I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2130: The ancient **** king, why cut the sky

"This formation uses good and evil as opposites, but in fact good and evil are relative, good can stop evil, and evil can destroy good.

You are now invincible to Shan because you have the great foundation to suppress it.

If I destroy the foundation of this Dao, then you can do your best, as long as you suppress this goodness, you can get out of trouble," Xu Zimo said.

"Okay, as long as you can destroy the foundation of the Great Dao, I will leave the rest to me," the evil **** swore back.

Xu Zimo stood in front of the formation, the power of the Dao gathered around him.

Don't look at this formation has passed countless years, many eras, but its power has not diminished in the slightest.

If Xu Zimo's Dao power could be stronger, he wouldn't need to be so troublesome, he could directly erase the foundation of Dao.

But because Xu Zimo only had a preliminary understanding of the power of the Dao, it took some effort.

The power of the avenue surrounds the whole body, and the power of heaven and earth seems to be at hand.

Xu Zimo's big hand fell to the ground, and his avenue power poured into the formation, and continued to rampage along the so-called front.

Although there are many densely packed fronts, in fact most of them are running lines, not the real foundation.

When Xu Zimo's power collided with the foundation of the avenue, the entire formation seemed to feel something. In order to protect itself, powerful forces began to gather.

The formation works on its own, and the majestic power of the avenue surges in, trying to suppress Xu Zimo's power.

But Xu Zimo's goal was very clear from the beginning, he didn't need to fight against the entire formation.

As long as one of them can be destroyed, then the foundation of this avenue will be incomplete.

Surrounded by the power of the Dao, Xu Zimo's strength is like a swimming dragon, constantly swimming in the formation, but he does not confront it head-on.

Xu Zimo was looking for the weakest place in the formation.

After some wandering and the pursuit of the two forces, both of them caused damage to the formation.

But Xu Zimo is still waiting...

Finally, after another period of contesting, Xu Zimo's originally closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Right now," he whispered.

The power of the whole body suddenly soared again, and the powerful force continued to roar.

The power of this avenue turned into a sharp blade, directly piercing a certain part of the formation.

Just listen to "boom".

Xu Zimo's steady stream of power all converged at this moment, and success or failure was determined at this moment.

The sharp blade pierced through the foundation of the avenue, and the entire formation seemed to be returning to the light, making the final struggle.

If the master of the formation is still the ancient **** king, then this formation can be repaired at any time.

But if no one cares about it, the formation is like a balloon, a hole has been punctured, and the air will start to leak.

And it's getting worse.

Xu Zimo obviously found that the power of the great formation began to weaken.

As the so-called Dao is a circle, the cycle is endless. This is the core reason why the foundation of the Dao has not been weakened for countless years.

But now, due to the interference of external forces, the foundation of this so-called avenue gradually began to weaken.

"It's now," Xu Zimo shouted loudly.

The ancient evil **** has also been waiting for a long time. At this moment, he gathered all the power in his body.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The astonishing power turned into a pillar of heaven and began to break through directly upwards.

The whole earth seemed to be pulled up, making people feel that the end of the world was coming, and there were countless cracks in the earth.

And the entire royal city began to turmoil, "Boom, boom."

Countless buildings collapsed, and the originally bustling royal city was about to be reduced to ruins.

Because the movement of breaking through the seal was too great, and the scope of the seal was also very wide, that's why such a big movement was caused.

At this time, Wang Xiu no longer paid attention to this place, and he began to let the clansmen withdraw from the royal city.

If they don't get out in time, I'm afraid many clansmen will be crushed to death in the ruins.

"Come out, I didn't expect that I would come out one day," the evil **** roared.

Although that formation is still contending with him.

But the strength is already very weak, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the formation can no longer hold up.

"Broken broken..."

Inside the formation, the roar of the evil **** continued to be heard. After struggling for a long time, the formation finally reached its limit.

There was a "boom".

The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, as if the world was about to collapse, there was an explosion, and a steady stream of evil energy poured into the sky.

At this moment, the evil spirit covered the sky and the sun, and the entire sky was gray.

A figure rose from the sky, it was the body of the evil spirit, the true deity of the evil god.

He stepped through the sky, and evil spirits shuttled around his body like thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

The eyes are like traveling through the void, circling the world, opening your arms, and feeling freedom.

"It's out, it's finally out!"

The evil spirit penetrates the heavens and the earth, sometimes ascends to the nine heavens, and sometimes penetrates the nine secluded worlds. It seems that he is trying his best to indulge the depression that has been trapped in these years.

Once free, it is almost crazy.

But Xu Zimo, who was in the same place, came to a very mysterious space at this moment.

To be precise, at the moment when the ancient evil **** was out of trouble, the formation exploded, and a mysterious force pulled Xu Zimo in.

Xu Zimo could vaguely feel something, so he didn't resist.

He looked around and found that he seemed to be standing on the starry sky, which was densely packed with stars, and every star was connected to each other.

Just like a set of formations, at the core of the starry sky, a very friendly old man stood there.

The old man was dressed in a white robe and was spotless, just like a fairy in the world.

He just stood there, but he gave people a very good feeling, as if he would never make people feel malicious.

"Fellow Daoist, time and space flow, I'm glad to see someone who came later," the old man said with a smile.

"Let me introduce myself first, you should be able to guess my identity, I am the ancient **** king."

"I know," Xu Zimo nodded.

Wait for the other party's next answer.

"You may have your reasons for letting the evil **** out, but I just want to warn you that the reason why I want to seal him is because evil thoughts absorb the negative emotions of creatures.

He is very uncontrollable, if he loses control, the consequences will be disastrous," said the ancient **** king.

"There is nothing uncontrollable. If I can let him out, I can kill him with confidence," Xu Zimo replied.

He didn't want to discuss the evil god's affairs, but was very curious about the ancient **** king himself.

"Are you still alive?" Xu Zimo asked.

The ancient **** king smiled and replied with an ambiguous answer.

"Life and death are commonplace, is this important?"

"I heard that you cut down the sky and left. For this world, you should be the first existence to cut down the sky."

Xu Zimo asked: "You must know a lot of secrets. Fatian was born because of you, and he has never fallen since then."

"You also want to cut down the sky?" The ancient **** Wang Gao glanced at Xu Zimo.

"Why cut the sky, and what is your purpose?"

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