I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2056: The Great War Begins, Faith Against

People from the ancient city of death began to gather.

In addition to a few superpowers, there are also countless casual cultivators.

In just one hour, everyone gathered.

There are probably tens of thousands of people.

This number is not too many, and it is definitely not too small.

Why do you say that.

Because although there are many monks on Immortal Island, most of them are just cannon fodder, and their strength is too weak.

Those with a little bit of strength are actually that part.

This time, the ancient city of death can gather so many people, which is considered very good.

Xu Zimo, Renhuang and Yushanhedi took the lead and were at the forefront.

Behind them are the three-flower powerhouses, such as Starry Sky Valley, Qianlong Temple, Ziyangmen, Bishuifu, including the leader of Nine Heavens, and other famous casual cultivators.

As long as it is a three-flower powerhouse, it is in the second-tier team.

At this time, Hao Ze has spread towards the ancient city of death, and is getting closer and closer.

Where the swamp passes, not a blade of grass grows.

And the whole world seems to be corroded.

Every time the swamp spreads, no one can really stop it.

Others are nothing more than mantises and carts.

The Emperor and the others looked at each other, and then said: "Use the spell of faith, gather the power of faith and turn it into a barrier, and then enter the depths of the swamp."

You must know that there are many dangers in the swamp. If there is no protection of the seal of faith, one third of these people will die after entering.

Human Sovereign can't take this risk.

Everyone agreed.

As the core of the blessing of the power of faith, the emperor should also initiate this spell.

I saw Human Sovereign slightly closed his eyes, as if sensing something.

Both hands start to seal and move out at the same time.

He even muttered words in his mouth, with a pious expression, but the voice in his mouth was not loud.

More like mumbling.

But for some reason, these voices poured into everyone's ears very clearly.

Ordinary people can't understand the meaning of these voices, he is like chanting scriptures, and everyone only thinks it is magnificent and solemn.

But I can't understand the scriptures.

Behind the emperor, a wheel of faith appeared.

This wheel of faith is round, and it seems to be absorbing something and condensing something.

Xu Zimo stared at his surroundings.

All I could see was a faint golden light floating around.

These golden lights are very faint, even very small.

Ordinary people can't even see it, but when these little golden lights come together.

Just like dripping water wears away a rock, like gathering sand to form a tower.

Little by little it started to brighten up.

And the wheel of faith began to stare at the entity, and even slowly rotated.

The power of faith is like water flow, and the wheel of faith is like a small sapling.

It needs the nourishment of water to grow.

"The power of faith is already a lot, but it's not enough," Xu Zimo said, frowning.

Although there are only tens of thousands of people at the scene, the scale is still not enough.

"Don't worry, a few days ago, I spread the seal of faith throughout the Immortal Island.

If necessary, the natives of the entire Immortal Isle can provide us with faith," explained the leader of Nine Heavens.

Some people are too timid to fight.

But it can provide the power of faith. ....

As others have said, everything in this world has its uses, even a piece of toilet paper.

Xu Zimo began to look further afield.

Sure enough, when the Human Sovereign operated the Seal of Faith, it seemed that all the natives of Immortal Island had been summoned.

At the beginning, countless dense light spots of faith came together.

At this moment, the Human Sovereign seemed to be wrapped in golden light, shining brightly like a round of sun.

Eyes that make people unable to keep their eyes open.

Behind Renhuang, the wheel of faith has reached its limit.

There is another phantom of a human emperor condensed from behind, this phantom is very tall, just like Xu Zimo opened up the sky and the earth.

The phantom is condensed from thousands of beliefs. Its whole body is illuminated by golden light, and wherever the golden light passes, everyone is enveloped in it.

"Let's go," Human Emperor said calmly.

He took the lead and took the initiative to step towards the death swamp, and the tens of thousands of people behind him followed behind him at the same time.

The Body of Faith is their last resort against the Curse of the Swamp.

Tens of thousands of people left the ancient city of death, walked less than two kilometers all the way, and were already far away from the spreading swamp, less than a hundred meters away.

Many people are a little nervous.

This is success or failure.

"Kill," at this moment, everyone took out their weapons, and under the protection of the Human Emperor's body of faith, they went to the depths of the swamp to kill.

In the depths of the swamp, there are also many swamp creatures ready to go.

As if they saw food, they were all in disarray.

Finally, there was an earth-shattering sound of "Boom".

The swamp and the power of faith finally collided.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The power of the curse carried in the swamp seemed to be crazy, trying to eat away at the power of faith.

The two are like fire and water.

Everyone was a little nervous, but as the continuous power of faith condensed, everyone found that the power of the curse could not help them.

"Success," the leader of the Nine Heavens exclaimed happily.

They worked hard for so long and finally succeeded.

"Kill," at this moment, without the annoyance of the power of the curse, everyone began to kill the swamp creatures happily.

Although the power of faith blocks the power of the curse, the creatures in the death swamp are still a big threat.

The melee soon began.

But these swamp creatures are not strong, and they don't need Xu Zimo and others to do it.

Xu Zimo and the others went straight to the depths of the swamp.

On the periphery of these swamps, there are indigenous peoples.

Xu Zimo didn't know what the life of the natives would be like when the swamp spread.

But Xu Zimo had promised Song Yuanshan that he would protect Zhuiri Village.

In this disaster, for the natives, not only the swamp creatures, but also the human race outside.

The human race will also do things to the natives.

They are caught in it, and they are not human inside and out.

Xu Zimo told Ren Huang and others about Zhuiri Village, and there is no need to do anything to Zhuiri Village.

Walking forward, Xu Zimo finally saw the Sun Chasing Village.

In fact, there are many indigenous villages on the outskirts of this death swamp, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Zhui Sun Village is just one of them.

But Xu Zimo didn't care about other indigenous villages.

When he arrived at Chasing Sun Village, he found that there was no swamp in the place where these indigenous people lived.

This is very strange.

It seems that the death swamp is controlled by humans, and some places are deliberately not eroded.

Song Yuanshan led the aborigines of a village to welcome Xu Zimo at the door.

"My lord," seeing Xu Zimo's arrival, Song Yuanshan quickly knelt down to greet him.

"You find a place to hide, this incident has nothing to do with your pursuit of Ricun," Xu Zimo said.

"Sir, do you need me to guide you?" Song Yuanshan asked attentively.

"No need, no one can say for sure what's going on inside, I promise to keep you safe," Xu Zimo shook his head.


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