I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 370: I just came to annihilate

Layers of space shattered in front of eyes.

The chaotic and huge body stirred the sky and clouds.

The mighty Xianwei began to diffuse a little bit around him.

The silkworm cocoons that surrounded his fairy mist were slowly dissipating and breaking apart.

Chaos seems to have entered a special state of epiphany.

Breath lingers between the peak of the Divine Vein Realm and entering the fairyland.

There are countless "bang bang" sounds in the body.

It is trying to open the ninth pulse again and again.

The hardship can be imagined.

Just so many times in a row, the pulse gate did not seem to get through.

It was because of the strong internal impact that caused numerous cracks on its body surface.

The ninth pulse is broken!

Broken void is also to break one's shackles.

The passage of the fairy road may not be as good as the emperor, but the cruelty and hardship of it are also little known.

The difficulty of getting through the pulse gate will increase exponentially.

A large amount of blood had flowed out of the cracks on the surface of the chaotic body.

Dyed its whole body blood red.

Screamed in chaos and pain.

As it hits again and again, there are more and more cracks on the body surface.

If I go on like this, I am afraid the whole body will fall apart.

Xu Zimo frowned slightly, and he somewhat underestimated the difficulty of advancing into Wonderland.

However, since this step has been taken, naturally there is no reason to retreat.

I saw Xu Zimo's right hand waving, and the azure planet behind him appeared.

A branch of the tree of life spread out of the planet and entered the body of chaos.

The rich green light wrapped the huge body of chaos with the breath of life.

It quickly recovered from the chaotic injury.

Those cracks in the body also recovered at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Xu Zimo was relieved.

The tree of life really helped him a lot.


Chaos hit the ninth gate over and over again.

Is a posture without fear of injury.

The body has a wounded tree of life and will recover in the first time.

This shock took nearly two hours.

Majestic beast power enveloped half of the sea.

Eventually only heard a "bang" coming from the chaos.

It seems that something is broken.

The long river of aura rolled up a gigantic wave, rushing like a sunset over the river in the chaotic body.

With the opening of the ninth gate, the breath of chaos finally stabilized in the fairyland.

Although it is just a step into the immortal Xuan Xian.

But it is considered to have passed the most important hurdle.

Although the next few steps are also very difficult, but the danger is much reduced.

The explosion of "Boom" rang all around Chaos.

The sky was clouded by the wind, and the coastline of Wanli exploded with the blue water.

The turbulent waves surged into the sky and rose a hundred feet high.

The original black chaos looks even darker.

The body is much larger again.

Especially the thin wings like cicada wings have grown to cover the sky and the sun.

On the abdomen of chaos, the dark purple thunder and the red flame gleamed together.

"Lord," half of the body of Chaos knelt down slightly and greeted Xu Zimo respectfully.

It knows that the reason why he can advanced into the fairyland.

Most of the credit is Xu Zimo.

Blood Eater is a good choice, as well as the full treatment of the tree of life.

Although I have paid a lot to become the other's Vespa, I also get more.

"Follow me to slaughter a family," Xu Zimo said lightly with his hands on his back.

Chaos lowered his body slightly, a huge body crawling on the sea.

Xu Zimo jumped up and jumped directly on top of Chaos' head.

I saw that Chaos bowed slightly and ran towards the Dragon City like a black aurora.


For the residents of Dragon City, the significance of this city may be more extraordinary.

Since the time of the emperors, there have been almost a million years.

The deep history of this dragon city is one of the best in the entire eastern continent.

The winter snow drifts with the icy cold wind and passes by coldly.

Many shops in Dragon City turned off the lights early and closed the doors.

On the streets of the night, only a few people walked by in a hurry.

An ancient city wall stood in the wind and snow.

The four lifelike dragons in the sky are still in a vacant posture, consuming the dragon ball in the middle.

The earth's slight tremor began to shake under the dragon city.

The booming sound of "Boom" is getting clearer and louder from far to near.

This is a new day for Dragon City.

The morning and evening sunlight rises slowly with the whiteness of the eastern fish belly.

People who are still in their sleep are awakened by this kind of movement.

Someone opened the window of the room and looked out sleepily.

Someone also wore a large cotton coat and walked out of the room to meet the falling snow.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are looking towards the city gate.

Saw a huge claw descend from the sky.

Was followed by a "boom", and the devastating collapse struck.

I saw the sign of the dragon city, which has existed four gods and dragon **** for thousands of years.

With the big claws falling down, the "rumbling" collapsed.

The crowd's screams rang in the city.

The large, chaotic body stood taller than the walls of this city.

When Xu Zimo was standing on top of Chaos' head, he was overlooking the whole city.

As the manager of this dragon city, the city was destroyed. The Dragon family must be the first to bear the blame ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ When the four dragons collapsed, Long Yaotian quickly walked out with four elders.

They stepped up in the air and stood over the city, facing Xu Zimo.

"I don't know which adult is coming? Longcheng is not entertaining well, so please bear with me," said Long Yaotian, who was not overbearing.

"I'm here to wipe out the clan," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"I don't know how to drive," Long Yaotian raised his head and just said a few words, suddenly seeing Xu Zimo's face above him.

He has also seen the portrait of Long Shenghui before.

Know what the son of Zhenwu Shengzong looks like.

At this moment, he was a little stunned, not understanding why Xu Zimo, who was supposed to be sent to the ups and downs of the dead sea, appeared here.

But he had a bad hunch in his heart.


"I don't know which tribe is to be destroyed?" Long Yaotian asked patiently.

"Your dragon's family can act," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"It's all about this time. Would you not admit that you have torn your face?"

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Long Yaotian also knew that the matter had been revealed and there was no point in concealing it.

His eyes were solemn and he said lightly: "If the sect is to be investigated, Long will bear it.

This matter has nothing to do with our Long family, except that I am a father, and I am selfish in revenge for my son. "

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