I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2107: Willow 3 swords, 3 swords cut 3 emperors

The owner of the Luoshu family is Wang Shusheng, a very common name.

His surname is not Luo, and the Luoshu family is currently divided into two factions, one with the Luo surname as the main one.

They believed in Luoshu and enshrined Luoshu as a god, hoping to get Luoshu's approval.

After all, in the Luoshu family, only those who are recognized by Luoshu can become the head of the family and hold great power, and the road to immortality in the future is also limitless.

So this group of people even changed their surnames.

But in addition to these people, there are still some people in Luo Shu's house.

Their surname is Wang, or this family was originally surnamed Wang, but someone changed their surname to Luo because of Luo Shu.

Different from those with the surname Luo, people with the surname Wang think that Luoshu is just an artifact, which needs to be controlled by humans.

This kind of control is accomplished through strong strength, not by worship and belief.

The artifact has a spirit, if its master is powerful, are other things important?

If that person is mediocre and mediocre, no matter how much he believes in Luoshu, will the artifact recognize that person as the master?

Therefore, for people surnamed Wang, strength is always the foundation of everything.

And Wang Shusheng is the most talented and powerful person among this generation of people surnamed Wang.

Luoshu was in the Wang family, and no one recognized the master in three entire eras, and could meet Luoshu's conditions.

And this generation of Wang Shusheng was recognized by Luoshu when he was a teenager. If it weren't for the living immortal being too strong, he would be suffocating.

I'm afraid that no matter what, the Luo Shu family will let Wang Shusheng fight for the fate of this life.

Destiny is like a grand journey, you and I are the scenery on the road, who would not want to travel across the world.

Wang Shusheng made a move, and with a big wave of his hand, his fingertips were like a pen, and a majestic and lingering poem had already been written.

As the saying goes, the bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, among the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Another example is that all Huai Yi is prosperous and thinking about flying, and wants to go to the blue sky to see the bright moon.

The verses take shape, the bright moon is in the sky, the sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and the sky is different for each person.

"Fall," Wang Shusheng said lightly.

The huge bright moon fell like this, and the sea of ​​clouds was like a big hand in the void, with the help of it, it slammed down towards the formation.

At this time, an old sigh came from Zhenwu Shengzong.

"Scholar Wang, how about this old man fighting with you?"

I saw a huge hand stretched out from the Zhenwu Sect, gathering the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, covering the sky and the sun.

The big hand held Mingyue abruptly, preventing it from falling down.

As far as the guardian array is concerned, it can no longer withstand more attacks.

The formation protects not only the people of the sect, but also the soul of the holy sect.

The formation is broken, and the holy sect dies.

If you can't even defend your own sect's protective formation, then this sect has fallen to the extreme.

When the big hand held Mingyue, I saw a figure stepping out from the Zhenwu Sacred Sect.

Pass directly through the protective array, stand in the outer sky, and face the Eight Kings far away.

Around the figure, green energy is surging, like a dream, like a dream, like a human being, like a god.

After Qingying stood still, everyone could see clearly that he was an old man, wearing a green robe, with an immortal demeanor.

A head of black hair looks like a teenager, with tight skin and clear eyes.

This person feels very contradictory, the old and the young are together, this is a contradictory individual.

"It's Patriarch Liu, Patriarch Liu Sanjian."

"The ancestor was born, we are saved, the ancestor Liu Sanjian is the strongest emperor of our Zhenwu Sacred Sect in modern times."

"The extreme state of the gods is the emperor, Liu Sanjian, three swords to kill the three emperors, and retired after the first battle in Tianwang Mountain."

I only heard Wang Shusheng say lightly.

"Some people say that you were seriously injured in that battle, and it was difficult to be born again.

It can only hide the figure and add more prestige.

Some people also say that you have gained something in the first battle and want to go further, but you don't know what is true and what is false. "

"Is it important to be true or false?" Liu Sanjian said slowly.

He carries three swords on his back.

Swords vary in length and size.

The temperament is like a fairy, and the tone is neither urgent nor slow.

"You have already come, that is not to die, this is the answer, it doesn't matter who goes to him."

"Wang Shusheng, how about life and death in the First World War?"

As Liu Sanjian spoke, he slowly pulled out the first sword behind his back, which was a thin sword.

The sword is more than two feet long, and the whole body is blue.

Wang Shusheng said with a smile: "I often heard that Liu Sanjian fights with others, and each person only uses three swords.

If you can't win the three swords, you will admit defeat, right? "

Liu Sanjian was very calm, and replied: "That's a battle with people, this time a life-and-death battle, whether he has three swords or thirty swords, it will not rest until death."

Wang Shusheng waved his hand, and saw a volume of Luo Shu falling from the sky.

If this Luoshu is spread out, thirty million mountains and rivers and nine thousand starry skies are contained in it, but if it is closed, it is no different from an ordinary scroll.

Wang Shusheng held Luoshu in his hands, as if picking up a world, and said with a smile: "I know that you, Liu Sanjian, are a generation of heroes.

It's a pity that the wrong things done by Zhenwu Shengzong have brought you into an unstoppable situation. "

"The old man has not asked about the internal affairs of the holy sect for many years, and the younger generation has its own way of backing up.

After all, it's just a death.

I know that I am stupid, not even one ten-thousandth of my ancestors, but I am willing to protect the sect with my life. "

With the long sword on top, Liu Sanjian swung the sword out, and the powerful force echoed continuously.

A sword that freezes the world, this is a sword of ice and snow.

It was the extreme cold, the extreme ice.

Wang Shusheng was not easy either, he made a random move, as if the flying snow in the sky began to gather towards him.

He is not afraid of the power of ice and snow.

As early as a long time ago, no one knew who made Luoshu.

However, when Luoshu was making it, all the famous mountains, great rivers, and starry sky and seas of the Yuanyang Continent were reflected in it.

Yuanyang has a snow-capped mountain named Flying Fox, which lives in the east.

This is Feihu Snow Mountain, the first snow mountain in Yuanyang Continent.

At this moment, in Luoshu, a miracle appeared, and the Feihu Snow Mountain was reflected in front of his eyes.

Come alive, as if it were real.

If this sword wanted to hurt Wang Shusheng, it had to shake the snow mountain first.

But for Liu Sanjian, how difficult is it to shake the mountain?

A sword is frozen, the ice is not only cold, but also has an amazing sword intent.

Even Xu Zimo, who was watching the battle, was a little interested. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Among the descendants of Zhenwu Shengzong, this Liu Sanjian is really good, because he has blazed a path that belongs to him.

His sword has a bright future.

How many people have learned the martial arts of their predecessors and picked up the wisdom of others.

Knowing that the martial arts of the predecessors can only be used as a reference, you can still learn in the early stage, but after you reach the peak.

You have to go your own way.

This Liu Sanjian can be cultivated, Xu Zimo thought to himself.

He was not in a hurry to show up, but actually wanted to see what the current Zhenwu Shengzong had become.

Is there any other material that can be made.

Because the future of Zhenwu Shengzong still depends on these people.

When the Sword of Ice and Snow collided with the Flying Fox Snow Mountain, the whole world trembled.

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