I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Lin Ruhu wakes up

The torrent annihilated everything, and the avenue seemed to be revealed in the torrent, as if the bell of the avenue was condensing.

The bell rang for a long time, the world was sealed, and there was solitude.

Xu Zimo seemed not to be afraid, he raised the Ba Ying, and the power of faith in his whole body was concentrated on the blade.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Ba Ying's powerful force tears everything apart.

Before the knife was cut, the surrounding void had been completely wiped out.

The strength of the blade also reached its limit.

Xu Zimo himself felt that it was a bit difficult, because this knife was his best knife.

He concentrated all the power of faith on this knife.

The powerful sword qi roared.

The blade seems to be able to destroy everything, like people blocking and killing people, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

Xu Zimo held the blade with both hands at the same time.

At this moment, his black hair was fluttering, and the torrent rushed to his eyes, as if it could swallow him up.

But Xu Zimo swung the saber with both hands at the same time, turned his waist 180 degrees, and the blade twisted the void.

When all this powerful force was condensed on the blade, Xu Zimo felt extraordinarily strenuous every time he swung the blade.

His movements are very slow.

But when the saber qi slashed past, the power was astonishing.

Finally, the knife collided with the torrent of the avenue under the circumstances of all eyes.

There was a "boom".

This explosion was enough to shake the world and make ghosts cry.

The eardrums of the surrounding people will be shocked.

It was like a mushroom cloud rising from the void like a nuclear explosion, and everything was vaporized.

Even after the explosion, Xu Zimo's power of faith was still colliding with the torrent of the Dao.

It's not an explosion.

Instead, one after another, continuous big explosions sounded.

The figures of Xu Zimo and Old Man Shu were completely submerged in the flames of the explosion.


The old man tree roared, mobilizing all the power of the avenue that he could mobilize, trying to overwhelm Xu Zimo.


And Xu Zimo is holding Baying, with a ferocious face, and he is also gathering all his strength to kill the old man tree.

The two were deadlocked like this.

With the explosion, the powerful force intensified.

There doesn't seem to be a possibility of stopping.

Wave after wave, the constant explosions shook the sky.

"I will not be defeated, I will not be defeated, no one can kill me except Heaven," the tree old man roared.

This is his dignity.

Since he became the tree old man, he has a sense of identity with this identity.

Aside from the confusion when he lowered the corpse, even the holy court couldn't do anything to him.

Xu Zimo laughed.

"Joke, you are afraid of heaven, but you are not even slaying heaven.

The holy court can't do anything to you, it's just that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.

And I heard that since the female emperor felled the sky, it has been a long time since the sky-slayer appeared.

People like you are never qualified to cut down the sky. "


At this moment, Xu Zimo spit out a breath of pride, as if he could cut half of the world.

The strength of his hands is even stronger.

"Boom, boom!"

Finally, after a long stalemate between the two, their strength reached a limit.

With the sound of "rumbling" explosions in the sky, the figures of the two passed by each other.

In the end, Xu Zimo was slightly better.

Ba Ying directly cut off the torrent, winning by a very slight strength.

Immediately, Ba Ying's knife landed on the stomach of Old Man Shu.

At this moment, the tree old man was covered with fat, and he looked like a giant monster.

After Ba Ying fell, his flesh and blood burst open immediately.

The tree old man wailed, and his figure flew upside down.

Xu Zimo stood on the sky, panting and exhausted.

He leaned on Ba Ying, stood on the sky, looked majestically at the tree old man on the ground.

"I still won, you should wake up!"

"If it wasn't for...if I hadn't awakened my bloodline in advance, how could I have lost to you with my strength in my heyday," said Old Man Shu still a little unwillingly.

"Are you only living in the memory of past glory?" Xu Zimo asked back.

"Then you might as well die in the glory of the past. In this new era, you have to look up and look forward, but you are going backwards."

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled," the tree old man shouted.

Xu Zimo's body was full of majestic demonic energy, and the vast sea of ​​demons reflected his body. He descended from the sky and said lightly, "You are not wronged if you die in my hands."

"Since it has been defeated, you have the final say on life or death," the tree old man said lightly.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

At this time, the tree old man seemed to have accepted his fate and stopped arguing.

Anyway, his life doesn't matter at this moment.

Xu Zimo just smiled and shook his head, "Why would I kill you, you and I have no deep hatred.

I just want you to go back to your destiny! "

"Fate, what is my fate?" The tree old man asked back.

"Three corpses in one," Xu Zimo replied lightly.

Under the horrified gaze of Old Man Shu, Xu Zimo brought out the unconscious Lin Ruhu.

Lin Ruhu had been stored in the Shenzhou Continent before.

Because of the coma, the three corpses have not been united, and his condition is getting worse day by day.

If a few more years pass, the three corpses will merge into one, and they will definitely die.

But fortunately Xu Zimo caught up.

When he first met Lin Ruhu, Old Man Shu didn't pay attention.

But it wasn't until he felt Lin Ruhu's aura that his face changed drastically.

He was stunned for a long time, and after recovering, he let out a wry smile.

"Middle Corpse, Upper Corpse, it turns out that everything was arranged in the dark."

"You are wrong, you left the land of the three corpses, and dominated the Immortal Realm as an old tree.

In fact, you have changed your destiny.

It's a pity, but my brother needs you to wake up, I can only say that you met me unfortunately," Xu Zimo replied.

"Let's combine the three corpses into one, this is also the injustice of those old people."

"Aren't you afraid that after the three corpses are merged into one, the one who wakes up is not your friend, but someone else?" The tree old man asked back.

"You mean the ruler of the ancient times?" Xu Zimo laughed.

"Impossible, although the three corpses are a whole, they are also one.

If the ancient master could be resurrected, he would have been resurrected long ago. Why wait for those old people who have worked hard for countless years without success. "

"That's true," the tree old man looked at Lin Ruhu and said enviously.

"It's cheaper for him, the three corpses merge into one, and he will have the posture of dominance."

"How can my brother be mediocre," Xu Zimo laughed.

"You do what you want, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is the last dignity I leave to you."

The old tree sighed.

Shaking his head again, "What a pity, what a pity!

For the first time in her life, she still ended up like this.

The ten-thousand-year plan has failed, and it has been nothing! "

As soon as the words fell, a golden light shot out from the old tree's body.

The light seemed to illuminate everything.

The old tree's body was like a snake shedding its skin, and all the fat and flesh on his body fell off.

Only one divine soul belonging to the corpse merged into Lin Ruhu's body.

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