suggested.

"Yes," Feilin said with a smile.

"Then go to the battlefield and I will call more people to cheer you on.

This newcomer challenged his senior, which was much more interesting. "

Seeing Feilin's distant figure, Xuanming shrugged, looked at the crowd provocatively, and said, "What else are you looking at, let's go."

Jiang Mozi sighed, came to Xu Zimo, and said in a low voice: "These students are not sensible. If there is something really wrong, please take care of it."

"You, you've been kneeling for too long, kneeling when you should kneel, and kneeling when you shouldn't."

Xu Zimo said, "But they stand too straight.

Stand when you should, and stand when you shouldn’t. "

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Jiang Mozi remained silent.

Sometimes the strength is poor and under the control of others, it is really helpless.

Life is really more important than dignity. As the saying goes, if you stay in the green hills, you are not afraid of not having firewood.

It's a pity that the dean myself didn't teach them well.

Everyone came to the point of battle.

This so-called point battle platform is a low and hollow valley.

Underneath is a flat ground, paved with black mine guide stones.

At the top of the head, there is a green dragon knife floating down.

The body of the Qinglong knife is like a stone sculpture, and its tail is wrapped around a long green dragon.

This is not a stone sculpture, but a real blue dragon.

Someone killed the Qinglong, then sealed it with its complete body, and then smelted it with this knife.

This level is not something that can be done simply.

And looking at the appearance of this battlefield, I am afraid it is already very old.

In addition to the blue dragon knife on the head, there are also many statues around.

One by one is like the King of Immovable Ming, like an angry King Kong, fierce and evil, very crippled.

"Why these Buddhas hate so much," a student in Tiansheng College whispered.

"Treat bad people, Buddha is fierce and evil, otherwise he can't control it.

Kind eyebrows, that's for good people," Jiang Mozi explained.


I saw that Xuan Ming jumped off and jumped directly onto the battle platform.

Beside him, there is a big drum.

With red drums and red cloth standing in the wind, Xuan Ming held the drumsticks and knocked hard.

The sound of "bang-bang-bang" resounded all around.

Most of the disciples of the Nine Ghosts Academy were attracted.

"Who is it? Going to the battlefield again?"

"I heard Senior Feilin say that it seems that people from Tiansheng Academy are going to challenge our disciples in Nine Ghosts Academy."

"What is Tiansheng Academy?"

"Are we Nine Ghosts Academy? You don't know that."

"His grandmother, a member of the branch wants to ride on the head of our main courtyard, and take a look."

There was a lot of discussion in the surroundings, and they all gathered around.

Coupled with Feilin's propaganda, one pass ten, ten pass hundred, more and more people began to gather.

"You roll down and die," Xuan Ming shouted loudly just now, pointing to a dozen people in Tiansheng Academy.

"Let's go," Tiansheng Academy is also a group of young people, how can they be so provoked.

Moreover, they are not afraid of their large numbers.

More than a dozen people jumped off the stage one after another, all of them in awe.

"Oh, it's already started," Feilin laughed and walked swaggeringly from not far away.

"Fei is not talented, I only judged this match today.

On the battlefield, life and death will matter until one party is willing to give up.

Immediately after the victory, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also determined to die. "

The people around also gathered together, cheering on the top.

It's not too big to watch the excitement one by one.


"Allowing you to enter the Nine Ghosts Academy is an insult to the Academy," Xuan Ming said coldly.

Looking around at everyone, "Why not let me clean up your rubbish."

"Who do you say is rubbish," the students of Tiansheng College said angrily.

"I know it in my heart," Xuan Ming replied faintly.

"Teach him," everyone at Tiansheng Academy glanced at each other, and started to use their spiritual energy.

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