I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 371: Town Beast Aura

"This matter has nothing to do with Zhenwu Shengzong, it's just that I am solving my own private affairs."

Xu Zimo said lightly.

"In addition, when I said genocide, I would never leave a living mouth."

The elders next to were a little stunned at first.

At this moment, after hearing the conversation between Xu Zimo and Long Yaotian, they reacted.

"Homeowner, have you sent someone to chase him down?" The elder asked tentatively.

Seeing Long Yaotian nodded slightly, the elder shook his head helplessly and said, "You are confused!"

You are pushing my dragon family into the abyss. "

The old man looked at Xu Zimo after he finished speaking and said quickly: "Holy Son, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with my Dragon family.

Is just the selfish desire of the owner. "

"Okay, then you can prove it to me," Xu Zimo smiled lightly.

"How to prove?" The elder asked, puzzled.

"Hang his head in front of the city gate," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"Give you three minutes."

"This," the elder hesitated a little, turned his head and looked at Long Yaotian inexplicably.

Said: "Homeowner, you make a choice!"

"You can't let us kill the head of our own hands," said the elder next to him with a sigh.

"Shall we invite our ancestors to be born?"

"That monster is already immortal, is it useful for your ancestors?

Unless they go to the clan, but will they fight against Zhenwu Shengzong for us? "

The elders around had a lot of discussions and couldn't think of a good way.

The shadow of the chaotic and huge body enveloped half of the city.

The mighty Xianwei came out of it.

The chaos that just advanced into Wonderland exudes its momentum.

Two eyes glared like fists.

The majestic Xianwei suppressed everyone, it seemed that the wind and grass of the Dragon City could not escape its eyes.

Seeing such a scene, Long Yaotian shook his head slightly.

He came out step by step and said lightly: "My life and death have nothing to do with the family.

No need for others to decide what! "

"So, you are planning to resist the end," Xu Zimo asked.

Chaos screamed in the sky, and his claws crossed the silent void, and took a heavy shot.

Only heard the sound of "Boom", the ancient wall next to it completely collapsed.

The sky is dusty!

Facing the monstrous power of chaos, Long Yaotian was unmoved and took a deep breath.

Said: "You know, why is this city called Dragon City?"

Xu Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting quietly for the other party.

"That's because, when the Dragon City was first built, there were also several dragons beheaded here."

Long Yaotian's bland reply.

"Later, in order to make up for the deficiencies of the Dragon Clan, the city was named Dragon City.

After so many years, the dragon race has long been destroyed.

Has even dissipated in the dust of the times.

Only Dragon City will survive forever! "

As Long Yaotian's words fell, he saw his big wave.

A blue token appeared in his palm.

The inside of this token shot a multicolored light, rushing to the sky.

Immediately after seeing the four-headed dragon that had been smashed by Chaos, the debris began to condense.

A golden air wave centered on Dragon Ball and started to wave away.

As the wave of Qi wave fluctuates faster and faster, the Dragon Ball trembles.

Only heard a sound of Long Yin sounded in the city.

The four dragons passed through the golden waves, as if they were bathed in holy light.

Actually came alive.

The lively golden dragon huddles together.

The respective dragon heads bite the dragon tail to form a huge golden dragon circle.

"The world will never understand the real mystery of Dragon City."

Long Yaotian's eyes looked at Xu Zimo scorchingly, and said lightly: "Zhen Beast Aura!

Back then, the main formation capable of killing four dragons.

Is also the moat formation of our Dragon City. "

As Long Yaotian's words fell, he saw a huge change in his body as well.

The body surface is covered with layers of dragon scales.

These dragon scales are very sharp and hard, with two long red dragon horns growing above his head.

Compared with the transformation of Dragon Blood Warrior before Dragon Shenghui.

Dragon Yaotian's dragon blood warrior state obviously has to evolve more thoroughly.

Xu Zimo has no doubt that if the other party has been evolving in this way, it may one day become a true dragon.

And the elders of the dragon family beside him were stunned.

If they want to come, they don't know about this town's beast formation.

At this moment, the golden dragon circle descended from the sky, surrounding Xu Zimo and Chaos.

Xu Zimo could feel that the surrounding space was all blocked.

And the coercion inside is even more deadly for the monster.

"I know, I'm not your opponent of Zhenwu Shengzong," Long Yaotian was in a state of vigour.

Said lightly: "After today's war, we will withdraw from Dragon City.

Back to the family.

Only now, it's not your turn to wanton here. "

Hearing Long Yaotian's words, Xu Zimo turned his head and smiled at Chaos: "You seem to be underestimated!"

"Dragons in the reckless era are just a group of ants," Chaos said faintly.

"The real dragon **** has soared to heaven.

This method can kill four dragons, which is nothing. "

The demon clan in the wild era, it was an era led by the ten great beasts.

Chaos does not take the dragon clan of that era in their eyes, and it is justifiable.

"Yes, then please break the formation," Long Yaotian said, humming coldly while running the formation.

Immediately saw him turn his head to look at the elders and replied faintly: "Arrange the family to evacuate!"

"How to explain to the main family?" An elder asked ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I will explain it, and I will bear all the responsibilities, "Long Yaotian said lightly.

The old man nodded his head, he had already mentioned this, and there was no need to argue.

Seeing the backs of several old men leaving, Long Yaotian recovered.

Aura was surging around him, and Long Yin was mixed together.

The golden dragon circle shone brightly in Long Yin.

With the phantoms of countless dragons rising into the sky together, the chaos in the Golden Dragon Circle.

Chaos sneered, and saw its big claws slowly lifted.

Fell heavily again.

The endless air waves exploded under its claws.

Only heard the sound of "boom".

This claw went down, countless ghosts shattered, and he slapped heavily on the side wall of the Golden Dragon Circle.

Longyao's complexion changed, feeling the backlash from the formation.

He couldn't hold back a sip of blood and spit it out directly.

The whole person's face was pale, and he looked very weak.

"How could it be so strong," he said to himself in horror.

Chaos' strength is completely different from what he estimated.

He thought that this method would not kill Chaos, but at least it could trap it for a long time.

I just didn't expect it to be a hit now, and I was almost a little difficult to parry.

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