I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 800: 5 Spirit beads gather together

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The fist wind was fierce, and the void was broken, and the sword gas of the twenty-one sword was torn, and he directly hit him in the abdomen.

All this happened quickly, just a few breaths, and the sword flew out on the 21st.

Everyone outside the space projection was slightly shocked.

Sword 21 stood up from the ground, frowning at Li Mubai.

He slowly picked up the long sword in his hand, his eyes growing dignified.

The long sword was screaming, slashing the void in front of him, more and more, the endless void was annihilated.

"Sword intention volley," just listened to the sword and tweeted.

The sword spirit behind him condensed into a monstrous giant sword, and beheaded with majesty.

There are also many irrelevant swords around it, hidden in the sky at a high speed, attacking Li Mubai.

Seeing these swordsmen all killing themselves, Li Mubai seemed to be frightened, standing on the spot without evading.

The sword meaning of "Boom" roared with the sword twenty-one.

At this moment, the imagination of the explosion and the earth-shaking image did not appear.

Instead, Jian Yi was completely swallowed after touching Li Mubai's body.

His body was like a vortex, and he even devoured the sword with his sword twenty-one.

Sword 21 quickly withdrew and retreated, looking at the scene in surprise.

He couldn't figure out what happened.

"Give it back to you," Li Mubai grinned.

With his right hand twitching, thousands of swords burst out, and he went straight to the sword twenty-one.

These sword intentions are precisely his own attacks just now.

Numerous sword intentions struck, the sword 21 was too late to defend and dodge, and was directly nailed into the void.

Seeing more and more swordsmanship pouring in, at this moment, I saw a big hand reaching out from the void.

This big hand traversed the layers of the void, easily wiped out the sword, and brought the sword out of the Tianyuan small world.

"Zhenwu Shengzong sword was eliminated on the 21st," an old voice rang next to it.

This is the ancestor of the Baili family, he is responsible for the entire Tianyuan small world.

Whenever a player is in danger of life, he will rescue him and disqualify him as a knockout.

When the sword returned to the square on the 21st, he was still a little shocked and his face pale.

He was very close to death just now. What is even more disgraceful is that he didn't even use his real life, and he was so defeated.

There was a lot of discussion on the square. Even if Jian 21 was not a holy son, it was also the best among the young generation of Zhenwu Shengzong.

Now he has lost to an unknown youth.

This also made many people curious about the youth identity called Li Mubai.


"Did you see clearly?" Xu Qingshan asked Xu Zimo.

"If you read it right, it should have been one of the top 100 warriors," Xu Zimo nodded.

Ability to devour sword qi and sword directly, this ability is very similar to the battle body of a hundred soldiers.

I am the king of the hundred soldiers, and I am talking about this kind of physique.

Xu Qingshan beckoned and let the sword sit beside him.

"Vice Sovereign," Sword 21 said somewhat lowly.

"You are not unjustly defeated. There are indeed some unexpected things in this loose repair," Xu Qingshan said.

"Practice well, no one has failed in this life."

Sword 21 nodded slightly, as if still thinking about the defeat just now.

Although the other party is one of the Hundred Great Wars, but he lost so easily, it is really unreasonable.

The picture in the void projection continues, and people are continuously rescued from it.

After more than a day, only 16 people remained.

This also means that this stage is over and we have to reach the final.

These sixteen people are expected, but also unexpected.

Zhenwu Shengzong occupied two seats, namely Xiang Qianheng and Jiang Xi'er.

The Inferno Sect also occupies two seats, one is their dear son Heavenly Devil, and the other is Xue Kun.

The first son of Taiyuan Shengzong was the beginning, the son of Xuanyuan Xuanyuan of Shenzong Shengzong, and the goddess of Xianlingzong.

Chi Xue, the sage of the Chi family, did not come from their own son, but a young man named Mo Chen.

It is Baili Xiao who is participating in the Baili family. The Blood Sage Sect is the imperial gate of the emperor. Since their son was killed by Xu Zimo.

Although Zongmen re-trained other disciples, after all, it was somewhat unsatisfactory, even one disciple who didn't enter the top sixteen.

At this moment, the elder of Xueming Shengzong stared angrily at Xu Zimo.

The son of the Dan family is called Dan Qingyang.

Several great emperor Xianmen occupied ten seats.

The Immortal Sect of the first-class forces occupies one, and the Son of the Thousand Beasts, the mad Qianshan, occupies one.

The remaining four seats were all scattered repairs.


The finals will start on the second day. After a big game, the 16 players will also have a day off.

In Baili City, there are already gambling shops that have wagered on these 16 people.

Among them, the odds are the highest and the most promising are Taichu and Baili Xiao.

On the side of Zhenwu Shengzong, because Xu Zimo is not here, everyone is not very optimistic.

Several other sons of the imperial system Xianmen, although stunning, are still somewhat inferior to these two.

For the time being, no matter how lively the people in the city are, Zhenwu Shengzong and his party returned to the small courtyard where they lived.

Xu Zimo found a room, ready to practice.

Now the five spirit beads have been gathered together, namely Nirvana beads, Sky Thunder beads, Weak water beads, Otsuki beads and Wind-blown beads.

The five spirit beads unite, which involves a secret.

At the beginning of the world, when Zhou Tian changed, there was no reiki in the world.

The so-called reiki here is not only used by the pulse trainers to practice and open the pulse gate.

It includes the gas of all aura forms in this world.

The so-called magic qi and immortal qi are other forms of gas, which are more advanced than ordinary aura, but they are also a kind of aura.

Without Reiki, the world cannot practice.

There is no such thing as opening the door.

The five spirit beads represent all the spirits in the world.

This is the source of spiritual energy in Yuanyang mainland.

After Wulingzhu established the reiki system for Yuanyang mainland, UU read www. Uukanshu.com is divided into five spirit beads scattered around Yuanyang mainland.

Hundreds, even tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of years later, they returned to Xu Zimo's hands again.

Because Xu Zimo wants to start the era of cultivation in the mainland of Shenzhou, it is necessary to use Wulingzhu.

After the evolution of the mainland of China from the time of the ruins to the age of civilization, the creatures have been able to get used to this world completely.

It even started to multiply.

If we do not start the era of overhauling immortals again, I am afraid that humanity will eventually enter the era of technology.

This is the process of the development of the times, and it is also the way to go.

Xu Zimo's consciousness came to the mainland of Shenzhou.

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