I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 826: Yuzongzong

The power of creation in the body is surging.

Xu Zimo sat on the back of the chaos, and the sound of "crackling" sounded in the body.

From the five internal organs and the six internal organs, to the eight classics, this is a transformation of one's own strength.

The continent of Shenzhou is transforming, and Xu Zimo also follows the transformation.

The blood in the body gradually changed from red to gold.

Even the bones seemed to turn golden.

This practice is a whole month.

When Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes, the figure of chaos had flew to the central continent with all his strength.

He was forced to stop halfway through his body transformation.

I only felt a very hungry thought. From training to the present, this is the first time Xu Zimo has hungry thoughts.

Because after training to his level, it is no longer necessary to eat grains and other foods.


Ling Tianyu is located in the westernmost zone of the central continent.

It borders Shenghuayu and is close to the west continent.

Therefore, when Xu Zimo came from the east mainland, the distance in the middle was quite far away.

On this day, the two finally arrived at the boundary between Ling Tianyu and Shenghuayu.

Xu Zimo put the chaos away and landed slowly with the monk Dazhi, preparing to rest here for a day and eat a full meal.

No city has been seen yet, only a village is not far away.

The two walked to the village.

At the entrance of the village, two old willow trees were planted.

Because it is already the season of deep winter, the willow stands quietly in the snow at this moment.

Wrapped in silver, the snow fluttered in the wind.

The three big characters "Qingliu Village" are carved on the stone tablet beside.

The village is very deserted, but it is understandable that no one wants to go out in heavy snow.

The two walked into the village, and the monk Dazhi shouted with a heavy voice in his hand.

"I don't know if there are any people in the village? Can I spend money on some food here?"

His words fell for a long time, but no one responded to him.

Xu Zimo could feel that the houses on both sides were empty and there was no one.

"This village does not seem to be deserted," Dazhi monk said doubtfully.

"Why is there no one like this weather?"

"Go and see in the village," Xu Zimo said.

"If there is no one, let's go forward."


"Hurry up, if there is something wrong, you will suffer," a loud scream sounded in the village.

Immediately after that was the sound of "crackling" whip.

The size of the village is not small, and the two came to the innermost after walking for more than ten minutes.

"Someone," Monk Dazhi heard the voice and couldn't help but speed up.

When the two came from the corner of the village, they finally saw people.

I saw a wide open space not far in front.

A group of villagers are walking barefoot on the snow, it seems to be building a house, busy in the ice and snow.

There are two men in animal skins supervising them.

They held the iron whip, and beside them stood two fierce tigers.

The thick beast power was suppressed, and the villagers around did not dare to slack off.

If you don't pay attention, you will be beaten with a whip.

In the frozen ground, everyone's hands and feet seemed to be numb, and his face was flushed with frost.

When they saw Xu Zimo appear, the two tigers on the side immediately felt it.

Roaring towards Xu Zimo.

"Who are you?" The two middle-aged men in animal skin stepped forward and asked with a frown.

"I want to buy some food here, I wonder if it is convenient?" Dazhi monk asked.

"Go, didn't you see that we are busy," the middle-aged man on the left said unkindly.

"Wait," the middle-aged man on the right smiled and said.

"Since the two are here, stay and help us."

His words fell, only to see the two tigers in front of him had rushed.

One left and one right caught Xu Zimo and the two.

"Tiger meat is okay," Xu Zimo thought a little.

The right hand was gently raised, and the knife in his hand burst out, turning into two shadows.

Immediately afterwards, two wails came, and I saw that the two tigers had fallen to the ground.

Xu Zimo didn't care about the stunned expressions of everyone present, but a blaze was burning in his hands.

Immediately, he began to peel and pull bones, pierced the tiger's body with Ba Ying, and baked it on the flame.

"You, you dare to kill our darling," the middle-aged man with animal skin reacted and shouted.

"Do you know who we are?"

Xu Zimo was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

He just glanced at the middle-aged man, and the supreme supernatural power burst out of his eyes.

The middle-aged man's body could not bear the pressure, as if it had fallen several tens of times.

The internal organs and internal organs were stirred together and directly pressed into a patty shape.

Another middle-aged man saw this scene, said nothing, and fled away into the distance in panic and madness.

"That's right, how quiet it is," Xu Zimo smiled.

He is too lazy to kill such ants.

The flame that Xu Zimo turned into was very domineering, and the tiger meat was cooked in a few clicks.

He was also polite, just biting the meat directly.

He is not trying to satisfy his appetite now, but the transformation of his body requires too much energy.

This energy can only be drawn from food.

In a few minutes, Xu Zimo finished eating a tiger.

Seemingly not enough, he picked up another tiger.

At this moment, among the group of villagers in front of the open space, an old man came over tremblingly.

"Thank you two benefactors for saving me in Qingliu Village," the old man bowed to Xu Zimo a few times.

Xu Zimo ignored it and was still eating meat.

The monk Dazhi came forward and asked curiously, "Old man, what are you doing?"

"Alas," said the old man with a sigh and said.

"Lao'er is the head of this Qingliu village.

Our Qingliu Village is a small village under the control of the Imperial Demon Sect.

Some time ago, the demon sect lowered his will, and any city and village must build an imperial ancestral hall. We are building the ancestral hall. "

The old man looked at Xu Zimo and sighed, "Let the two benefactors run.

The person you just killed is an external disciple of Yuyaozong, and they certainly won't let go. "

"Yuyaozong," Xu Zimo asked with a vague bite in his mouth.

"Are their ancestors Chilin the Great?"

"Yes, it is Chilin the Great," the old man nodded quickly.

"What do they want to build an ancestral temple?" Dazhi monk asked curiously.

"The old man doesn't know," the old man shook his head and said.

"Let's go, we have to pack up and go to live elsewhere.

Otherwise, they will certainly not let us go. "

After eating two tigers, Xu Zimo felt that he was still not full of meaning.

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