I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 795: Healing Nether Ice Body

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"Yo, dare to talk back," the man sneered.

Stepped forward and pushed the Dazhi monk heavily.

The icon on the chest of his green robe is illuminated.

Arrogantly said: "Do you know who we are?"

This icon is a bit similar to a vortex, a closer look is the pattern of four long rivers intersecting and intersecting.

"You are from the Yu Dynasty?" Monk Dazhi frowned.

The Dayu Dynasty was one of the nine cities in the Jiuzhou region.

It is also the most powerful one.

In order to show their strength, they renamed Yucheng as the Dayu Dynasty.

Xu Zimo had also seen the **** guards of the Dayu Dynasty before.

But later they all died on Liubo Island.

"Speak, how to compensate," the disciple said proudly.

Seeing what Dazhi monk had to say, Xu Zimo waved aside and said impatiently: "What nonsense with them."

Xu Zimo's words fell, and he saw Ba Ying's knife whizzing around his fingertips, and directly cut off the head of the half drunk man.

When the **** head fell to the ground like a ball, several disciples in green robe recovered from the shock.

"You, you killed him," the green-robed disciple stuttered.

"Three seconds disappeared in front of my eyes, or you will end like him," Xu Zimo said.

The group of green-robed disciples looked at the corpse on the ground and ran to the distance quickly without any hesitation.

"We are here to save people, and I have to participate in the Tianwu Conference," Xu Zimo said.

The monk Dazhi nodded. When the two came to the Qin Mansion, the two guards in front of them also knew Xu Zimo.

Without blocking, Xu Zimo went in directly.

In this Qin Mansion, Xu Zimo can be regarded as a familiar one.

He asked Dazhi monk to find a place to rest by himself, and walked independently towards the courtyard where Qin Shuang lived.


Snow covered the entire Qin Mansion.

The snowflakes on the stone road were swept away by the people of Qin's house, but many plums were planted on both sides.

Plum blossoms are dotted with white snow, and they want to compete with snowflakes for freshness.

Fragrant plum blossoms bloom throughout the courtyard.

Xu Zimo had just walked to the courtyard door and heard a murmur.

Qin Shuang was facing away from him, sitting in the gazebo beside the courtyard.

She was wearing a long blue and white dress, the skirt resembled a lotus flower, slowly blossoming on the ground.

A long, dark hair circled all over his head.

Holding a branch of a plum tree in his hand, he picked the plum tree above.

"Will come, not come.

Will come, will not come," she still whispered words in her mouth.

Xu Zimo slowed down and walked slowly behind the other party, asking softly, "What will come, will not come?"

"I'm waiting for Mr. Xu..." Qin Shuang replied subconsciously.

Halfway through the voice, it suddenly stopped.

She turned tremblingly and saw Xu Zimo looking at herself with a smile.

"Xu Gongzi, you, you."

"I'm here," Xu Zimo smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance," Qin Shuang quickly stood up and said.

"Hurry up."

"No, I'll tell your father, I'll leave after curing your body of ice," Xu Zimo said.

"There are still many things to do."

"So anxious," Qin Shuang asked in a low voice.

"Well, the destiny is to be formed, and I still have many things to do," Xu Zimo said.

"If you don't work hard now, you wouldn't want to see me falling under the fate of destiny."

"No, no, I don't mean that," Qin Shuang quickly waved his hand.

Said: "I am very satisfied that Xu Gongzi can come. I will take you to find my father."

The two left the small courtyard and went to the courtyard where Qin Feng lived.

When the two arrived, I saw the Dragon Butler standing at the gate of the courtyard, like a sculpture, motionless.

Seeing the arrival of Xu Zimo, the Long Butler was slightly surprised.

"Grandpa Long, what about my father?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Miss, the city owner is talking about things inside," the Long Butler smiled.

Then he looked at Xu Zimo and smiled: "Xu Gongzi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

"You tell my dad soon that Xu Zimo will come to cure me," Qin Shuang said.

"What," Long Butler froze for a moment.

Immediately, he looked at Xu Zimo and asked incredulously, "Is Xu Gongzi found Nirvana?"

You have to know that Qin Shuang's illness has caused them headaches for a long time, and it has been difficult to solve them.

Later, although it was known that Nirvana Pearl could cure, how existed was one of the Five Spirit Pearls.

Even if they searched with all their might, they have no clue now.

Looking at Xu Zimo nodded, Long Butler quickly said: "Wait a moment, I will go to the city owner now."

Not long after the Long Butler entered, he saw Qin Feng in a green robe and laughed and walked out of it quickly.

Accompanying Qin Feng came out, there was an old man and several young people.

These young people Xu Zimo happened to know that it was the group of green-robed disciples of the Dayu Dynasty he met on the street before.

Seeing Xu Zimo, one of them exclaimed.

Pointing at Xu Zimo, he shouted: "The elder is him.

He killed Brother Luo. "

"This," the old man next to the Dayu Dynasty frowned slightly.

Then he looked at Qin Feng and said, "Master Qin, is this the man in your mansion?"

"Elder Yu, don't worry," Qin Feng waved his hand.

Looking at Xu Zimo, he smiled and said: "Xu Gongzi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"You don't need to nag at home, I am here to treat her special physique," Xu Zimo waved his hand and said lightly.

"If Xu Gongzi could cure Shuanger's disease, it would be my great benefactor in Qincheng.

Do I need to do anything? Qin Feng asked directly without questioning.

"Arrange a quiet room for me, you are protecting the law outside," Xu Zimo said.

"Dragon Butler, you take Xu Gongzi to arrange first, and I will come later," Qin Feng nodded and replied.

Looking at Xu Zimo's back, Elder Yu next to him frowned and asked, "What does Qin Chengzhu mean? My dead disciple has at least a saying."

"Elder Yu, I just saved you just now," Qin Feng sneered.

"Do you know Xu Gongzi's identity?"

"Is there a future?" Elder Yu asked tentatively.

"Contemporary Son of Zhenwu Shengzong," Qin Feng sneered ~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't say I didn't remind you that Kunlun, the Holy Child of Tiandimen, was killed by him.

I saw with my own eyes at that time, how many lives did you have in the Yu Dynasty? "

"This, this," Elder Yu was horrified for a long time before he slowly took a sigh of relief.

Looking at Qin Feng said: "Thank you Elder Qin for reminding me that Yu almost made a big mistake."

"We nine cities are concentric, we should," Qin Feng waved and smiled.

"When the young girl recruited relatives, I chose Xu Gongzi for this hydrangea."

Qin Feng's speech was mixed, and he left with a smile.

Only Elder Yu was thinking about it.

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