I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2123: To break through the realm of enlightenment, the treasure land of Qilin

That's why the heaven-slayers of all dynasties will fail, including Emperor Zhenwu himself, who also feels that it is unusual. This is the biggest obstacle and problem. viper

How to become an enemy of Heaven after realizing the power of Heaven?

Xu Zimo's soul has entered the mainland of China, and the mainland of China has gradually grown up at this stage.

There are countless strong people in the world, and the strongest existence among them has already climbed the realm of Daoguo.

Sounds fast, but understand that this is one of the best in the world.

He is the best among hundreds of millions of people, which is enough to believe the fierce competition among them.

Moreover, science and technology have also spread out, and are currently divided into external technology and internal technology.

External technology is well-known fighter jets, aircraft carriers, and missiles. viper

These are all strengthened by external forces.

Among them, the one that directly affects the human body is the mecha, and the mecha has reached the peak in the mainland of China, and everyone is familiar with it.

The seventh is the Northwest Wang family. It is said that the Wang family does not have a set of formations, and can suppress even eight weaklings.

The significance of this place is very small, so the soldiers of the two small forces are always fighting here. It has a few small battles, but it is still divided, and they are all willing to go in. Back then, Xu Zimo could clearly feel that he had the same view of the world.

Continuing to travel, Xu Zimo has not arrived at the Tiandao of Shenzhou Xiaolu.

The sky and the earth are turned upside down, all laws are singing, and the sun and the moon are changing.

This place is the Holy Land of monsters, if it is obtained, all the monsters in the Human Emperor's Palace will willingly accept the summon. viper

The most subtle and detailed control of the trail is deeper.

Now there are not many wars in the mainland of China. Before the two behemoths of the human race and the monster race cease fighting, other races will also be peaceful.


The whole person seems to be bathed in the path, constantly transforming and growing.

But in the later period, two of those small forces suddenly rose up, almost sweeping away the current chaos in the Human Emperor's Domain.

And out of Shenzhou Xiaolu, the Four Domains World has something to do with me, and I have the law to use Xiaodao.

And the physique is also changing towards the level of enlightenment, the muscles, bones, skin and flesh in it are more and more suitable for the path, and the blood is flowing like a tide. viper

The soul seems to have degenerated to an extreme degree of sublimation, and it is no longer comparable to the world, and the soul also expands infinitely.

One of them is the Cai family in the Northeast. The ancestor of the Cai family was promoted to the eight corpses. In a short period of time, the power of the Cai family spread throughout the Human Emperor Palace.

That is an illusion, but I feel that I am in a mysterious realm.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Xu Zimo stretched out his hand and stroked it heavily, as if there were ripples under the fierce lake.

Until one day, when I opened my eyes, my energy and spirit became the same.

A ray of air that says it is clear, it is clear, it is words. viper

Kirin Treasure Land.

In addition to mechs, there is also research on human organisms. By studying the body structure of immortal cultivators, they want to fundamentally solve the problem of ordinary people's slow cultivation.

Xu Zimo also knew how long it had passed.

Now Emperor Zhenwu is a weakling at the level of a million paths.

It's bad like everything has changed, but it's also bad like everything has changed.

One method is all methods!

Two families are vying for a piece of treasure land. viper

In short, even if it is a qi, I am still a weak person who understands Dao, and I have also stepped into the peak level of the four domains world.

One hundred trails, one thousand trails, ten thousand trails, one hundred thousand trails or even millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions.

That change is divided into bad aspects.

There is still no one who can comprehend after hundreds of millions of Xiaodao.

Every drop of blood weighs no more than 10,000 catties, and it is a joke that a drop of blood can kill a person at will.

The Human Sovereign put all his focus on rebuilding the Immortal Dao, including the entire Human Sovereign Palace, which was severely damaged in the subsequent skirmish with Old Man Shu.

However, the development of the mecha will become more and more difficult in the future, and it will require countless people to concentrate and spend time on research. viper

Those all exist.

Xu Zimo could vaguely feel the passing of the trail.

There are countless industries covered by science and technology, but these are not achieved overnight, and require time, a lot of energy and financial resources to develop slowly.

When Xu Zimo arrived, it was the time of a small battle between the Wang family in the northwest and the Cai family in the northeast.

Xu Zimo's spirit continued to wander, observing the changes in the world.

I inhaled suddenly, only to see that the air flowed directly into Tong Chunguang's abdomen like a tornado.

Everything around has quieted down, and everything seems to be sped up, including the trail. viper

The Human Emperor's Hall, that is one of the weakest in the Immortal Tribulation Realm, the area ruled by the Human Emperor.

My eyes are like gods, no matter who I look at, there is no natural sense of oppression.

Dense mist surrounded the outside, there was no futon underneath, and Xu Zimo sat under the futon strangely.

The trail is by my side, I can control the trail at will, and I can also move the trail at will.

In short, everything is in order.

As for this holy ancestor who is not yet an immortal master, it is estimated that it is also a shortfall.

Even ordinary people can wear mechas, and they are comparable to those who cultivate immortals. viper

Before retreating into enlightenment, it is to comprehend the number of trails.

Whether it is true or not, no one knows.

Since then, it has continuously enlightened to the Tao for a long time, and it has always been the essential point.

And apart from the physical aspect, there is no retreat at the level of the soul.

So I have to get enlightened.

At the beginning of his enlightenment, Xu Zimo's spirit also returned to the world of the Four Realms.

From the heart, body, and soul, all aspects of transformation have been completed. viper

Huge waves come crashing down from the trail, the rolling river sets in the sun, and the waves wash away...

Today, after enlightening for a while, Xu Zimo suddenly didn't feel very weak.

For those who understand the weak, the entry is a qi.

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In the end, as the huge boiling waves descended rapidly, a wisp of Qi appeared in the void.

All kinds of new materials began to appear.

Immediately afterwards, "Boom, boom, boom" the simultaneous change of soul and body. viper

That is the pinnacle of the world.

The path is tangible, so it is difficult for you to comprehend it.

Afterwards, the Human Emperor went to fight the old man Shu, and the authority of the current Human Emperor Palace has not yet been left behind.

But Xu Zimo knew that if he used the power of the small way, he could only use it in the mainland of China.

But now, Xu Zimo feels more profoundly that the small way is invisible.

Dao Xin is more stable, which is the confidence brought by weak strength.

There was a "crash". viper

Today's Human Sovereign Domain is no longer a place ruled by the Human Sovereign.

[Xiaoxiang APP search "Spring gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Xu Zimo waved his hand, and the speed of the space-time shuttle on his body slowed down by twice.

What Xu Zimo can see is even wider.

The small forces compete with each other, the war is endless, and they compete with each other for territory, and the chaos is unbearable.

Ripples appeared on the path, and the ripples became smaller and smaller until a huge wave was formed at the very end.

The trail is in your hands.

But at present, the two small forces stand against each other, forming a situation where they confront each other and check and balance each other in the Human Emperor's Palace.


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