I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: After the Wang family affairs are over, looking for the sea of ​​time

Why cut the sky, this seems to be a false proposition.

For freedom or the path to the pinnacle of martial arts.

It seems to have one side.

Xu Zimo thought for a while, and said: "There are many, such as freedom and more peak martial arts.

Another reason is that I was born as an enemy of Heaven, so I should be treated differently.

After all, the demon lord of the previous generation was also a habitual offender.

Of course, you may not have heard of the Demon Lord, after all, you are not of the same era. "

"Fate, I quite believe in it," the Primordial God King replied.

"The truth is that the Heavens really started with me."

"I cut down the sky in order to pursue longevity, and the pinnacle of martial arts that is emptier and vaster."

"A long time ago, even the ancient gods asked. In the era older than me, the ancient gods have pursued these things."

"It's just that their methods are different from mine. They didn't go to cut the sky, but pursued it in other ways."

"It's like the ancient **** of time, who used time to prohibit it to achieve the goal of eternal life."

"Another example is the ancient **** of wood. He studied life together and believed that life can be continued if the main thing is to reach a state of selflessness."

"But these ancient gods all failed," Xu Zimo said.

"That's right, it's because they all failed that I think they're going in the wrong direction."

"I think cutting down geniuses is the key. The reason for longevity comes from strength, and if you want to be stronger, you must go out of this world.

It's a virtuous circle. "

"What happened later?" Xu Zimo asked.

"As my strength gets stronger, the more I can feel the majesty of the sky and the vastness of the avenue."

"I never dared to break the barriers of time and space until later, when I became acquainted with the God and Demon Well, I thought I was invincible in the world and could go anywhere."

"So, like opening Pandora's box, I embarked on the road of breaking the barriers of the world.

It was that day that I saw the consciousness of heaven, the real master of this world. "

"You can actually guess the result later. I thought the Dao was invincible, but the power of the Dao is like the light of rice grains in front of it. How can it compete with Haoyue?"

"After you started the war against heaven, many people tried to continue exploring," Xu Zimo said.

"But without exception, they all failed."

"This road won't work," the Primordial God King shook his head and sighed.

"The power of those who realize the Tao comes from the Dao, how can they compete with the Dao?"

"But what if you can be independent from the main road?" Xu Zimo asked suddenly.

The ancient **** king was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Enlightenment is not from the Dao of the Nine Regions, but from the place." Xu Zimo said.

"Other places? It's impossible," the Primordial God King thought for a while before laughing.

"You are thinking too simply, let alone whether other worlds can be compared with the Nine Realms.

Even if you go to other worlds to enlighten, you will be controlled by others after all.

Not affected by Jiuyu Avenue, but also affected by other Avenues. "

"Unless you can create the Great Dao of the World yourself," the Primordial God King said jokingly.

Xu Zimo did not answer this question, but said: "In short, I can handle the evil god's affairs. No matter what, I will still go to Fatian."

"I don't agree with the path of the ancient gods, and I also think that killing geniuses is the final destination."


"I wish you success," the Primordial God King nodded.

Immediately, the world in front of him began to disappear, and the body of the ancient **** king gradually disappeared.

This so-called space was originally set up by him back then, and left as a wake-up call for future generations.

But since Xu Zimo is sure, he doesn't need to say anything more.


When Xu Zimo opened his eyes again, he returned to the royal city.

But today's royal city is already in ruins, and there are almost no intact buildings.

Everyone in the Wang family stood there with indignation and helplessness. Although they were angry, the evil gods couldn't afford to offend them.

And in the sky, the evil **** swam proudly above the nine heavens, as if he had enjoyed enough of this feeling, so he descended from the sky.

He looked at Xu Zimo, and the evil energy around him was bursting out. His body was purple, but his hair was white, and his eyes were scarlet.

He walked towards Xu Zimo step by step.

Everyone in the Wang family held their breath, and no one knew what the evil **** was going to do next.

"I always keep my word. When you attack the holy court, I will definitely come and help you," the evil **** said, as if he had promised what he had promised before.

"Yes," Xu Zimo nodded.

The two had reached an agreement verbally, and Xu Zimo was not afraid of the other party's regret.

After the evil **** finished speaking, he was about to leave, but was stopped by Wang Xiu.

"My lord, look at this..."

"Why, do you want me to pay you compensation?" The evil **** asked lightly.

This Wang family is also a waste. After so many years, even a formation cannot be broken, so the evil **** naturally has no good tone.

"No, no," Wang Xiu quickly replied.

"Since Lord Cthulhu has come out, I wonder if I can come to my royal family as a guest.

I look forward to admiring your demeanor..."

Before Wang Xiu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the evil god.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think it's your Wang family who wants to pretend to be a tiger. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"If I leave, you won't be able to suppress the Cai family at all, right?"

Wang Xiu smiled awkwardly, the Wang family really had this in mind.

Before, because of the threat of the evil god, the ancestor of the Cai family who broke through the three corpses did not dare to appear.

But as soon as the evil **** left, his strength was no more than three flowers, so how could he be the opponent of the opponent.

Now this great situation will be completely lost, and the Wang family will also be unable to afford it.

This is unacceptable to Wang Xiu.

After all, the Wang family has worked so hard for so many years, and the Emperor left. Such a good situation is not always possible.

"Don't think about it, if you listen to the persuasion, let the Wang family live alone, this is your last chance.

I finally got my freedom, how could I care about these trivial matters anymore," the Immemorial Cthulhu waved his hand.

Ignoring Wang Xiu's desire at all, and directly stepped into the air.

Unwilling to give up, Wang Xiu looked at Xu Zimo again.

He hurriedly said: "My lord, we have given you all the Dinghai beads of our Wang family, you have to help us!"

"If you had given me Dinghaizhu early, it would not be a problem for me to help you destroy the Cai family."

Xu Zimo said lightly.

"But this Dinghaizhu was won by me from betting against the evil god. What does it have to do with your Wang family?"

Xu Zimo ignored the poor man.

He took Lin Ruhu and left.


In the void, Xu Zimo took out the Dinghai Pearl.

He is going to find the location of Time Sea.

Dinghaizhu was placed in his hand, and the power of time and space was constantly lingering.

Under Xu Zimo's guidance, all the power in the Dinghai Pearl was stimulated.

This fixes the inside of the sea pearl and turns into the inside of a compass.

The hour hand of the compass kept turning, and finally stopped in the direction of the north.

(end of this chapter)

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