I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2053: Threat, break the city

Emperor Yushanhe is a veritable three-corpse powerhouse.

This is not only the Yuhuang, but the entire mermaid clan knows this.

Because Bloody Fish Bay has always wanted to swallow Emperor Yushanhe's territory, but unfortunately, due to the opponent's strength, he has never dared to do it.

You must know that Bloodfish Bay is a particularly large force, and the number of the entire mermaid clan is at least over ten million.

As for Emperor Yushanhe, there was only one person.

Don't look at him sitting on such a vast sea, but he lives alone in Yushan.

It was such a person that made the entire mermaid clan dare not do anything.

One person is not inferior to one race.

This is the deterrent power of the strong.

Three corpses are strong enough to deter a race.

The Human Sovereign is enough to make people fearful, and now there is another Yushanhe Emperor, which makes Yuhuang even more troubled.

And Xu Zimo.

Although the Yuhuang didn't know Xu Zimo, when the Renhuang introduced him, he referred to him as a fellow daoist.

Not everyone can use the word "dao friend".

Especially for the strong three corpses, only existences of the same level will be called friends.

This time, three three-corpse powerhouses came.

Not to mention Bloodfish Bay, no matter where it goes, it is a force that people dare not ignore.

Looking at the three of them, Yuhuang suppressed the shock in his heart.

He laughed and said, "I don't offend the Emperor, so I don't know where I offended the Emperor?"

He was a little soft-spoken in saying that.

Yuhuang knew the strength of Bloody Fish Bay, so it would be unwise to confront the three strong men with three corpses head-on.

"The Fish Emperor would like to talk to me?" the Human Emperor smiled.

"The Human Emperor has something to say directly, and we won't go around the bush," the Fish Emperor nodded.

"I am here today to represent not only Human Emperor's Palace, but more importantly Immortal Island.

Although I created the Human Emperor's Palace, I am essentially from the Immortal Island," said the Human Emperor.

"Our Immortal Island had a battle with the Death Swamp some time ago.

I think you should all be clear. "

"What does it have to do with my blood fish bay?" Yu Huang asked incomprehensibly.

"Could it be that the Human Sovereign wants our Bloodfish Bay to help you?"

"That's unnecessary, I just hope that when we fight the Death Swamp, Bloodfish Bay will not make trouble behind," Human Sovereign replied.

"This great war is about the end of the Immortal Island.

If anyone dares to make trouble, our Human Emperor's Palace and the Immortal Island will work together, even if everything is destroyed, others will have a hard time. "

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"What does Human Emperor mean by that?" Fish Emperor snorted coldly.

He said, "Are you threatening me?"

"The Yuhuang don't be too sensitive," Emperor Yushanhe said with a smile.

"We just came to discuss, but we can discuss peacefully.

Before the war, we do not want any factors of instability to exist. "

"We mermaids are too lazy to participate in the matter of the death swamp," the Fish Emperor said directly.

"Instead of threatening me, you should worry about your own safety.

The Death Swamp is not a good place. "

"Fish Emperor, you don't have to gloat," Human Emperor said directly. ....

"If Immortal Island is defeated, do you think that the Death Swamp will not expand outward?

If the tree old man is resurrected, it will be a devastating event for the entire Tribulation Immortal Realm. "

It was rare for the Yuhuang not to refute.

Because it is true.

According to the recorded description, when Old Man Shu was alive, let alone Bloody Fish Bay, even the Holy Court could do nothing to them.

In the end, it seemed that Heavenly Dao had killed the old man tree.

Otherwise, if the old man Shu is allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid that the Nine Regions will be a disaster.


The origin of the tree old man is too mysterious.

Xu Zimo knew that he was related to the three corpses who were in the murderous place back then.

The three corpses are divided into upper, middle and lower.

The upper body likes food, the middle body likes extravagance, and the lower body is lustful.

The records of the tree old man are too far away, and everything is unclear.

So Xu Zimo can only know if the two are the same person if he sees it with his own eyes.

Even if the tree old man had nothing to do with the corpse in the end, Xu Zimo recognized it.

As long as Lin Ruhu can be revived, no matter how high the price is, it doesn't matter.

Along the way, Xu Zimo left too many people around him.

He was always going alone.

Regardless of whether he cuts the sky or not, at least the people around him must be protected.


"Yuhuang, this is the end of our words. As for what you will choose, I hope you can do it yourself," the Emperor said loudly.

Yuhuang snorted coldly.

Although his attitude was extremely displeased, he still said, "I won't make trouble when you Immortal Island and Death Swamp fight.

This is my Fish Emperor's will, and I don't bother to lie to you. "

Although some strong men are despicable and shameless, there are also strong men who value reputation very much.

In other words, most strong people value fame.

As the ruler of Bloodfish Bay, Yuhuang must value this more.

If he said so, he really agreed.

"If we win this time around, we'll be grateful when it's done.

If you fail, you Bloodfish Bay has the ability to occupy our power. "

After the Human Sovereign finished speaking, he cupped his hands.

The three stepped into the air again.

Seeing the three of them like this, Yuhuang shook his head.

He sighed and said, "It's an eventful time, my mermaid clan doesn't seek development, but only a word of stability.

If it's safe and sound. "

Although, for the land of Human Emperor's Hall and Immortal Island, the Fish Emperor is too greedy.

But he knew that the mermaid clan's appetite was not big enough, and it was impossible for them to become fat in one sitting.

It's fine if it can be eaten away a little bit, but it's definitely not enough at one time.

And he didn't want the old man to be born.

Now the situation in Jiexian Domain tends to be stable. Before the Dark Lord wanted to divide the world into five parts, now the old tree is about to be born again.

The entire Tribulation Immortal Realm is almost in chaos.

I'm afraid that the holy court will not be able to sit still.

If things go on like this, even if the Mermaid Clan wants to develop peacefully, it will be impossible.

In this chaotic world, how can we stay out of it.


The three of Xu Zimo headed directly towards the ancient city of death.

Armageddon is approaching.

On this day, it began to rain.

The drizzle is continuous, and to the ancients, drizzle is as expensive as oil.

However, the ancient city of death is no longer as prosperous as before, but rather dead and silent.

Just like his name, there is so little death in the ancient city of death.

Half a month ago, the Nine Heavens Alliance issued a notice to everyone in the entire ancient city of death.

There will be a big battle with the dead swamp. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

If there are people who are afraid, leave as soon as possible.

Although Immortal Island is his own homeland, there is never a shortage of people who are afraid of death in this world.

As a result, one-third of them left the ancient city of death.

They don't want to be involved in the aftermath of this great war.

There are all kinds of reasons, and the Nine Heavens Alliance has no organization.

Today's ancient city of death is much more bleak.

When the three of Xu Zimo came through the air, the Nine Heavens Alliance got the news very early.

The leader of Nine Heavens immediately greeted him outside. .


】Ww, next time I update it, it will be convenient for you to continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!

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