I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 799: The Great War

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This is not an exaggeration, because in this square, are the most powerful sect gates in the eastern continent.

With the arrival of Xu Zimo, it also attracted the attention of many people.

"Isn't that the contemporary son of Zhenwu Shengzong?" someone said doubtfully.

"Why didn't he attend the Tianwu Conference?"

"This day, the martial arts conference is almost halfway, what is he doing here?"

"I wonder if there is still a chance to participate?"

"It is definitely impossible. More than half of the competition system is facing the entire eastern continent. No one has any privileges.

No matter how strong he is, the martial arts sect, the Baili family does not dare to change the rules. "

"Yeah, yeah," someone agreed.

"It's a pity that although Xu Zimo appeared less frequently in our eastern continent, it has always been hailed as the first person of the younger generation.

If you do not participate this time, you will not be able to see your true strength. Is it the real first person, or is it not true. "

Xu Zimo sat down next to Xu Qingshan regardless of the opinions of the people around him.

"Why are you here now?" Xu Qingshan asked frowning.

"There was a delay on the road and it took longer than expected," Xu Zimo said.

"Then you missed the Tianwu Conference this time, it is impossible for you to join in halfway," Xu Qingshan said.

"I know, then I will look at the excitement," Xu Zimo smiled.

"It's been a long time since I have discussed with all the arrogance of our Eastern Continent.

Last time was the six comparisons held by our Zhenwu Shengzong. "

"That's just our contest in the extreme west, how can it compare with this Tianwu Conference," Xu Qingshan said.

"Don't know how many of them are OK?"

"It's definitely hopeless to win the championship," Xu Zimo said.

Xiang Qianheng and Jian Xian include Jiang Xi'er's strength, and Xu Zimo knows all about it.

Although it is an absolute arrogance, this conference has a large number of talents, and each son of the emperor Xianmen is stronger than one.

It's hard to be the first person if you want to get out of it.

"Winning the championship is second, I just hope they don't lose too fast," Xu Qingshan said.

When coming to the Tianwu Conference this time, the strength of each Tianjiao was beyond his expectations.

Not only those sons, but many scattered repairs also make people shine.

"That's not enough, they should not be so bad," Xu Zimo smiled.

"Xu Gongzi is good," Sect Master Shengquan next to him, looked at Xu Zimo with a smile.

"Lost Sect Master, long time no see," Xu Zimo nodded.

"At that time, the six cases were different, and Xu Gongzi was a young boy. I can remember it all," said Luo Zongzhu with a smile.

"It's a pity that I can't participate in the Tianwu Conference now, and show your style like the world."

"It's regrettable not to mention, none of these tens of thousands of people can get into my eyes," Xu Zimo replied.

"I'm just curious, who will be Tianwu's first person."

"It's a big talk," he heard a cold hum from Xu Zimo's words.

With a sneer: "I see some people, I am afraid that they would not dare to participate in deliberately coming late.

Xu Zimo turned his head to look, and the person who mocked himself was a burly man.

The man wore a black and grey robe with long hair and a beard.

Like a savage coming out of the mountain, it gives the most primitive savage breath.

"Isn't this the sect master of Ten Thousand Beasts," Xu Zimo smiled.

"I heard that the blood of your ancestral door was muddy before, and you were almost destroyed. Now you are out again."

Xu Zimo remembered very clearly that he used the Altar of Pure Moon before to almost destroy the entire ten thousand beasts.

So that the original seven cases of the Great West turned into six cases.

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, only listening to the "bang" sound, the Sect Master of the Beast Beast Li Yunhu suddenly patted the seat next to him.

Angrily stood up and stared at Xu Zimo.

They suffered huge losses last time, and it was only after investigation that Xu Zimo did it.

It's just that because of their identities, on the bright side, it's not easy for them to do it directly. After all, they are not opponents of Zhenwu Shengzong.

"Why, leave the patriarch?" Xu Zimo asked with a smile.

"A nameless person who didn't even dare to participate in the Tianwu Conference, I am too lazy to care about you," Li Yunhu snorted and sat down angrily.

"I don't know who left the sect master. Who are your candidates for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to participate in the competition this time?" Xu Qingshan asked.

Li Yunhu pointed to a young man in the projection of the void, and said proudly: "That's the son of my sect, mad Qianshan."

I saw the young man in the projection of the void wearing a black vest, the muscles exuding bulging high.

This mad Qianshan is like a peerless beast, with absolute power.

You can almost tear the monsters and fist with the stars.

With a free punch, he could annihilate a mountain into powder.

"Thanks to someone," Li Yunhu looked at Xu Zimo and sneered.

"When Qianshan's blood was turbid, no one thought that a change had occurred.

Not only did the bloodline in the body die without exploding, but it has evolved to a level, and now his body is like a beast. "

Xu Zimo smiled and said, "Then congratulations to the Sect Master."

Li Yunhu snorted without a word.

It can be seen from the projection of the void that the disciples of the Nine Great Emperor Xianmen seem to have reached a consensus.

Instead of killing each other, they are preparing to clear some of the situation.

Some casual practitioners who knew that their strength was weak were all reported to the regiment to warm up and began to unite against the imperial system Xianmen.

The whole Tianyuan small world is in chaos.


In Tianyuan Small World, the sword at the moment is walking in a jungle.

Suddenly, a footstep sounded from the side.

I saw a young man wearing a coarse white shirt with several patches coming out of the side.

The young man looked at the sword twenty-one times and shouted, "Which sect did you say?

I Li Mubai does not kill the unknown. "

"Noisy," Sword 21 sneered.

I saw his right finger swipe gently, and dozens of sword lights burst out of the void, killing the coarsely clothed youth.

Seeing Jian Guang flashing in front of him with sharp sharpness.

This called Li Mubai's youth sneezing.

"Ah" ~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly "bang" three explosions sounded, countless swords broken in the air.

"You are Zhenwu Shengzong?" Li Mubai muttered to himself as he looked at the robe worn by Jian Xian.

"Defeat a disciple of Emperor Xianmen, it should be famous."

As his voice fell, his figure disappeared into the void.

"It's fast," Jian's pupil shrank on the twenty-first, and quickly looked around with vigilance.

"Where are you looking," a chuckle rang in the back, a fist blow, and came from behind.

Jian 21 turned around quickly to face the battle, but at the next moment, Li Mubai's figure split into four.

Twenty-one kills towards the sword in four different directions.

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