I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2122: The vastness of the avenue, find Dinghaizhu

Sometimes we often want time to stand still at a certain moment, and then feel the silence at this moment. According to

But no matter what, time will always pass.

At dawn, Xu Zimo opened his eyes from the Everlasting Peak. On this day, the entire Zhenwu Sacred Sect came to see him off.

The ancestors are leaving.

"Boss, take care!" Xiao Guizi came to see him off.

"Farewell," Xu Zimo smiled and waved his hands.

The next moment, he walked away with Lin Ruhu, and the world of Yuanyang Continent was in his hands, as fragile as paper.

When Xu Zimo waved his hand, thousands of saber qi lingered around his fist, and his fist shattered the void. According to

This punch devoured everything, smashing the entire sky into a deep black hole.

"Boom, boom, boom."

In fact, Wu Shengzong didn't have anything to say.


The trail is vast, boundless and endless. "

At that time, the strength will be able to take a step back.

The figures of the two came out of the white hole, and they hadn't appeared under Zhenqu Shimei yet. According to

Although you are afraid of death, you also want Xiaojia to go with you to die in vain," Zhen Xu Zimo said.

But the more you enlighten to the Tao, the deeper you find yourself trapped.

"There are enemies, and the conquerors of all ages will rule the world of the four regions, and there are no tigers standing in your way," Wu Shengzong said with a smile.

The people of Zhenwu Shengzong were a little sentimental.

Zhen Lin Ruhu smiled and said: "You know that, of course, there will be no battle after cutting down the sky."

But Wu Shengzong dared to stay in the universe for too long in the future, and the accident is controllable.

"Basically something has happened. You have reached a consensus with Yuanyang Xiaolu's Heavenly Dao, and it will protect the real forest like a tiger for a thousand years. According to

At that time, we will meet in the holy court and rule the sky together. "

Really Xu Zimo knew that I was coming, and the two of them would attack the world wall of the Four Regions at the agreed upon location at the same time, thus breaking through it and returning to the world of the Four Regions.

It can be seen that everyone cares about the real Lin Ruhu.

"You want to kill the sky, but you always feel that something is missing," Zhenqu Shimei replied.

Several people smiled and returned to the real forest like a tiger.

After a burst of space distortion, Wu Shengzong and Wu Dadi's eyes lit up.

In the past seven years, the grievances between me and the holy court, or the grievances left by the next generation of demon masters, have to be resolved once and for all. According to

"How is it handled?" Badao Xiaodi asked from the side.

This saber energy plowed up the void of the universe, and fell heavily under the world wall behind.

Xiaojia wanted to get out of the four domains, but was bound.

After all, the real Xu Zimo and I are, to a certain extent, the same people.

The Danhu that Xu Zimo brought before was not the young man of the Dan tribe, because his talent in alchemy was wrong, so he also joined the real Lin Ruhu.

"It's just that we are deeply aware of the gap between each other and feel anxious."

"I'm back," Zhen Xu Zimo waited inside with a group of ancestors. According to

After talking with the real Xu Zimo, the real Xu Zimo said that there are many novels.

"It's kind of like falling into it," Zhenqu Shimei said with a smile.

There is no victory or defeat, and there is no life or death.

What surprised Wu Shengzong was that the golden rag I got from this meteorite didn't respond before it retreated into the universe.


"This is a meeting in the Holy Court," Zhen Xu Zimo said with a smile.

Especially Enlightenment. According to

Go to Wang's house to get Dinghaizhu.

What he comprehended was the path of the Four Realms World, so he naturally felt that the path was vast and boundless.

I saw a white hole also appeared on the world wall of the four domains, and the depth could swallow everything.

Before retreating into the universe, Wu Shengzong crushed the token that the real Xu Zimo gave me.

One is to obtain the inheritance of the most ancient **** Di Jiang in the ancient **** space.

The sky cracked, as if the world was ending.

I put away the small formation that covered the sky, and the long-term cover was also broken. According to

"You have been doing martial arts recently, and Wanwan Xiaodao also wants to be close at hand.

And Shenzhou Xiaolu is a top secret, and Wu Shengzong is very easy to show others, unless the other party stays in Shenzhou Xiaolu, they will come out. "This is to slow down the sky first, and the million paths are in sight, so continue to cultivate thousands of paths," Wu Shengzong suggested.

"Boom, boom, boom."

"That battle may be too far away," Wu Shengzong said.

Wu Shengzong didn't stay in Ghost God Realm for too long, because before the matter of Zhenlin Ruhu is resolved, I will go back to Jiexian Realm's Human Emperor Realm.

Before retreating into the Eight Corpses Realm, Qu Shimei had been enlightening, but the slower it was, the harder it was to comprehend.

"He has retreated," Wu Shengzong said. According to

I've also been practicing hard recently, and the eighth painting of Bahua is slowly coming out.

As for thousands of years ago, children and grandchildren are free and children and grandchildren are blessed," Qu Shimei said with a smile.

After the management of Zhenwu Shengzong was cleaned up, some talented disciples were also selected and trained.

The figures of Xu Zimo and Lin Ruhu passed through the black hole and disappeared into the black hole.

"Besides training, you think you are missing one thing."

At this moment, the eight corpses of Wu Shengzong gathered together, and all the weak forces poured into Ba Ying.

……According to

Before retreating into the white cave, Wu Shengzong and Qu Shimei were more generous that time.

You must be in a hurry, whether it is arrogance or impatience.

Emperor Wu and I took the space-time shuttle, bid farewell to the people who were in the real forest like tigers, and then left the realm of ghosts and gods and went back to the realm of robbery.

Because he cuts the sky, to a certain extent, he is an enemy of Xiaodao.

Qu Shimei shouted heavily.

All the old forces, including Chu Yishan's, were also disbanded, especially Chu Yishan's son, who was imprisoned in the forbidden area, and wanted him to die of old age and never see the light of day again.

"Ten deaths lead to life?" Qu Shimei said with a smile. According to

The generosity of the ancestors is more powerful than before, and there is nothing to be afraid of with the ancestors. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Maybe the strength was enough before, and there was no chance to explore.

"You made a fortune for yourself, what is his guess?"

"You guessed it right, if you were to fight against the sky in that state, I'm afraid you would win.

Everyone knows that there was no ancestor who came to earth that time, but last time someone was able to help us.

Wu Shengzong asked when the real Xu Zimo was going to cut down the sky.

"The first line of the ancient god's inheritance is in the holy court, and there will be no battle between you and us. According to

I mean the Holy Court.

However, after Guan Wumian became the suzerain, yesterday he did not sleep without rest, and sent down all the elders in the sect who were rich in private pockets and incompetent.

Among them, what kind of help did Emperor Wu do?

Bad seems to be looking for some kind of calling and calling it.

At the same time, Xu Zimo's attack from the other end of the world wall also landed.

But if you dare to encounter a meteorite like the next time, it is purely bad luck.

Before obtaining the inheritance of the ancient **** Zhu Siyin, Wu Shengzong's last goal was the Holy Court. According to

"What?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Let's go," Wu Shengzong grabbed Emperor Wu, and the two returned to the world of the four regions.

That token is informational.

Guan Youmian hasn't done his best yet, as for the future, no one can say for sure.

Wu Shengzong is now running every day, and his strength has reached a certain level, and he is not blindly pursuing training.

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