I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2054: All powers come together, why fight

In the ancient city of death, almost all the strong men with names and surnames came.

The leader of Nine Heavens took the lead, and several other superpowers also gathered here a few days in advance.

Among these great powers, the more famous ones are Qianlong Palace, Starry Sky Valley, Purple Sun Gate, and Bishui Mansion.

There are many super powers, but the most powerful among them are the four powers.

In each faction, there is one or even several Sanhua powerhouses.

Xu Zimo also saw the Zhanwang family in it.

The Zhanwang Family was responsible for defending the Sea Beast Clan before, but now that the Sea Beast Clan is willing to cooperate, the Zhanwang Family also joined in immediately.

It has to be said that the King of War family is really thinking about the entire Immortal Island.

There are some powerful forces who want to protect themselves wisely at this moment.

But there were also people who fought **** battles.

In any case, this is commendable and affirmed.

Qianlongdian is the only monster clan force among them.

First of all, all creatures on Immortal Island have the blood of the tree old man.

Eighty percent of them are humans.

But there are also some monsters.

The Qianlong Temple is one of them, and it is also the most powerful monster clan force on Immortal Island, not one of them.

The master of Qianlong Temple is a real dragon.

One came from the Cangxuan Realm, a real monster clan.

And Starry Sky Valley and Ziyang Gate are also the top players in Immortal Island.

The two forces, one south and one north, are well-known in Immortal Island. Among the forces, there are only three or four powerful Sanhua.

But Bishui Mansion is somewhat special.

They are aquatic creatures.

A pure spirit of heaven and earth who lives on water.

It is said that these water elves spent a longer time on Immortal Island than other races including humans.

It's a pity that the blood of the tree old man still polluted them.

Xu Zimo and the others came out of nowhere.

The leader of the Nine Heavens Alliance was the first to shout: "Welcome to the three adults."

"Welcome to the three adults," at this moment, the entire ancient city of death seemed to be shouting.

The sound was deafening and went straight into the sky.

The entire ancient city of death is buzzing.

"Get up," Ren Huang raised his hand in a majestic and intimidating manner.

He didn't shy away from it, looked at the leader of the Nine Heavens Alliance, and asked directly: "Xuannv, how is the research on the blood sacrifice curse seal?"

The leader of the Nine Heavens League is called by outsiders, but her real name is just Xuannv.

Nine Heavens Xuannv can become the leader of the alliance, and there is naturally the support of the Emperor behind her.

As the strongest in the alliance, if he hadn't nodded, who would be qualified to be the leader of the alliance.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl quickly replied: "The Blood Sacrifice Seal has been successfully researched, and I will invite the Emperor to observe it later."

The Emperor nodded in satisfaction.

He exchanged glances with Xu Zimo and Emperor Yushanhe, and then overlooked the entire ancient city of death again.

He said loudly: "This time we fight against the swamp of death, we will never die or return.

I won't say more about the extra words.

Each of us fights for ourselves, for our family, and for the Isle of Immortality, our home. "

"Under the overturned nest, there are finished eggs.

Everyone understands this truth. Of course, if someone is timid and just wants to die, and doesn't even have the courage to take up arms to resist, I will not force it. "

"When a man is born in this world, if he can't eat five tripods, he should cook when he dies."


The word Ren Huang fell, and the word war spread across hundreds of kilometers.

Sonorous and powerful, full of fighting spirit.

Many people were so excited that they all shouted loudly.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Morale is very important, and it is reasonable for the Emperor to stand up in such a scene.

Xu Zimo saw someone he knew.

After the welcome ceremony, Xu Zimo met at a winery with Xu Mi, the ancestor of the Hidden God School, and the Sea King of the Sea Beast Clan.

Patriarch Xumi also invited the King of War from the King of War family.

Several people are old acquaintances.

Except for King Zhan, the other two are familiar with Xu Zimo.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, we meet again," Patriarch Xumi said with a smile.

"When I came to the ancient city of death, I was taken aback when I heard about your deeds.

I didn't expect that you even killed Luoshen, the number one master in the ancient city of death. "

"It's just enough to eat and drink," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

The manager of this winery is named Fenghuang.

Xu Zimo and Luoshen had a big battle at Zhaixing Restaurant before.

The behind-the-scenes person of the Zhaixing Restaurant is Fenghuang.

Speaking of this phoenix, it is also interesting.

She is the contemporary valley owner of Starry Sky Valley, but she doesn't like the elegant and peaceful life of Starry Sky Valley.

On the contrary, I like the bustling city outside, the bustling atmosphere full of flowers.

It just so happens that Starry Sky Valley is a member of the Nine Heavens Alliance.

She came to the ancient city of death and opened the Star Reaching Restaurant.

It is far away from the Starry Sky Valley.

At that time, the Zhaixing Restaurant was destroyed by the war, and Phoenix established another Zhaixing Winery in a short period of time.

Unlike restaurants, in this winery, only drinking, no meals.

According to what Fenghuang said, the battle is imminent, and the winery brews send-off wine for free, which is considered a heroic act by all.

Although this Phoenix is ​​a woman, she is quite heroic.

The heroic posture of women.

"Master Xu, what do you think of my winery?" Fenghuang asked meaningfully.

Xu Zimo smiled and said, "Are you blaming me for destroying your restaurant?"

"How come, the restaurant is nothing more than a thing outside of me," Fenghuang shook his head.

She was wearing a red robe that almost dragged the floor, and her long hair was also fluffed behind her.

Wearing a phoenix hairpin on her head, she painted a solemn appearance, just like a majestic queen in ancient times.

"I only love two things in my life, excitement and drinking."

"How would you rate my wine?"

Zhan Wang drank a small cup first, and said concisely, "The world is unique."

This King of War is a little old man, with a red face, straight eyes, and meticulous speech.

Xu Zimo took a sip.

I just feel that my whole body is extremely comfortable. After drinking this wine, it is not only a physical body, but also a kind of massage to the soul.

This is good wine.

From soul to body is the ultimate enjoyment.

"It's really good."

"It's not in vain to get Master Xu's praise, so I took out such a reserve of wine," Fenghuang laughed.

"It's good to be alive," Patriarch Xumi sighed with emotion.

"It's a pity for UU reading www.uukanshu.com to taste such fine wine, a pity!"

"Old ghost Xumi, what do you mean?

Are you not optimistic about our battle this time? "Zhan Wang frowned and said.

"I can't say whether you like it or not. The main force is not us. The three strong men haven't spoken yet, right?"

Patriarch Xumi looked at Xu Zimo and said with a smile.

"I'm just saying that even if we win this battle, it will be a miserable victory.

At that time, I don't know how many will come back alive.

I love this land so deeply that I am already ready to die. "

Hearing this, several people were a little silent.

"Master Xu, I really want to know, what are you fighting for?" Sea King asked.

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