I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2136: 72 Earth Fiend 1, Heart of Huang Ting

"The hearts of your Huang Ting clan are born different from other people's. If you use it as medicine, you can prolong your life.

If it is alchemy, it can also improve the quality of the pill.

And my holy court's big formation this time needs a lot of Huang Ting's heart.

Connecting to the earth, when the time comes, there will be no way to go to the sky, and no way to go underground. "

"The Holy Ancestor preached to my Huang Ting clan for the sake of Huang Ting's heart," the voice was still a bit inconceivable.

You must know that these years they regarded the ancestors as gods and worshiped them devoutly.

The sudden collapse of the gods is something no one wants to accept.

"Otherwise, what do you think it's because of, don't you know how useful your Huang Ting's heart is?

You don't understand the truth of the crime of pregnant wall, do you? "

"Kill them all," the man seemed too lazy to talk nonsense.


And their enemies, wearing golden holy robes, with angry eyes like the sun, are magnificent, just like the gods of heaven and earth.

The name of the devil lord has spread throughout the Holy Court, this is a character who must be killed.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Knowing that it is possible to do it, that is the case.

At that time, the patriarch of Shi Jing's clan stood up and explained.

I stepped straight into the air and fled without a sound.

The man in the golden robe was bragging, and the evil general really had no right to speak.

Xu Zimo smiled, also angry, but replied: "Holy court? The person you love to kill the most is the holy court."

Of course, that is not the key issue, the most important thing is the devil...

However, Shi Jinglei used his hands at all, the aura around me spread out, and with just a ray of breath, those gold-cloaked people who were suppressed gasped, and knelt directly to the ground one by one, and the suppressed ones did not resist at all.

"Your Huang Ting clan is a natural clan of small lands. You are protected by small lands, so you have no advantage in practicing small lands than any other race."

The power of the small land from the small land.

Directly killing Xu Zimo, the holy court is a belief, so it is natural to be so respected.

"A very strange treasure," Shi Jinglei said.

Besides, the ancient city is deep in the desert, which can only be found by special people.

Take out a heart from the dead Huang Ting clan.

"It's very weak, and it's unbelievably weak," that was the inner thought of the man in the golden robe.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of dozens of people in gold robes changed slightly.

But Huang Ting's heart unexpectedly absorbs power from time to time.

The man in the golden robe took a step back, looked at Xu Zimo, and shouted: "Who is he? The holy court is doing things, so let's go slowly."


If you meet him, you will die with suspicion.

However, the man in the golden robe was also unresponsive. The moment he was blown away, he immediately adjusted his body and stabilized himself.

"The so-called advantage is your heart of Huang Ting. It's a pity that you are revived because of things, and you are also lost because of things." The strongest of the seventeen earth demon generals has no Dao fruit cultivation, and among them is the eight-flower level. the weak.

Xu Zimo listened to these conversations and walked into the ancient city full of yellow sand.

To be able to reconcile badly, I'm afraid it's too late.

Or to put it bluntly, their ancestors wanted to hunt you down from a long time ago, but they still prevented your growth.

"You are one of the seventeen great generals in the Holy Court, and you still have no status in the Holy Court," the man in the golden robe said directly.

Hearing that, Xu Zimo smiled disinterestedly.

After all, Shi Jing's family is still alive and there is no threat, but the person who suddenly appeared is weird.

One foot landed, as if kicking away the clouds, and the pale golden power gathered under the left foot, like a golden pillar in the sky.

Although I know it in my heart, my weak desire to survive is still willing to let me catch it without a fight.

However, there is no immortal gate in the holy court, and the immortal master is respected, and there are no eighty-eight heavenly generals on the banner.

That is the small division of power in the Holy Court.

I hung low in the void, and I didn't make a move. Instead, I looked like a supervisor, with lightning-like eyes, observing the scene above.

But the man in the golden robe behind his eyes also knew what level he was, how could he be the opponent of the devil.

Among the group of people in gold robes, there was not a single one in particular.

The man in the golden robe thought for a long time, and was about to try it out with gentle means.

Can he help you resolve grievances with the Holy Court? "

Although the tone was arrogant, the dozens of gold-robed men were also on guard, guarding Xu Zimo vigilantly.

As soon as he entered the city gate, there were already corpses under his feet.

There was a "boom".

The sky is full of yellow sand, and no one will come to that place on purpose?

Especially when we put the Heart of Huang Ting underground, before we get close to the small land, the speed at which we absorb the power of the small land becomes slower and slower, and it seems to have no end like a bottomed pit.

Asked: "Can he really call the shots?"

Huang Ting was born in the earth and buried in the earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

But I'm quite interested in Huang Ting's heart.

"The villain saved your Huang Ting clan, the little kindness and virtue will be repaid, you are willing to lead the villain..."

Xu Zimo smiled, and still asked uninterestedly: "You are the devil, and you have been the enemy of their holy ancestors for generations~www.readwn.com~ Dozens of people in khaki robes have been forced In a state of embarrassment, the seriously injured bodies obviously couldn't last long.

At that time, the only remaining members of Shi Jing's clan all bowed down to Xu Zimo.

The Huang Ting family is different from the human race. They have extremely weird looks and uncoordinated facial features, which always give people a strange beauty.

I immediately notified the man in the golden robe on the bottom, and everyone who was fighting in the melee pulled away in an instant.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people in the golden robes changed drastically.

Shi Jinglei raised his left hand heavily, and then slammed it down.

After these people died, their bodies were being absorbed by the earth.

Where the rules go, someone can block the power of the trail.

This heart is dark yellow, like amber, crystal clear, and the power contained in it is considered weak.

I looked at Xu Zimo solemnly.

"Their calculations are pretty bad. What do you want them to do with their burdens?" Xu Zimo waved his hand and agreed directly.

The arrival of Xu Zimo immediately attracted the attention of the people below.

The enemy of the ancestor, how to resolve it.

They all glared at each other and shouted "Kill!"

After all, in the world, how many people really want to be enemies of the Holy Court.

This weak force seemed to complete the void, and directly sent the man in the golden robe flying.

"Your Majesty has no enmity with your holy court. Enemies should be settled or settled. You are the master. You can't discuss anything, right?"

At that time, the people in the golden robes who were in the sky were sitting still, and if I tried to make a move, I was afraid that the people on the bottom would be completely wiped out.

With a wave of Shi Jinglei's little hand, one of the seventeen evil generals was wiped out by me directly.

After entering the city gate and reaching the depths of the city, Xu Zimo could clearly see the scene inside.

The holy court is dominated by the ancestors, and seventeen of them will be the managers.

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