I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 828: Take a trip to your Imperial Demon Sect

"Boy, where did you come from?" The old man slowly stepped forward and looked at Xu Zimo and asked.

"Isn't it good to live?" Xu Zimo smiled and looked at the previous man and asked.

"Me, our teacher asks you," the man did not dare to look directly at Xu Zimo, but stuttered back.

"Disappointment, someone has to disturb a meal," Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

"You can eat yours, just give it to me," Dazhi monk waved his hand and slowly stood up.

Facing the old man of the Imperial Demon Sect, he performed a Taoist ceremony and said, "The trail does not want to be entangled with your Imperial Demon Sect.

You leave now, and nothing we can do has happened. "

"In this hundred demon city, you are the first person who dared to talk to me like this," the old demon lord sneered.

I saw all his white hair in his temples.

The whole body was full of aura, and a strong beast power radiated from itself.

Then came a roar of the monster.

Beside him, a huge figure tore the void and came out.

"Moo," a melodious and deep cry rang out.

Monk Dazhi looked up and saw that it was a huge rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros has an armor made of steel, with a sharp horn on its nose.

Its pupils are blood red, and the whole body is mighty.

The monster monsters in the Hundred Monster City seemed to feel something, and they all hid.

Heavy snow was flying, and the whole main street was silent.

Only the huge rhino figure occupied half of the street, staring at Dazhi monk.

"Where did you come from?" the old man asked.

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. If it is Emperor Xianmen, let your elders come to claim it.

If not, then the old man killed directly. "

"Su Wen Yu Yao Zong's magic skill is extremely clever, and the poor Dao will ask for advice," Monk Dazhi didn't answer the old man, but said to himself.

Immediately saw the power of his whole body also exploded.

The sound of "crackling" came from inside.

The body of Buddhist monk Dazhi also grows at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Almost a few breathing rooms, his size is about the size of this rhinoceros.

"It turned out to be a bit of strength, no wonder dare to be so presumptuous."

The old man snorted coldly and said, "Furious Dragon Rhino, play with him."

The body of the huge rhino was like a hill, and it rammed towards Dazhi monk.

Monk Dazhi frowned slightly, simply with strength, he could not beat this rhinoceros.

I saw his figure quickly avoiding, the rhinoceros was heavily loaded on the side of the street.

I saw several shops directly collapsed, and a cry of exclamation sounded from them.

"Dao law is heavenless," Dazhi monk frowned slightly.

A white manga appeared all over the body, turning into a round disc appearing behind him.

Break all the void around.

His figure rose into the air, and "swapping" sometimes appeared in mid-air, sometimes hidden in the void.

At the next moment, I saw that Dazhi monk had appeared in front of the violent dragon rhinoceros.

The roulette wheel was spinning behind him, bursting into a tremendous light, and his right hand was like a sharp blade, heavily chopped on the corner of the dragon rhinoceros.

"Moo," Long Rhino took pain, screaming on the ground.

"Damn," the old man snorted when he saw this scene.

Squinting slightly, the magic power in his hand was surging.

Just listening to another beast roar came from the void.

A Dapeng, about 100 meters long, covered the sky and flew out of the sky.

This Dapeng flapped his wings, and the screams rang through the layers of void, making the eardrum reverberating.

Together with the dragon rhinoceros, kill the monk Dazhi.

"Boss, give me another pot of wine," Xu Zimo's voice rang from the inn.

"In addition, the dishes just now are repeated again."

"Guest officer," said the man at the inn, hiding under the table, embarrassed.

"It's fighting outside, the shop's business is not done."

"Let you do what you do. With me in, this shop will not work," Xu Zimo said.

"If you don't do it, I will demolish the shop myself."

"Don't don't, I'll let the chef do it now," the inn of the inn quickly came over and waved.


Outside battles continue.

With a bang, Dazhi's monk's attack fell, and Dapeng's figure was shot out.

Flying sand, like a rock, hit the inn heavily.

Xu Zimo raised his head slightly and waved his right hand.

Endless Aura condenses around, forming a big palm of Aura.

Dapeng flew upside down with a palm and flew out.

"Don't hinder."

Seeing this scene, the old man of the Imperial Demon Sect raised his eyebrows.

His face changed slightly, he looked at Dazhi monk and Xu Zimo.

I saw the spirit of his whole body surging, the endless demon gas permeated around.

The void in front of him began to turmoil.

At the next moment, a picture appeared in front of the void.

In the picture, it seems to be a grand and mighty palace.

Around this palace, there is a unicorn sleeping, a dragon dragon vomiting the sun and moon, and a fire phoenix burning half a sky.

Inside the palace, dozens of people were divided into two rows, standing majesticly on each side.

There is a throne at the top.

A man wearing a purple robe is sitting on it.

"Sovereign, save me," the old man shouted.

"Someone is making trouble in Baixian City, killing my disciples, and destroying the establishment of the ancestral hall.

I'm a manpower thinner, and I don't think it will last long. "

"Elder Dragon Rhino is not panic," the man's voice echoed.

Slightly said: "I will let Elder Huzong come to help you."

"Don't be so troublesome." At this moment, a chuckle rang from behind Elder Long Xi.

The old man only felt stiff, and a chill rose from the top of his foot.

"When..." He turned his head hard and saw Xu Zimo not knowing when he appeared behind him.

And he didn't notice it at all.

"You don't have to bother me one by one," Xu Zimo waved.

"When I'm full and full, how about going to your Imperial Sect?"

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ I will congratulate you on the arrival of Zunjia," the man in the purple robe said lightly.

"But you can't hurt Elder Dragon Rhino, otherwise I will kill you to the end of the world."

"He," Xu Zimo reached out and touched the old man's head.

Then he smiled and banged his head directly.

Dispersed into a cloud of blood mist.

"Don't worry, it's your turn later."

Seeing this scene, the purple robe man rushed to the throne next to him.

With the sound of "boom", an extremely powerful might came out from the hall.

"you wanna die."

Xu Zimo smiled. With the death of Elder Long Rhino, the picture in front of him disappeared a little bit.

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