I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 797: Undead Battle

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There seemed to be a war ahead, and just the aftermath of the battle broke the void of a hundred miles.

A mushroom cloud rose slowly from the sky dome and exploded directly.

Aura surging around, there is no cloud in the sky.

"Interesting, let's go and see," Xu Zimo smiled.

Chaos roared and saw him break through the aftermath of the battle. Two pairs of sun-shade wings behind him covered half of the void and flew in.

"Who are you, innocent kill me undead?" A rage sounded in the void.

"The dying person asks so much to do, wasting time," a small laugh followed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the whole void fought again.

The explosion of "Rumble" sounded again.

"Undead," Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

As the three major races in the reckless era, demon, undead and giant, they once ruled the entire Yuanyang continent.

It was they who worked together to create the glory of the wild times.

Later, in the war of Gu Ming, the giant clan suffered heavy damage and almost wiped out the clan.

The demon clan was also destroyed by the Emperor Zhenwu, reestablishing the era of the emperors.

Only the undead tribe kept their strength, and in this era when the human tribe was in power, they finally hid.

The last time Xu Zimo met the undead, or in the small world of Jianxian Jiang Yun, the other party wanted to invade the small world of Jianxian, and in the end he lost both sides.

Now when I meet again, it seems that the undead have suffered a lot.

When Chaos came to the center of the battle, Xu Zimo clearly saw the battle scene.

Two people, one is the undead.

Although more than half of the loss, Ren left more than 1,000 people.

On the other side, there is only one person, a young man with a long sword.

There are thousands of youths against each other, and opposite these undead tribes, everyone is at least a state of respect, and even a state of emperor.

The leading undead tribes, the momentum seems to have reached the peak of the Divine Vein.

However, at this moment they looked at the white robe youth, all a little nervous, even afraid.

When the huge figure of chaos appeared, it immediately caught everyone's attention.

Looking at the eyes of these people, Xu Zimo waved his hand and smiled: "You continue, don't worry about me, I just look at the bustling."

The young man didn't care, holding a three-foot wide sword and walking towards the undead one step at a time.

"Why did you kill us," several leaders of the undead asked aloud.

"I don't remember offending your lord."

"I want to kill and kill, nothing else matters," Baipao Youth replied.

I saw a strong sword in his body, and the broad red sword in his hand shivered slightly.

On the red broad sword, blood was dripping.

Very **** and cruel.

"Since your lord doesn't want to stop," the undead leader's powerful **** pulse snorted.

Angrily said: "Kill him."

The only thousand people left behind were all roaring and killed.

"Dying struggling," Baipao Youth sneered.

With a soft drink: "Sword Sword is coming."

At this moment, a sound of swordsong sounded everywhere in the sky.

I don't know when, the whole sky is covered with sword intentions, the dense sword echoes.

These sword qi evolved into the outer side of the red broad sword in the hands of young people, and thousands of sword qi were enveloped in the void.

In an instant, the undead people who wanted to fight all panicked.

"Boom," the sword cut through the silent void and surrounded them in reverse.

Every long sword crossed, with an incomparable blood.

Tens of thousands of swords drew together, as if the entire sky was covered with blood.

"Hiding swords in Feng, swords are everywhere."

I saw the young man slowly waving the long sword in his hand. At the next moment, countless swords in the sky were fighting at the same time.

Those who were undead only resisted for a moment, and most of them were given anger by sword gas.

There was a thick **** rain under the sky.

Numerous screams and horrified shouts are intertwined.

"Can you tell what the door is?" Xu Zimo asked the monk Dazhi.

"Infinite Heavenly Sovereign," the monk Dazhi performed a ceremony and said immediately.

"Looking at the ambassador, this is exactly the same as the Emperor Xie Xie, and it should be a disciple of Xian Xian Sect.

And the identity should not. "

"Xianxianjiao, you're talking about the behemoth of the Supreme Realm," Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

The central continent is divided into five domains. Except for the Shenghua domain, Tianluan domain, and Kyushu domain that Xu Zimo has visited before, the remaining two domains are the supreme domain and the Lingtian domain.

Speaking of the Xianxian Sect, this is a larger existence than the Zhenwu Shengzong.

Just because it has been out of five great emperors.

There are five emperors, and there are three other emperors who were born in succession.

This means that the great emperors of the three eras that were once connected were all from their ancestry.

One can imagine how strong the Xianxian Sect is.

After the first ancestor of the ancestor created this sect, he was promoted by the ancient emperor, the ten thousand emperor emperor, and the original emperor.

Eventually, with Bai Di as the finale, with this sect as a dazzling star, he dominated the entire supreme domain.

There are many imperial immortal gates in the upper realm, but they are all alone, where the prestige of killing immortals is unparalleled.


"I am waiting to die today, you wait, one day I will accept revenge from my undead," someone shouted.

"Relax, wait for me to become an emperor, and destroy your undead," Baipao Youth laughed.

Jian Qi reverberates on the sky dome, and a corpse falls. He stands underneath, letting the blood rain fall from the top of his head, a look of enjoyment.

"Almost," the young man in white robe murmured.

Immediately he opened his hands and the whole person burst into a very special momentum.

The skin of the young white robe turned blood red.

The pupils of his eyes are also amazing, and the inside of the pupils are also blood red.

Both ears become thin and slender.

The teeth in the mouth became jagged with two large fangs.

At this moment, the young man in white robe seemed to become a monster.

"This is?" Monk Dazhi frowned slightly.

Immediately his face changed and said, "No, this is the war body, the undead body of one of the 100 great war bodies."

The white robe youth opened his hands, and the dead undead corpses seemed to have received traction.

"He is smoking these undead," Monk Dazhi said in surprise.

"He wants to use the undead to strengthen himself."

"No wonder he wants to kill the undead," Xu Zimo suddenly realized.

The physique of the undead is a little special. Unlike the human beings, there is a mysterious power in their physique.

This force will allow them to regenerate their limbs, and even practice to a certain level, they can be resurrected from death.

We must know that only human beings can be reborn.

But the undead can be born.

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