I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 827: 0Demon City

The body is still very hungry, as if the two tigers are not as good as a cat.

Xu Zimo looked at the old man and asked, "Are there any food in your village?"

"Yes, there is," the old man nodded quickly.

Looking at the group of villagers behind him, he said, "Everyone will go home quickly and take out all the food from their families."

Watching this group of people running towards their respective homes, the monk Dazhi looked at Xu Zimo and smiled.

"Eaters have short mouths and short hands."

"I helped them kill these two tigers, isn't it just two clear," Xu Zimo replied.

"What about the Imperial Demon Sect?" Dazhi monk asked.

"No matter, it was their disciples who started first," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"Could it be that you still want to go to Yuyaozong?"

"That's not enough," Monk Dazhi shook his head slightly.

Said: "I'm afraid we don't care, the other party wants to care about it."

At this moment, I saw that the villagers of the village had come with a lot of food.

There is very little meat, mostly coarse grains and steamed bread.

This kind of thing has little practical effect.

Xu Zimo looked at the old man and asked, "Old man, how can there be a city near us?"

"You go all the way to the west, there is a hundred demon city," the old man replied.

"But there is the site of Yuyaozong, I advise you not to go."

"You are not going to move away, then you should keep these foods," Xu Zimo smiled.

After they said goodbye to the villagers in Qingliu Village, they continued to walk west.

After walking for a while, a wolf howl suddenly sounded from a distance.

The wolf howl played a leading role, and then the wolf howls sounded one after another.

At the end of the line of sight, a dozen snow-white snow wolves came flying from a distance.

Each snow wolf is extremely powerful, with a person sitting on it.

When the dozen snow wolves came to gallop, they directly surrounded Xu Zimo and the two groups together.

"But the two of you came out of Qingliu Village?" the first man sneered.

"What nonsense, would rather kill by mistake than let go." said another young man beside him.

"It's yours," Xu Zimo said to the monk Dazhi.

Seeing these young men killed by riding a snow wolf, these monsters were extremely irritable, their fangs opened their mouths, and the smell came out.

"Infinite Heavenly Sovereign," the monk Dazhi performed a ritual.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his mighty body, and the dust in his hands turned into three thousand white silk.

Countless white silks diffused out and merged with the drifting snow, and howling sounded in the snow.

A little bit of blood is like plum blossoms, reflecting on the white vast land.

"Senior Brother has already reported your matter to Zongmen, and none of you can run away."

Words of resentment came from the last body.


As the capital of Imperial Demon Sect, Bai Yao City is located in the most central part of Shenghuayu and Lingtianyu.

In the middle of the two domains are famous.

Moreover, Yuyao Sect, as the imperial ruler of immortality, is also famous in this land, and it is very famous.

Their training methods are different from those of general practitioners.

Most people practice themselves, but they practice demon.

At first, this method was met by many people.

Many people think that no matter how strong the demon is, it is a foreign body. The true strength is orthodoxy only when it is strong.

This view was only until the Chilin emperor in the era of the emperors carried the destiny, which was regarded as the eyeball of a lot of doubters.

Legend has it that when the destiny of that era fought, the Chilin emperor rode the Chitong unicorn.

Surrounded by the four dragons, the white dragon, the white tiger, the suzaku, and the Xuanwu beast.

Ghost cars, nine infants, and demon phoenix guard him.

It is said that the fate of that term did not even have anyone close to him.

He carried thousands of beasts, and finally stood on the sky, proving his practice in the presence of the world.


On the wild land, huge cities are located.

From a distance, it looks like a fiery red unicorn, hovering over the earth.

Kirin's head is located at the top of the city gate, suspended high, gazing at everyone coming and going.

The three big characters "Hundred Demon City" are floating in the snow, and they are shining.

Human races and demon races have been incompatible since ancient times.

In the wild times, the demon clan ruled the world, and the human clan was as dark as dust.

During the time of the emperors, the human race was prosperous, and they often hunted the demon race.

But if it is said that the demon clan and the human clan live in the most peaceful place, it is this hundred demon city.

Chilin the Great was the first human to sign an agreement with the demon clan.

In the years when the Imperial Demon Sect still exists, it gave the demon a place to live.

Therefore, the demon clan will not spare any effort, and ultimately help the Chilin Emperor to ascend to the throne and carry the destiny.

Later generations can sign an agreement with the disciples of the Imperial Demon Sect to fit into the formation and act as a pet of war.

Xu Zimo looked at the city in sight, the two walked day and night, and finally came here.

He touched his belly and smiled: "I can finally have a full meal."

Without the support of energy, the transformation of his body has gradually stopped, very slowly.

The two walked into the city, and there were monsters everywhere in this hundred monster city.

There are Blizzard monkeys, green cows, double-headed anacondas, and various monsters walking on the street.

A city where humans and monsters coexist.

Xu Zimo found an inn, and the guys in the hall greeted him quickly.

"Give me all the meat dishes from your inn," Xu Zimo threw dozens of crystals.

I found a seat by the window and sat down.

"Also, give me another pot of hot wine."

Snow fluttered outside the house, and there was indeed a stove in the inn, which was very warm.

"Where are we going next?" Dazhi monk asked.

"Dang Mo Ling," Xu Zimo said.

The seal of the Ancient Devil's Cave is located in Dangmo Ridge, which is also a famous dangerous place in Ling Tianyu.

It is generally forbidden for others to enter.

As for the specific route, it is not far from Yuyaozong.

The buddy quickly brought the hot wine up, and then one meat dish from the back kitchen.

These dishes are all made of monster meat. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Xu Zimo was also polite, and ate directly.

While he was having a good time, he only heard an eagle song coming from a distance.

Immediately after the "boom", the inn's window was directly torn by the fierce eagle, and he came to Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo took the bone in his hand and threw it out directly.

With a bang, the bone pierced the eagle's head and nailed it to the wall beside the street.

"Rogue, brave," a soft drink sounded from the side.

I saw an old man coming from a distance.

He was followed by a man who was the one who had escaped in Qingliu Village.

"Found it," the man yelled at Xu Zimo.

"Uncle Shi, it was him before, preventing us from building the ancestral hall."

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