I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2129: The evil **** surrendered, and the sea pearl was settled

Xu Zimo is a strong man of enlightenment!

A powerhouse of this level can break through formations with direct force.

Although the formation formed by the ancient **** king was very strong, it can even be said that it is difficult for 99% of the people to break through it.

But the array is arranged on the basis of dao rhyme after all, as long as someone who understands the dao uses the power of the dao to forcibly destroy it, it is entirely possible.

It's just that there are too few strong people who understand the Tao, and others will not help it for no reason, so the evil **** has never thought of this way in recent years.

Instead, use a stupid method to destroy the formation.

Now that Xu Zimo proposed, the evil **** reacted.

Although he is excited, he also knows that there is no free lunch in this world.

Ask directly: "What conditions do you have, you can tell me and listen."

"Sooner or later, I will have a battle with the Holy Court, and then I will need more helpers," Xu Zimo said.

He wouldn't recruit ordinary people, but the strength of this evil **** is really good. He has survived since the ancient times, and he is the evil side of the ancient god-king.

If he can surrender, the odds of winning will be even greater.

Although without this evil god, Xu Zimo is confident that he can defeat the holy court, but it is naturally the best to have more chances of winning.

No one wants to have a better chance of winning.

"Holy Court, you want to destroy the Holy Court?" At this time, Wang Xiu who was next to him suddenly shouted.

His heart was like a turbulent sea, as if he had heard a huge conspiracy.

Holy Court, what kind of organization is that.

Although it is not the complete ruler of the Nine Realms World, it is definitely the strongest one.

The power is so powerful that almost no one dares to disobey it.

The people from the other domains in the Nine Domains can only be worthy of the prestige against the Holy Court.

Since the Middle Ages, this world has been ruled by the Holy Court.

Whether it is the fairy master or the holy ancestor.

Those are all strong men whose reputation has spread throughout the Nine Regions World.

Even Wang Xiu can only look up to him.

"Boy, what's so surprising about this," seemed to be dissatisfied with Wang Xiu's attitude.

The evil **** said coldly: "When the ancient **** king proved invincible, what about the holy ancestors of the holy court, it was not the result of being wiped out with a flick of a finger."

"Nowadays, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings."

After the Middle Ages, there were no skybreakers in the world, and the Holy Court naturally enjoyed the present.

But since ancient times, human beings have been a race that has been pursuing progress and constantly climbing and exploring, so how could it be so stable.

This sky-slashing trend has been suppressed all the time, but there will always be a day when it will explode.

Wang Xiu didn't know how to speak, he suddenly felt that he was not at the same level as others.

"Well, think about it," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

The evil **** is thinking about the pros and cons of this matter.

In fact, his heart has already begun to shake. After all, no one understands the desire for freedom better than him.

"Are you planning to cut down the sky too?" The evil **** asked.

"Why not?" Xu Zimo asked back.

"I knew it, I knew it, you guys can't sit still," the evil spirit sighed.

“Having come to this point, there is no one willing to stop here.

Only outside the Nine Territories, the bigger world is your destination. "

"Are you going to fight against the sky with me?" Xu Zimo asked back.

"No, no, I have a share in the destruction of the Holy Court, let's see it later," the evil **** did not rashly agree.

Of course he also wants to see the wider world.

But that depends on Xu Zimo's strength first.

"Then it's a deal," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

He began to prepare to destroy this formation.

The two of them didn't make too many contracts, and Xu Zimo was not afraid of his repentance.

After all, a strong man of this level would generally not back his word, and Xu Zimo was also confident that he could rescue him from the seal, and he was also sure to kill him.


Before destroying the formation, Dinghaizhu must be obtained first, after all, this is the purpose of this trip.

He looked at Wang Xiu, and Wang Xiu's expression changed.

Hastily said: "I would like to bet and admit defeat, I will fetch Dinghaizhu for you."

At this time, he no longer has the confidence to fight again, and even though the treasure is good, he still has to live to enjoy it.

Wang Xiu could see it.

He quickly entered the palace, and took out the Dinghai Pearl from the treasure house.

It is not easy to fix the sea pearl, it seriously affects the time concept of a piece of heaven and earth.

If it is not well preserved, then this entire world will be frozen by time.

Because at the beginning, the ancient **** Zhu Jiuyin hoped that the world would be still, so as to achieve the goal of eternal life.

But the backlash brought by the stillness of time was too great, and Zhu Jiuyin eventually died of the backlash of time.

This Ding Haizhu is his personal possession, and it naturally carries the inertia of time.

Therefore, when Wang Xiu took out the Dinghai Pearl, he saw that the Dinghai Pearl was placed in a crystal clear crystal box.

This is the heaven and earth box!

This box is a small world of its own, so Dinghai Pearl can only affect the world inside the box, but cannot affect the world outside.

Wang Xiu respectfully handed over the box.

Xu Zimo didn't care, UU reading www.uukanshu.com directly opened the box, he wanted to try the power of this sea pearl.

The moment the box was opened, the majestic power of time seemed to have a vent, continuously pouring out from it.

The passage of time is very fast, almost in an instant, the entire royal city is enveloped by the stillness of time.

Xu Zimo is also feeling it carefully.

This Dinghai bead was originally just an ordinary bead, but this bead should have followed the ancient **** of time, and was slowly infected, unexpectedly possessing such a strong power of time.

With the stillness of this power of time, even the existence below the Dao fruit will be still.

As for the Dao Fruit, although it can move upwards, it is very slow, and all aspects must be suppressed.

Xu Zimo was indeed not affected by any influence. With a wave of his right hand, the powerful Dao Power wrapped the Dinghai Pearl and put it into the Heaven and Earth Box.

With this Ding Haizhu, you can know the position of the time sea.

Xu Zimo put the Dinghai Pearl away, and the evil **** next to him couldn't wait to get out of trouble.

Xu Zimo also began to study this sealing formation.

After studying for a period of time, Xu Zimo also had to admire the ingenious design of this formation.

Formation can absorb the power of heaven and earth, so as to operate freely, because formation is based on the power of the great way.

So no matter how many years have passed, the formation will not weaken with the passage of time.

Unless the world is destroyed, the avenue is in disorder.

In addition to being based on the Dao, this formation also contains the power of the ancient **** king himself.

Or to be precise, it should be a force for good.

This good idea is designed to restrain the evil thoughts of evil gods.

In this way, the evil **** can be completely sealed, making it impossible for him to break through for so many ages.

"What's the matter?" The evil **** asked hastily.

"I know how to break the formation," Xu Zimo replied.

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