I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2128: The ancient secret, the evil **** was born

Let's talk about it later, before he became the devil lord.

These are things that Xu Zimo can hardly imagine. It is estimated that even the previous generation of demon masters have only a half-knowledge.

Their existence is inherently special, and their ancient history is difficult to trace back.

Hearing Xu Zimo's words at this moment, the black mist didn't believe it for the first time.

He comes from the ancient times, which is already an extremely ancient era.

As for the older ones, he couldn't imagine anything other than Ancient God Asking.

But after Xu Zimo said that, the black mist sneered and said, "Boy, I will trust you once, but the origin is not important.

I buy the ancient **** king! "

"You are the ancient **** king?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"But from your tone of voice just now, shouldn't you hate the Primordial God King?"

"I am one with him," Hei Wu snorted coldly.

"Between human nature, there are good and evil. In ancient times, good and evil practice together. We reached the peak at the same time.

Who knew that when Shenmojing was proving the way, that guy from Taikoo actually got rid of his evil thoughts and sealed me here. "

"Do you know how long I was sealed, so long that I have forgotten the concept of time.

Ages have passed, and the outside world is cruel and exciting, but I can only be suppressed in this darkness and be oppressed. "

"After Taigu died, I also suffered heavy injuries and fell into a deep sleep."

"It took countless years to pass before I woke up."

"I am the ancient **** king, and I am a member of the ancient world."

"Of course, I don't bother to use the name of God King, you can also call me Immemorial Evil King."

Hearing the other party's words, Xu Zimo said with a smile: "The name Taigu is too high, you can't bear it now."

"Why can't I bear it?" Hearing the ancient evil king's soft shout, countless evil spirits flew up from the ground.

It seemed that he wanted to break through the seal, and the evil spirit was roaring, but although the formation that sealed him was partially destroyed.

But after all, it is only a corner, and the entire huge formation is still invincible.

From the formation, powerful power surged out, and the golden power seemed to be the nemesis of evil.

The golden formation directly covered it, suppressing Xie Qi to death.

The ancient evil king was roaring.

"God King, how long do you want to suppress me?"

"Look, you can't even get out of the seal, why are you talking about the title of evil king," Xu Zimo laughed.

Seeing that the two not only did not fight, but chatted.

Wang Xiu next to him was a little anxious.

Quickly interrupted and said: "Master Xie Wang, see if you can solve my problem first, I will release you, if you can't solve it, I'm afraid my Wang family will be destroyed today."

Wang Xiusuan understood that Lin Ruhu was so powerful, but Xu Zimo was still the leader.

Xu Zimo, who didn't make a move, must be stronger.

So his current hope can only be pinned on this evil king, hoping that the other party can be more reliable.

Hearing that Wang Xiu couldn't wait, Xie Wang smiled and said: "Don't worry, this Xie Wang's reputation is worth guaranteeing, unlike that **** **** king.

But I may want to explain that in my current state, I may not be his opponent. "

"Unless I can completely unlock the seal and come out."

Hearing this, Wang Xiu's expression changed.

He considered Xu Zimo's strength, but in the end he still underestimated it.

"How did you offend him?"

"Because of Ding Haizhu," Wang Xiu replied.

"This is a matter of inheritance. He came to my Wang family for no reason. How could I give it to him?"

"It's related to one of the ancient gods, the ancient **** of time," Xu Zimo said bluntly.

"Why don't we have a discussion?" At this moment, the Immemorial Evil King said suddenly.

"What negotiation?"

"Since I was favored by the Wang family to break the seal and come out a little bit, it wouldn't make sense if I didn't have a fight."

The ancient evil king looked at Xu Zimo.

Said: "You and I fight, if I win, you will leave here.

If you win, ask him to give you Dinghaizhu. "

"Yes," Xu Zimo thought for a while, then agreed.

He came here for Ding Haizhu, there is no need to slaughter the entire Wang family.

The Immemorial Evil King looked at Wang Xiu.

Wang Xiu was also unable to get off the tiger for a while, to be honest he was unwilling.

Xu Zimo doesn't need to pay any price for losing, but he has to bet on Dinghaizhu.

But perhaps this is the dignity of the weak.

He could only nod helplessly, agreeing.

Lin Ruhu originally wanted to fight for Xu Zimo, but Xu Zimo stopped him.

The strength of this ancient evil king is indeed very strong.

If it wasn't for him being sealed and unable to fight with all his strength, it is estimated that Xu Zimo would also be very strenuous.

After all, there is no such thing as an old monster-level thing that is simple.


At this moment, everyone in the royal city retreated.

The ancient evil king mobilized himself to control all the power, and the evil spirit was boiling in the void.

Immediately, the evil energy was condensed and compressed, and this was repeated until finally a body of the evil **** was condensed.

This is an evil spirit entangled in evil spirits, about ten meters high, his facial features are deformed, and he can no longer see them clearly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Slender, holding a blue sword in his hand, and wearing armor on his body.

This is the evil **** condensed by evil energy.

"I gather all my strength here, fight!"

I saw the evil **** coming with a sword, the sword energy was full of evil, as if dividing the world into two.

Xu Zimo pulled out his domineering shadow, showing the sharpness of the saber.

The sword collided between heaven and earth.

Two powerful forces collided constantly.

After several fights, Xu Zimo had a simple understanding of the strength of this evil god.

If the opponent breaks the seal with all his strength, he can still fight, but the current evil god, with the strength of Xu Zimo's enlightenment level, is really not challenging.

Xu Zimo stretched out his hand, and the continuous power of the Great Dao surrounded him.

Although he has only just entered the Dao Enlightenment Realm, his comprehension is a ray of Dao power.

But dealing with strength below enlightenment is like crushing.

The avenue is like a torrent, and a ray of the avenue is also the avenue.

In an instant, when the Dao surrounded him, Xu Zimo seemed to have left the category of human race.

At this moment, he is like a god, his eyes are as powerful as awns, and the power in the whole world seems to be able to be mobilized.

At this moment, Xu Zimo is the world.

With a big hand, he doesn't need to use any other power, the rules of heaven and earth will apply.

This is the power of the avenue.

When the palm fell, the evil **** didn't even have time to react, and was instantly suppressed on the ground.

The power of the big palm became stronger and stronger, and the evil **** desperately resisted, but was suppressed even stronger.

"No more fights, no more fights," came the voice of the evil **** admitting defeat.

"You have entered enlightenment, so what's the point.

I'm just a broken body. "

"Do you want to break the seal?" Xu Zimo asked suddenly.

The evil **** was taken aback for a moment, and he also suddenly reacted.

(end of this chapter)

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