I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 369: Chaos advanced into immortality

"Who said I'm leaving," the old man said indifferently.

"I will die with you, you don't have to be alone."

As the old man's voice fell, he saw the paddle in his hand spinning quickly.

The ship on which the two were riding was instantly broken into four halves.

The broken ship quickly sank the moment it touched the sea.

And Xu Zimo fell down without any accident.

The moment the clothes touched the water, Xu Zimo felt a strong attack.

This water in the Dead Sea seems to weigh ten thousand pounds per drop.

And the more you struggle, the faster you will fall.

"You are really not afraid of death," Xu Zimo looked at the indifferent old man in the blue shirt and smiled.

"A person inherently dies, as long as he dies well, and valuable death is enough," the old man in the blue shirt replied lightly.

At this moment, the waters of the Dead Sea engulfed the two of them a little bit, and the crisis here is more than that.

Seems to have layers of water splashing around.

Some crocodiles like prehistoric giant crocodiles appeared around them, surrounding them.

These crocodiles are more than ten meters long and have a turquoise color.

The hard skin outside was covered with sharp barbs.

Rises with a tentative jump from one of the crocodiles.

Only listened to the painful scream of the old man in the blue shirt.

Xu Zimo turned his head and saw that the old man in the blue shirt was bitten down by a force.

Blood stained the Dead Sea.

"It's really pitiful," Xu Zimo smiled.

"What's proud? It's your turn right away," the old man was covered in blood, and he replied grimly.

Xu Zimo shook his head slightly, and he felt that the Dead Sea was indeed unusual. I am afraid that the ordinary strong Sacred Vessels might not break away.

The mist behind him shrouded, the real world appeared.

The azure blue planet rose slowly into the sky.

At this moment, a strong momentum spread from Xu Zimo's body.

"You," feeling the momentum of Xu Zimo's body, the old man was speechless in horror.

"You will rise and fall here alone and become a crocodile's dinner."

Xu Zimo snorted coldly, stepped on the air, and stirred up a huge wave.

His figure forcibly flew out of the Dead Sea.

Only listened to the boom of "Rumble" surging around.

The blue week behind was also vacating a little bit.

Seems to be with Xu Zimo's departure because of the lack of dinner.

The surrounding giant crocodiles shouted angrily.

They can't wait to bite the old man in the blue shirt.

Pieces of flesh fell from the body, and a scream screamed through the darkness of this quiet sea.

Very scared.

Watching the old man in the blue shirt being bitten to death, Xu Zimo chuckled.

Looked at the group of giant crocodiles that seemed to be unsatisfactory below, and he slashed the sword in his hand.

The endless sword blazes forward, directly cutting the half sea area in half.

The running water stopped, and in the middle of the sea there was an aura blocking everything.

Blocked the sea water and could not gather together.

Xu Zimo stood with a knife and walked around from the middle of the sea.

Killed the giant crocodile along the way.

All the creatures in this Dead Sea were frightened by the wind for a time, and they all hide in fear.

Ba Ying's knife gas exploded, arousing the deep sea waves.

Xu Zimo stepped into the darkness, gazing straight ahead.

"Dragon family, Dragon family, I didn't plan to pursue Long Shenghui's affairs.

Since you are looking for death, I will complete you too! "


In the endless darkness, Xu Zimo sat on his knees.

His big hand waved and the space in front of him shattered.

Saw that the chaotic huge body came out from inside.

"Now let you break into the fairyland, what is the success rate?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Five percent," Chaos muffled.

"In fact, long ago, I was at the peak of my pulse.

I just feel that the chance to be immortal is worse, so I have been waiting.

Did not expect this class, which was created in the era of emperors.

Nine lives, I almost died of severe injuries. "

Xu Zimo nodded slightly, and took out the Blood Eater Immortal Pill.

The rich red incense flew away, and he threw the red medicine to Chaos.

"I give you half a month to suddenly enter the fairyland, before that, I will give you the law.

Gives you peace of mind to break through. "

Feel the magnificent beast power above the Shendan, and the chaos was silent for a while.

Finally nodded heavily.

Ignoring the chaotic breakthrough, Xu Zimo sat aside and gently wiped the blade of Ba Ying.

Chaos wants to advance into the fairyland, in fact, the blood bitter Linxiandan said that white is an auxiliary.

Really depends on itself.

Understand his own way, and then really enter the realm that all beings long for.

As soon as you enter the fairy road, it looks like the sea!


Chaos did not take the Blood Eater Immortal Impatiently.

Sitting on the sea, he adjusted his state a little bit.

Reached the critical point of the whole body's spirit and spirit.

Just adjust the state, it took three days and three nights.

Until the dawn of the fourth day, only listen to the "bang" sound.

A wave of turmoil centered on chaos and began to spread away.

Chaos looked up to the sky and screamed, hissing echoed around him.

Saw that the spirit around it was surging.

Suddenly strong and weak, the breath is uncertain.

The majestic beast power is also spreading vastly.

Chaos is fixed in place, as time goes on.

'S own beast power is more and more surging, and the huge body is gradually blocked by a layer of mist.

More and more fog, and eventually it seems to be substantive.

This is not mist, just like fairy mist.

Xianwu mysterious mystery, almost forming a big cocoon, what is gestating inside.

Over time ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The sea at the foot of chaos gradually waved.

His whole body is getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding spaces are all shattered.

Like a spider web, cracks spread out.

The chaotic way is the way of devouring.

This is the fairy road he was destined from the beginning.

At this moment a dark red vortex appeared on his abdomen.

The vortex is deep and boundless, and there are endless thunders and fires exploding.

Xu Zimo turned his head slightly, he knew that Chaos had entered a wonderful state.

Can I step into the past and step into the fairy road.

Since then, Xianfan has been separated by two months, depending on this time.

He looked around and made sure that there were no people here. It was difficult for any creature to disturb him before he felt comfortable.

The realization of chaos has passed for more than a week.

On this day, I saw that the movement of the aura around Chaos became bigger and bigger.

A deafening roar of the beast sounded in his ear.

It put the blood bitter Linxiandan in the mouth and swallowed it quickly.

The body's prestige is getting heavier and heavier, and has reached a critical point.

"I am a fairy beast!"

The mighty Xianwei began to gather around the chaos.

The whole sky was turbulent, the clouds turned into dragons, and the wind and rain were great.

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