I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2057: Pass 5 levels, various disasters

If Song Yuanshan also went in, Xu Zimo didn't know what was going on inside, so naturally he didn't dare to make any guarantees.

"The Sun Chasing Village will be closed from now on. Regardless of whether you win or lose this battle, it has nothing to do with you," Xu Zimo said.

"Even if we win the battle, your body has already been corroded by the power of the curse, and you can't change it back."

"I know, I know," Song Yuanshan said quickly.

"Our generation has been like this.

I mean, if our next generation has newborn children, like Muyang, I hope to give them a new life. "

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

As the head of Sun Chasing Village, Song Yuanshan is undoubtedly qualified.

He didn't care about his own future at all, but worried about the future of Chasing Sun Village.

"From Chasing Sun Village to the inside, you have to pass five levels before you can enter the core of the Death Swamp," Nine Heavens Alliance Leader explained from the side.

"The so-called five tests are also called five difficulties.

It is the only way to go to the death swamp. "

"These five levels are full of disasters. It may not be a big deal to us, but it is a disaster for other monks."

The leader of Nine Heavens continued: "Back then, the God Emperor led his followers to the depths of the Death Swamp.

After passing five levels, at least half of his followers died. "

Xu Zimo frowned and nodded.

Indeed, the so-called five levels, the three corpses and even the three flower powerhouses don't matter.

But what about the weaker others.

That was a catastrophe.

"Use the power of faith as a curse seal, let the strong people be on the periphery, and surround the weaker ones in the middle."

The Emperor suggested.

"If there are still heavy casualties, there is nothing we can do.

People who come here have already disregarded life and death.

This is also impossible.

There is no victory without bloodshed. "

The Human Sovereign said so, so Xu Zimo naturally didn't care.

Anyway, Immortal Island has nothing to do with him.

At this time, everyone and the swamp creature had already decided the outcome.

These swamp creatures are all peripheral, and their strength is not strong, so the large army did not suffer much damage.

The Human Sovereign continued to protect everyone with the power of faith, thus advancing over the mountains ahead.

This mountain range is like a boundary across.

To the north of the mountains is the land of five passes, while to the south is just the periphery of the swamp.

Xu Zimo had found the incomplete sword of the God Emperor's Saber on the mountain range before.

He brought Renhuang and the others to the place of Broken Sword.

Seeing the mountain peak that was divided into two on the Land of Broken Sword, Human Emperor immediately said: "That's right, this is the sword intent of the God Emperor."

"I can't be wrong, but it shouldn't be!"

"At the beginning, the God Emperor disappeared after passing five levels and entering the core depths of the death swamp.

How could there be a broken sword on this mountain. "

"Something must have happened that we don't know about," Emperor Yushanhe replied.

"I even suspect that the God Emperor is not dead yet!"

Several people speculated about Fengyun, but there was no substantive evidence.

Finally, go forward and come to the first level of the five levels.

The first level is called severe drought.

The earth here is cracked, as if there is not a drop of water in the whole world.

This is an absolute zero-degree water source.

It's as if the rule of water is missing from the rules of this world.

And it's not just that, when Xu Zimo and the others stepped into the first level.

It was discovered that there was a mysterious force that was forcibly depriving several people of the water in their bodies.

Whether it is blood or the water in the skin, many organs in the human body operate because of water flow.

Some people couldn't resist, their bodies lost all the water, and they turned into mummies directly.

"I'll come," Emperor Yushanhe snorted coldly.

"Borrow the water from the Nine Heavens River, let it fall!"

With a big wave of his hand, the sea thousands of miles away was turbulent, as if endless seawater had been absorbed here.

Powerful currents rise from the sky and fall from the sky.

Emperor Yushanhe directly broke the rules of this world with his great supernatural powers, and forced the water of the sea under his control to fall here.

With the watering of the sea, the first severe drought will be broken without attacking.

The second of the five levels is serious illness!

Entering this level, everyone will be born with disease.

After Xu Zimo entered, he could feel a very evil rule eroding himself.

That's not a curse, more like a mutated rule.

It's just that his own strength is too strong, and these rules are useless to him.

But in the large army, some fell one after another.

Xu Zimo didn't want to waste time here either.

He raised his hands, and directly transformed into a tree of life.

In fact, the tree of life has been of great help to him along the way, especially with the help of the wood **** Jumang.

But now that Xu Zimo has arrived at the Three Corpses, the tree of life is becoming less and less useful.

The transformed tree of life is directly rooted here, and all serious diseases are dispelled.

Under the strong power of life, everyone was in danger again.

The third pass of the five passes is called the three passes.

These are all recorded in the intelligence of the Nine Heavens Alliance.

The so-called three routes are divided into heaven, earth and water.

The sky drives away thunder and lightning, the ground carries sand and rocks, and the water carries waves.

In the world of this third level, there are lightning and thunder, flying sand and rocks, gathering storms, and roaring floods, drowning everything.

Everyone looked at each other, and at this time Neptune stood up.

He replied: "Let me do this level."

Neptune didn't originally appear as a sea beast, he was about the size of a normal human.

But now after Neptune stood up, with the roar, his stature also greatly increased.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The sea king roared, and saw that he was different from other sea beasts.

Because there is a mouth on his belly.

The mouth of Neptune's stomach is swallowing the sky and the earth in an instant.

The powerful and incomparable devouring power emanated from the mouth of the stomach, swallowing all the thunders, storms, and floods in the world.

That stomach is like a bottomless pit, there will never be a bottom line.

After passing the third level, everyone came to the fourth level.

The third level is the difficulty of hunger.

Hunger is difficult to be the root of sin, above the five realms, below the five sufferings, the difficult ones, the secluded ones!

Just like the name of Hunger Difficulty, people who enter here will be so hungry that they will eat themselves.

When a person is extremely hungry, UU reading www.uukanshu. com he will lose his mind and eat anything.

After Xu Zimo and the others came here.

Even in Xu Zimo's state, he felt a little hungry.

Not to mention the others.

All the people here began to kill each other, and even the phenomenon of cannibalism appeared.

If this goes on like this, there is no need for others to do anything, and everyone here will almost kill each other.

The Emperor couldn't stand it any longer.

The scene at the scene was too tragic.

When he clenched his hands, it seemed as if time and space were being held in the palm of his hand.

The time and space of this piece of heaven and earth are imprisoned.

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