I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2069: The powerful power of the avenue, the acme of faith

The so-called enlightened person means that every move has a longboard with the power of the Great Dao.

In a way, Dao is one of the most powerful forces in this world.

The power of the Dao is beyond the control of ordinary people.

Only the way of heaven can use it 100%.

But apart from the Dao of Heaven, those who realize the Dao can also use it a little bit.

Don't underestimate these, as far as the rules are concerned, they are crushing.

At this moment, the big palm of the tree old man fell.

The whole world seemed to be frozen, and with the strength of Xu Zimo and Yu Shanhedi, the three corpses, they couldn't break free.

"This is the power of the great way," Emperor Yu Shanhe was a little desperate.

The big palm directly slapped Emperor Yushanhe away, and he didn't care about Emperor Yushanhe.

Because for Old Man Shu, Xu Zimo is the biggest enemy and an unstable factor.

If it wasn't for Xu Zimo, he wouldn't even need to become like this, and he wouldn't need to awaken his blood in advance.

With the strength of the Immortal Island people, the plan should have gone smoothly.

But the appearance of Xu Zimo changed everything.

He was forced to awaken his bloodline, and became what he is now, a ghost and a ghost.

The future has been destroyed.

After Emperor Yushanhe was sent flying, the big palm of the tree old man was like a mountain peak.

Suppressed directly from above, as if to crush Xu Zimo into powder.

Xu Zimo raised his saber to resist, but the power was like a torrent descending from the sky, and it was out of control.

It seems that this power cannot be resisted by human beings.

In the end, there was a "boom".

The powerful force destroys everything, directly suppresses Xu Zimo.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The sky and the earth were suddenly filled with dust. The entire mountain was originally divided into two halves by Xu Zimo, but now it was razed to the ground by a palm.

"Die, die," the tree old man seemed to be still angry after being crushed, and the strength in his palm continued to increase.

His face was ferocious, and the fat on his body seemed to contain infinite power.

Renhuang led the remaining part of the people beside him, their faces were horrified.

"Friend Daoist Xu won't already..." Human Sovereign muttered to himself, his face pale.

"With such strength, it's not shameful to lose," the leader of the Nine Heavens replied.

"We can't sit still and wait for death. Even if we die, we must die in battle instead of waiting to die."

The few remaining people nodded to each other.

When he resisted the awakening of the bloodline just now, he was already seriously injured.

Now, with the remaining strength, he rushed towards the old man tree again.

Seeing this group of people, the tree old man snorted coldly.


"You should have all become the blood food of my awakened blood, but I awakened early and couldn't absorb so much blood food, so I let you go.

I don't know how to be grateful, and even try to fight against me. "

"In that case, let's all die."

The tree old man stepped down directly.

On his foot, the power of the Great Dao is also lingering.

Powerful power is like a cannonball, and there are mortals underneath.

This is a confrontation of forces at different latitudes.

In the eyes of others, there is no winner or loser, because there is no doubt that they will lose.

There was a "boom".

With this kick, everyone fell down again.

Dead dead, disabled disabled.

There is no longer even the strength to resist.

The tree old man looked up at the sky and laughed wantonly.

This feeling of being almost invincible and free was something he hadn't felt for many years.

Suddenly, the tree old man seemed to sense something again.

Look down.

He crushed Xu Zimo to the ground with one palm before, but there was a faint golden light emitting from the ground.

At first the golden light was weak.

But as time went by, the golden light became stronger and stronger.

Until the end, golden light burst out from the ground.

A powerful force soared into the sky, broke through the clouds, and turned into a golden beam of light with an absolute gesture.

"This is..." The old tree narrowed his eyes slightly, and the fat on his body trembled differently.

"The power of faith, how can there still be the power of faith, obviously everyone was killed by me."

In an instant, the power of faith broke through the blockade of the power of the avenue, and the powerful force stirred up the sky.

Xu Zimo stepped up from the ground from the ground.

At this moment, golden light bloomed all over Xu Zimo's body, and golden lotus flowers bloomed all around.

That is the lotus of faith.

The wheel of faith behind him keeps spinning.

Sitting cross-legged in the real body of Faith, a particularly large lotus of Faith blooms and opens beneath him.

It looks solemn and solemn.

It is different from the power of faith of the emperor.

Because the number of people on Immortal Island is too small, Human Sovereign's power of faith can only be used for self-defense.

But Xu Zimo's power of faith is truly attackable.

It is unknown how much his combat strength has been enhanced by the blessing.

Although Xu Zimo has not yet controlled the power of the Dao.

But it doesn't matter.

In a sense, as long as there is enough power of faith, it can bridge the gap with the power of the Dao.

In fact, what Xu Zimo lacks the most is the number of people.

With the mainland of China as the base camp, the number of people is definitely enough.

Seeing Xu Zimo rising from the sky like a **** of war, the aura around him became even stronger.

The tree old man wondered: "How can you have the power of faith?"

"This is not something you should worry about, I think... the farce should be over," Xu Zimo said lightly.

He raised his head, and the Ba Ying in his hand could not see clearly at this moment, because the power of faith on the Ba Ying was strong enough to resist everything.

"Boom, boom!"

Xu Zimo swung his saber upwards, and the powerful force and vast saber aura fell on the old man Shu.


The old tree counterattacked again, and the power of the avenue rose majesticly in his hands.

But this time, when the knife energy fell.

The power of the avenue was directly destroyed and defeated, and one of the old man's arms was cut off.

"How come, how come, the power of the avenue is invincible," the tree old man shouted in disbelief.

"The sky-slayers of the past dynasties have not been able to defeat the way of heaven, and it is impossible to lose."

"The sky-slayers of all ages are facing the way of heaven, and what do you care about," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"Just a poor wretch.

People who are about to die should have died a long time ago, why bother to be nostalgic for the new era, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is a thief who is old and not dead, do you understand! "

"What new age, old age, my existence represents everything," the tree old man seemed a little crazy.

At this moment, the infinite avenue power around him once again condensed.

Because the power of the powerful Dao is too strong, at this moment, the Dao began to cry.

Visions appeared in the sky and the earth, as if black dragons and phoenixes were fighting in the world, and black tides were rioting on the ground.

Look carefully, these are not real, but illusions caused by the Dao.

"Big torrent, kill!"

The old tree shouted loudly, and the ultimate power of the avenue turned into a torrent, and the torrent annihilated everything.

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