I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 796: Participating Tenmu Tournament

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The two entered the room, and Qin Shuang looked a little restrained.

"What should I do?" she asked.

"Go to bed," Xu Zimo waved and said.

Seeing Qin Shuang obediently lying on the bed, his curly lashes looked at him twinklingly.

Xu Zimo first put his hand on the other person's forehead, and began to investigate and confirm the situation in his body.

The damage to the body by the body of Ming Bing obviously exceeded Xu Zimo's estimation.

Don't look at Qin Shuang's appearance now, but it is already the end of the crossbow.

Her internal organs have been frozen a lot, and now she is completely supported by drugs with fire properties.

And as the fire of Nether Ice becomes stronger and stronger, the medicinal effects of these fire properties will become lower and lower.

One day, the whole person will be frozen and die in this extreme cold.

"Can it be cured?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Sleep for a while and everything will be fine when you wake up," Xu Zimo nodded and said.

His right hand flicked in front of the opponent's eyes, only to see Qin Shuang gradually fell asleep.

Xu Zimo waved his right hand, and Nirvana Pearl was taken out of his real world.

This Nirvana bead is burning like a vigorous flame in the air.

Xu Zimo took Nirvana Pearl from Qin Shuang's mouth and directly entered her body.

The moment Nirvana Pearl enters, you can see obvious changes.

Qin Shuang's entire body turned slightly red, and the moisture on the skin's surface was rapidly evaporating.

This body of Ningbing seemed to feel threatened and began to resist desperately.

Layers of dreams, the dark blue ice burst out of the body, trying to freeze the entire Nirvana beads.

"It's not up to you," Xu Zimo snorted coldly.

Under his control, this Nirvana bead appeared even more riotous, and the flames of Nirvana burned up.

As a foreign body, the body of Nether Ice is very helpful to the owner, but it also hurts the host itself.

It is the so-called first hurt yourself and then hurt others.

What Xu Zimo wants to do is to seal the body of Ningbing with the fire of Nirvana.

Sealed to the extent that Qin Shuang can withstand his body now.

After her strength gradually became stronger, she untied the seal a little bit.

After more than ten minutes of stalemate between Ning Bing and Nirvana Fire, they were eventually forced to retreat.

Xu Zimo filled the fire of Nirvana in Qin Shuang's internal organs and entangled her internal organs, unraveling the cold poison she had suffered all these years.

At the moment when the seal was formed, Nirvana Pearl turned into a streamer and flew out of Qin Shuang's mouth again.

"Okay, it's over," Xu Zimo patted Qin Shuang's shoulder.

I saw the other person woke up from a lethargy.

"Okay, okay?" Qin Shuang said excitedly, feeling his situation.

"What does it feel like?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"The whole body is warm, I have never felt this way," Qin Shuang replied.

"I will seal you up for Ming Bing, and practice well in the future, maybe it will become your biggest help on the way to practice," Xu Zimo said.

"This is also a blessing due to misfortune."

"Thank you, Xu Gongzi," Qin Shuang nodded and looked at Xu Zimo like water.

There seemed to be something to say, but after hesitating for a while, he finally didn't speak.

Xu Zimo opened the door, and after Qin Feng came in anxiously, he quickly asked Qin Shuang about the situation.

After learning that he had been cured, Qin Feng hurriedly thanked Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo waved his hand and said, "Since Shuang'er's disease is cured, then I should go."

"Is Mr. Xu so anxious?" Qin Shuang asked dullly.

"Yeah, Xu Gongzi saved the girl, and stay anyway for a meal," Qin Feng smiled quickly.

"No, I still have a contest in the East Continent, and I don't know if it's too late," Xu Zimo smiled.

I promised to go to the Tianwu Conference before, but now that I am busy during this time, Xu Zimo feels that time is not enough.

"Neither is it easy for me to retain," Qin Feng said with a sigh.

"I only hope that Mr. Xu can come to sit at home more."

Xu Zimo nodded with a smile.

Qin Shuang next to him stepped forward and slowly took a sachet from his sleeve and handed it to Xu Zimo.

"I made this sachet. It has the meaning of good luck. I also hope that Mr. Xu can wear it by his side."

Xu Zimo did not think much, took the sachet and hung it around his waist.

"Then I will go, we have the chance to see you again," Xu Zimo nodded.

With a wave of his hand, Chaos appeared on the sky with mighty beast power.

Xu Zimo and Dazhi monk stepped into the sky, and with a roar of the beast, riding away from the chaotic figure.

"Really young emperor," Qin Feng said with emotion.

He turned his head to look at Qin Shuang and saw that his daughter was in a low mood.

Asked "Shuang Er, is that sachet really just good luck"

"Dad don't think about it," Qin Shuang replied.

"If you don't say something, you may not have a chance to say it in your whole life," Qin Feng said in a pointed voice.

"I don't understand what Dad means," Qin Shuang lowered his head and replied.

"That's right, even if I say it, what can I do," Qin Feng shook his head and said.

"Master Xu's world is too big for him, and Qin Cheng cannot afford him, and even the Yuanyang Continent is a bit small for him."

"Dad, do you say that I still have a chance to meet Mr. Xu?" Qin Shuang looked at the distance and asked in a daze.

"Shuang'er, if you want to be with him, there is only one way," Qin Feng replied.

"What way?" Qin Shuang quickly asked.

"Become as powerful as he is," Qin Feng said.

"Be able to see the same landscape of the world with him, otherwise you will be a person of two worlds after all.

That's why Dad didn't keep him. "

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Qin Shuang froze watching Xu Zimo disappearing in a daze.


"Are you going to the Tianwu Conference?" Dazhi monk asked curiously along the way.

"What's the significance of attending the conference?"

"Actually, the reward doesn't matter to me. I mainly want to see the various arrogances of the Eastern Continent." Xu Zimo smiled.

Destiny has begun to take shape, and the rewards of the conference are not rare.

It's just that I haven't been back to the Eastern Continent for so long~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't know how many Tianjiao are starting to show up now.

Not only those emperors and immortals and first-class forces, but also the talents in the private repairs, are not to be underestimated.

As for the participation in the Tianwu Conference, Xu Zimo wanted to solve the matter of the True Excalibur, so he had a chance to visit that ancient heaven.

And now that the Void Spirit Monkey has been acquired, Xu Zimo is also preparing for the seal of the Ancient Devil's Cave to see the demons there.

There are still many things around him, and after he is busy, it is estimated that the destiny is almost formed.


Chaos flew in the void at full speed for more than ten days.

A loud noise on this day caught Xu Zimo's attention.

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