I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 801: The era of overhauling immortals is coming

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When he came to the mainland of China, five spirit beads floated around Xu Zimo in the void.

These five spirit beads exude strong power.

When the five are gathered together, it seems that there is a mysterious connection between them, and five different auras permeate from it.

A large circle was formed, covering Xu Zimo.

"Over the age of immortality," Xu Zimo murmured.

I saw that he extended his right hand, and passed by in mid-air at ninety degrees, and the five spirit beads rose into the sky.

At this moment, the world was dim, everything was discolored, the sky was throbbing, the sand and stones were flying in an instant, and the violent wind and rain were striking.

All the creatures on the mainland of China are looking to the sky, as if the end is coming, one by one, puzzled and overwhelmed.

From Wulingzhu, a ray of spiritual energy spread out.

A long time ago, human beings in this era had no access to Reiki.

Now it is the first ray of aura appearing in the sky.

Inside Nirvana Pearl, the flames burned up like a phoenix, flying across the void in the sky.

Within the weak water bead, a weak water river was running endlessly, tumbling through it.

A drop of weak water can crush the void, and the long river comes and drifts away.

In the extinction of the Phoenix Ball, a storm of hurricane condensation whistled past and rolled up the whole world.

The void that was broken day by day was broken into it, and the hurricane seemed to lift the sky.

Tianleizhu is thunderous, and the thunder and lightning like silver dragons shuttle through the void.

All kinds of thunders seemed to be the rage of the sky, and they burst into the sky.

And in the Ogi Bead, there is a strong breath of life, and those broken voids are repaired by it, as if life is born in it.

The green light is evolving through the sky.

This is the Five Spirit Beads, bringing them close to each other a little bit with the turbulent weather, and finally blending together step by step.

At the moment when the five spirit beads became one, only listening to the "bang" sound exploded, as if the thunder burst from silent.

The whole world was flashed by a ray of light.

The sound of "Wala La" rained down from the sky like someone splashing water overhead.

The whole world was flooded by this downpour.

This is not an ordinary sound of rain, but a spiritual fluid formed by Reiki.

The rain fell to the earth and nourished everything.

Because the creatures in this world have never been in contact with Reiki, even if they breathe at this moment, they can feel that they are much stronger.

After the rain evaporates, some seeps into the ground, and some floats on the ground.

Whether it is an animal or a human, you can obviously feel that your body is getting stronger.

However, there is no traditional training method, and this way of becoming stronger is also limited.


The heavy rain is still pouring down, and the rain has been falling for a long time.

Xu Zimo was not in a hurry. After the heavy rain formed by the spirit liquid was over, the aura of the world was almost activated.

As for how long it will take, he has no idea.

But then, he would consider sending Yuanyang mainland's training skills to this world.

He now has no shortage of practice skills. Before that, he destroyed several sects, including even one of the imperial sects of the two emperors and the Lan family.

He has preserved the skills and pulse skills accumulated in countless times of these ancestors.

I can't use it myself, but mainland China has just established a training system, which is just right.

What Xu Zimo wants to consider is how to make these exercises appear on the mainland of Shenzhou without any surprises.

He can't make people in the mainland of China suspect that they are only living creatures raised in the real world.

Their every move is monitored by themselves.


In this world, there are also many legends.

Legends about gods, ghosts, Buddhas and demons.

These can be called superstitions, because when humans come out of ignorance, there are fewer and fewer superstitions.

Now Xu Zimo is ready to use these gods and ghosts to lay down ruins and heritage, and let the human beings of this world slowly discover.

Finally accept the practice.

When necessary, let the dragons of the Wan Yao tribe show their faces, first break the world view of this indigenous world, and then help them reshape the world view again.

After being busy for a long time, Xu Zimo came out of mainland China.

If the finals of the Wushu Assembly are about to begin today, he would also like to see them. These represent the contests among the top arrogance in mainland China.

This final is still arranged in Tianyuan Small World.

There are projections in the city and everyone can see it.

Those of you can go directly to Tianyuan Small World to watch.

"Who are you optimistic about this time?" On the way to the finals, people talked a lot.

"I'm optimistic about the beginning of the day. As the son of Taiyuan Shengzong, he is very mysterious. Basically, the other person he met has not used his full strength yet."

"I am optimistic about Baili Xiao. Since being defeated by Xu Zimo, her strength has been a qualitative leap in recent years.

And with the flying fairy body, the future is unlimited. "

"Don't you guys think about the few casual repairs?"

"Slack repair? When the dark horse is okay, it's a far cry to win the championship.

In the past years, there were a few freelancers who could win the championship. "


Everyone was talking about coming to the ring around the finals.

There is only one ring here.

The ring covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and the ground is made of diamond. This superb diamond is extremely hard, even if it is attacked by the strongest of the gods.

Sixteen contestants will be drawn in a lottery and the two contestants will face each other.

With the completion of the draw, the elders of the Baili family presided over.

The first group is Xue Kun of Purgatory against Xuanyuan Xuantian.

Xue Kun is regarded as a rising star of Purgatory. In the era of the devil, he killed a **** path.

"Who do you like?" Xu Qingshan asked Xu Zimo.

"Xuanyuan Xuantian," Xu Zimo replied without thinking.

"Why? You need to know that Xuanyuan Xuantian's voice is not high," Xu Qingshan asked curiously.

"Look at the axe behind him," Xu Zimo raised his head and said.

Behind that Xuanyuan Xuantian was carrying an axe~www.ltnovel.com~ The first half of the axe was wrapped in cloth, and he could not see anything.

Only the second half of the axe handle part is exposed outside, it is black mixed with gold, and I don't know what material it is made of.

"Do you know what that is?" Xu Qingshan asked curiously.

Because even he is the only one who can't see anything with an axe handle.

"I also guessed, but my intuition has always been accurate," Xu Zimo said.

"Daddy will know when he looks down."

As the elders of the Baili family announced the end of the game, both of them slowly walked towards the competition.

I saw that Xuanyuan Xuantian twisted his neck and threw the axe behind him directly on the ring.

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