I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 843: Sitting for 1,000 years

Xu Zimo held his right hand, and the endless demon qi condensed in his palm.

The other person on the opposite side is doing the same movement with him.

Only at this moment, the figure of Xu Zimo disappeared directly in place.

At the next moment, only listening to the explosion of "Boom", the phantom opposite had been completely penetrated through the chest.

The other looked at Xu Zimo with some surprise.

Then slowly dissipated in the air.

Xu Zimo clapped his hands, and this copy of himself is really good.

But any copy has its limits. If he has too much strength, then he cannot copy it.

It's like putting an emperor here. I don't think it's a copy move. I'm afraid I can't even copy the ghost image.

When the ghost disappeared, the space around Xu Zimo disappeared, and a green cloud road appeared in front.

Xu Zimo walked straight towards the front of the avenue.

When he reached the end of the space door leading to the fifth floor, Xu Zimo found that a person had arrived ahead of him.

This man is exactly the young gray shirt before.

The two met slightly surprised.

"How do you call this Xiongtai?" The young gray shirt looked at Xu Zimo and asked.

After reporting his name, Xu Zimo smiled and said, "What about you?"

"Under Mo Tianming," the gray shirt youth smiled.

"This time a hundred people entered the Heavenly Tower, only Brother Xu made me look at it."

Xu Zimo smiled without saying much.

At the moment, these dozen people entered the fourth floor. Except for Xu Zimo and Mo Tianming, only two people walked out from the inside.

One of them is Dazhi monk.

When he came out, he vomited blood, the whole person was dying, and the soul was seriously injured.

Fortunately, this level was passed.

There is another person, the young man named Zhang Chou.

Four people stood in front of the void door on the fourth floor.

Xu Zimo looked at the monk Dazhi and asked, "How did you become like this?"

"I and the other myself lie to each other," Dazhi monk spit blood and smiled.

"Later I used a forbidden technique and saw his essence and won him."

"You were bitten by the ban," Xu Zimo said.

"It doesn't matter," Monk Dazhi shook his head.

"Anyway, I have passed the assessment."

When several people came to the fifth floor through the fourth-floor void door, they found it was completely dark.

In addition to darkness, there were four futons in front of it.

I saw a piggyback old man carrying a cane and walked out of the darkness slowly.

He looked at the four people and said with a smile: "This fifth level, it makes no difference.

It only takes you to stay a thousand years again, and pass through without leaving the futon. "

Hearing the old man in Tsing Yi, Monk Dazhi frowned slightly.

Said: "What is this assessment?"

"The peak of Wu Zhi is loneliness and loneliness,

It's a long search, and it's also a cold place. "

Zhang Chou laughed aside.

"This assessment is whether you can stand alone, a thousand years, if you meditate on this futon for a thousand years, how many people can persevere."

"Of course, if you choose to give up, you can now pass the assessment of the Heavenly Tower," the old man in Tsing Yi continued to laugh.

"It's just that the more you go up, the more points you get."

"I give up," Zhang Chouxiang said without thinking.

He understands his abilities, so he does not plan to waste time.

"Then let me try," Monk Dazhi said unwillingly.

"You can rest assured that the time flow rate here is different from the outside world," said the old man in Tsing Yi.

"The time here is still, no matter how long you stay, it will not affect the outside."

The three nodded and sat down one by one from the nearby futons.

Loneliness is the most terrible thing in this world.

If you shut you in a small enclosed space for a period of time, most people will probably go crazy.

Time is passing by.

Fortunately, Xu Zimo didn't say that his soul can enter the mainland of Shenzhou at any time.

And how powerful his Tao heart is, even for tens of thousands of years.

He was combing himself now.

The force of the body before reached the ultimate, but the mainland of China entered the era of overhauling immortals.

His body has undergone another metamorphosis, and he can condense more violent spins.

There is also the Qimaijing, which is now able to open up to ten Qimai, almost the distance from the complete Qimai.

As he practiced, he also polished his mind.

The darkness wrapped them like a giant beast, roaring silently around.

One or two years, time is slowly passing by.

As time went on, Monk Dazhi couldn't stand it first.

He stood up from the darkness, breathing depressively.

Be the first to withdraw from this millennium of sit-down.

Only those who have really experienced it understand the horror.


One hundred years, two hundred years...

In the later time, the year is gone.

The best way to eliminate loneliness is to enjoy loneliness.

Xu Zimo felt his own strength has been refined for so long, and went up a ladder again.

This kind of situation of him is a kind of accumulation, and now more and more savings are for the skyrocketing when he becomes an emperor in the future.

Eventually it came to fruition.

A bell rang suddenly from the darkness.

Breaking the silence for thousands of years.

"A thousand years have passed," the voice of the old man in Tsing Yi came.

Xu Zimo opened his eyes slowly.

A black mist flashed through his eyes.

He stood up, and along with him was the gray shirt youth Mo Tianming.

Both looked at each other.

"Are you going to the sixth pass?" Mo Tianming asked with a smile.

"Go," Xu Zimo nodded blandly.

The old man in Tsing Yi next to him smiled and said, "Remind you.

Starting from the sixth pass, it is not only as simple as the assessment.

The assessment of the first five levels is about Dao Xin, Soul, Xin Xin and the like.

At the beginning of the sixth pass, it is really necessary to use personal hard power to break through, there is no way to go. "


Outside the Tiandao Tower at the moment, among the few people who were evaluated, an old man in white smiled and said: "It seems that there are still many good seedlings this year."

"We don't just want good seedlings, UU reads www.uukanshu.com but really has the opportunity to carry the fate," the other side replied.

"I don't know if anyone can board the tenth floor."

"It's too difficult," the old man in white shook his head slightly.

"From the establishment of the Heavenly Tower, from the reckless era to the present, people who can pass through the tenth floor can count their hands."

"I heard that the Son of the Xianxian Sect is coming to our Tiandao Academy, do you know?" The old man in white continued to ask.

"The old man of Qingwei also specifically asked me to say it," another old man beside shook his head.

Replied: "It is said that their generation has a son and a saint.

They want to train the Son at Tiandao College, and the Saints to train themselves.

Eventually carry the fate together. "

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