I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2135: Cross into 1000 avenue, fattened pig

The sea of ​​time entered his body, but Xu Zimo didn't feel the slightest discomfort. On the contrary, his own strength overflowed, helping him grow.

"Time is irreversible, irreversible!"

There was a slight sigh in my ear.

Xu Zimo went to trace the origin of the voice, but found that it was right in front of him.

The sea of ​​time poured into his body on one side, and condensed into a figure on the other side, appearing beside him.

The rickety old man, with dry white hair, has no blood in his body, as if time has passed, and he has become a lifeless mummy.

The old man raised his head and said, "I am the **** of time, latecomer, congratulations on obtaining my inheritance."

"God of Time, your consciousness still exists?" Xu Zimo asked in surprise.

You must know that after Time Sea was born with consciousness, Xu Zimo thought that the God of Time was dead.

Unexpectedly, the consciousness of the God of Time still remained.

"That's a test," said the God of Time.

"I acquiesce in the birth of consciousness in the sea of ​​time, and those who can defeat it are eligible to obtain my consciousness."

"You are the only one who has passed the test for so many years."

"And I feel a lot of familiar aura from you, it must be the inheritance of other ancient gods."

Hearing the words of the ancient **** of time, Xu Zimo did not refute, nodded and replied: "I have found all the inheritances of the ancient gods except for the ancient **** of space."

"What do you want me to inherit?" the Ancient God of Time asked.

"Breaking the power of the gods, breaking the seal," Xu Zimo replied.

"Save some people, and then go to Fatian to see the world above."

"Fat Heaven...Fat Heaven..." The Ancient God of Time muttered to himself.

"You are different from us and other ancient gods."

"It's different. I'm taking the road of defeating the sky, but you are taking another road," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"But so far, no matter which way, no one has succeeded."

"I'm going to be the first one."

"You have such ambition, I will not stop it, my inheritance will help you," said the ancient **** of time.

As soon as his voice fell, the powerful force poured into Xu Zimo's body at a faster rate throughout the time.

"Go, I hope you can create a new era," the ancient **** of time said with emotion.

He knew that the reason there are so few skybreakers today is because no one has ever succeeded.

If Xu Zimo succeeds in defeating the sky, it will really start a new era, and countless people will follow him as an example.

At that time, maybe there will be more and more people cutting the sky.

After all, if someone succeeds, it means that this path is right.

At this moment, Xu Zimo has completely lost consciousness, and he passively absorbs the power of time.

The inheritance belonging to the ancient **** of time is constantly pouring into his mind.

For Xu Zimo, this is a chance. The power of time brings him not only the inheritance, but also the understanding of the Dao.

These are the experiences of the ancient **** of time to comprehend the Dao in the past, and now they are pouring into Xu Zimo's mind at a glance.

Originally, he only had a ray of Dao power, but it soon began to grow, and in the blink of an eye, he already had a hundred Dao powers.

However, Xu Zimo's growth limit has not yet been reached. He sat cross-legged, and the ancient **** of time had already disappeared.

After all, the so-called ancient **** of time just now is just the consciousness left over from the power of time.

Now that the power of time has been completely absorbed, there is no need for the ancient **** of time to exist.

For him, if Xu Zimo can achieve the realm that he didn't reach during his lifetime, he will have a sense of participation.


Xu Zimo no longer has the concept of time.

At this moment, he is like a fish swimming into the bottom of the water, as if he is bathing in the avenue, and he feels comprehension.

These were brought to him by the ancient **** of time.

He sat cross-legged, the power of the Great Dao around him was getting stronger and stronger, and the original Hundred Great Dao was also constantly changing.

It's a bit like a feeling derived from a thousand roads.

After a long time, Xu Zimo finally absorbed all the power of time, and the entire time sea entered his body.

Moreover, he also has complete control over the inheritance of the ancient **** of time, especially the power of the Great Dao on him, which is also one of the biggest gains.

His whole body was shaken, and the powerful power of the Dao was like waves, wave after wave, echoing out from the whole body.

"One Thousand Ways!"

That's right, after his countless efforts, this Thousand Great Dao was finally completed.

Although there is still a long, long way to go from his so-called billion-dollar road, it is good only if it is making progress.

"I don't know how long it has been," Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

He looked up and looked around, realizing that he no longer knew where he was.

Because I practiced in the sea of ​​time before, and the sea of ​​time has been moving, and now it is definitely not at the edge of the nine domains.

I don't know if Ruhu has returned to Zhenwu Shengzong.

Thinking this way in his heart, Xu Zimo was not in a hurry.

The next goal is only one, and that is to defeat the holy court, so as to obtain the inheritance of the ancient space **** Emperor Jiang.

Lifting the seal of the demon clan, and finally defeating the sky~www.readwn.com~Of course, these are Xu Zimo's goals, but he has to do it step by step.

One thousand avenues, it is estimated that there are still some disadvantages when fighting against the ancestors and immortal masters.

So Xu Zimo needs to improve his cultivation.

But enlightenment does not mean that you can realize Tao if you want to, it needs your own comprehension of Dao.

It's like the world of mortals, the experience of the world.

Even people who are born with self-knowledge need to practice.

These all take time, and Xu Zimo is not short of time now, he is home all over the world, and the sky is the bed and the earth is the bed.

Wherever you go, you can practice wherever you go.

Xu Zimo's figure descended from the sky, and he found that there was a desert under his feet, and the endless yellow sand covered the sky and covered the earth.

The desert is hot during the day, but extremely cold at night.

These are common sense.

Xu Zimo walked on the desert and started his own journey of experience.

After walking for a certain distance, he unexpectedly found an ancient city in the yellow sand.

Logically speaking, the desert is uninhabited, and it is not suitable for human habitation at all. What is the significance of building a city here.

Xu Zimo walked forward, and just when he came to the edge of the city, he heard screams.


"Why... why is this happening?"

"Why did the Holy Court want to destroy my Huang Ting clan?"

"At the beginning, the Holy Ancestor preached here and protected our Huang Ting family from being exterminated, so our ancestors have reproduced for generations."

"My Huang Ting family built a city here and have lived for thousands of years. For us, the holy ancestor is a god. We worship him. Every household hangs his portrait and worships him every year."

"Why...why is the family exterminated?"

There seemed to be an unwilling voice roaring feebly.

There was a sneer from the side.

"Did you know that pigs have to be raised fat before they can be slaughtered?"

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