I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2106: 1 volume of Luoshu Tiandi Ying, 0 nothing and 1 use is a scholar

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The gathering of the eight major forces is a rare prosperity in the Eastern Continent.

In the past, the eight major forces also fought openly and secretly, but now under Shixian's order, no one dares to be sloppy.

On the side of Nightmare Abyss, demons appeared, and all three nightmares appeared in Nightmare Abyss.

They represent the three most extreme races among demons, namely the Insect Demon King, Hell Demon King, and Fire Demon King.

The Insect Demon King is an insect-shaped demon. It has countless legs and feet like a centipede, especially the two tentacles on the top of its head, and it can also spit out extremely hard white silk.

And the fire demon king is like a fire monster, his whole body is burning with lava and fireworks, he stands there, and the flames spew out between his breaths.

As for the subsequent Hell Demon King, he is the most human-like demon in appearance.

He is a big man with a height of three meters, and his whole body is bound by prison chains. These prison chains are not just tied to his body.

Instead, it plunged directly into his flesh.

It grew together with his flesh, leaving blood-red flesh marks on his body.

Hearing the Prison Demon King standing in the sky, looking down at Zhenwu Shengzong, his voice was like thunder.

He said sharply: "The eight kings we waited for were ordered by the living immortals to come and destroy the Zhenwu Sacred Sect.

Where is the suzerain of Shengzong? Come out to speak. "

Below, Zhenwu Shengzong's formation began to become transparent, revealing the scene inside.

The suzerain of Zhenwu Shengzong, Chu Yishan, stands on the Everlasting Peak, surrounded by deputy suzerains and seven core elders.

Further down, there are the elders of the inner and outer sects.

The white mist dissipated in the void, dragons and tigers roared, and there were thousands of purples and reds.

The peak towers into the clouds and smoke, the sword screams to split the sky three times, a strand of blue silk darkens all things, and the eternal peak on Zhenwu Mountain.

"The Prison Demon King came from afar and threatened to destroy my True Martial Sacred Sect.

I remember that we have no conflicts with your Nightmare Abyss, so why be aggressive. "

Chu Yishan is dressed in a white robe, just like the day when the sun ends behind the mountain and the Yellow River flows into the sea.

The voice replied majesticly.

"Sect Master Chu's words are wrong. It doesn't matter whether there is any hatred or not. We came here according to the will of the living immortal."

The Fire Demon King laughed from the side.

"The world is full of prosperity, all for Lilai.

All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit.

Doesn't Sect Master Chu understand this truth? "

"Since you have already reached a consensus, why bother talking nonsense.

My Holy Sect has stood for tens of thousands of years and inherited the era of the Five Emperors, how can I be afraid of you," Chu Yishan said forcefully.

"Sect Master Chu misunderstood, I just want to have a conversation with other people from Zhenwu Shengzong."

The Prison Demon King laughed.

"This time we came here, only to punish the senior officials of Zhenwu Shengzong.

Those low-level disciples, Zhenwu Shengzong didn't help you much anyway, so why bother to work hard?

If you don't resist in the later battle, you don't have to kill them. "

Hearing this, Sect Master Chu looked embarrassed.

This is offensive.

People's hearts are unpredictable. If you know there is a way to survive, I'm afraid some people will inevitably give up.

Sect Master Chu snorted coldly, and said, "My Zhenwu Sacred Sect only has disciples who died in battle, and no one knelt down to survive."

"It's useless, in my opinion, directly break through their mutual sect formation," the Thunder King of Tianlei Tomb was a little impatient at this time.

"Perhaps the Living Immortal is watching us somewhere.

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