I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 844: Emperor Xingyuan

The moment when the two entered the sixth floor, the drumbeat of Zhentian sounded from his ears.

The figures of the two appeared on a vast land.

In this world, countless enemies killed two people.

Among these enemies are human races, demon races, giant races, even evil spirit races, and countless races of stone races.

Each is powerful and unmatched.

Xu Zimo held Ba Ying, and the cyan light in Mo Tianming's hands threw into the crowd.

For a time, this crowd like a torrent was torn into a crack instantly.

The assessment of the sixth to ninth levels and the fourth and fourth levels is almost the same.

It is all in this vast land, but after entering here, the enemies encountered are getting stronger and stronger, and the number is increasing.

And the gravitational force descending in space is also increasing dozens of times.

The sky came from time to time, and the flames rolled down.

As long as there is any one mistake, I am afraid that I will be crushed.

Xu Zimo and the two reached the ninth **** battle. At this moment, they were surrounded by killings as if they were killing gods.

All covered with blood, just like a blood man.

Mo Tianming gasped and looked at Xu Zimo.

Then the two stepped into the tenth floor together.

At the moment, the outside world has almost shaken the entire heavenly city.

Everyone stood and looked under the Tiandao Tower.

To know that one person in the world can clear the tenth floor, it can already cause a sensation.

This time, two people entered the tenth floor together, which means that two people may appear at once.

"Do you think the chance is big?" someone asked excitedly.

"Being able to enter the tenth floor has already explained the talents, but I just don't know what the assessment of the tenth floor is," the person next to him shook his head slightly.

Among the many teachers of the Tiandao College, an old man took a long sigh of relief.

Laughed: "This era seems to be a lot more exciting."


Tenth floor of Tiandao Tower,

This is a world shrouded in starlight,

When Xu Zimo and the two came in, they were slightly shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw countless starlights covering the entire night sky, the starlights were almost tactile, and a galaxy fell from east to west.

With little starlight, the Milky Way fell.

In the distance of this starry sky, a figure stood there.

This figure seems to be one with heaven and earth, as if he is heaven and earth, and he is starry sky.

He was wearing a blue robe and was very eye-catching in the starlight.

When Xu Zimo and the two came over, they saw the figure slowly turned around.

"Emperor Xingyuan," Mo Tianming screamed when he saw the man turn around.

Xu Zimo looked up and saw that the man had long hair and some casually scattered behind him.

High nose bridge, Jianmei star eyes, looks a little Western style.

Especially that pair of star eyes, as if the real stars are transformed into stars.

There was a strong starlight surging around him.

"It seems that someone remembers me," the man replied with a smile when Mo Tianming called out his emperor's name.

"As you can see, I am the examiner of the tenth level."

Emperor Xingyuan, this is also a very old emperor.

He was an emperor who was nurtured by Tiandao College.

It is said that the Emperor Xingyuan was just a beggar, and he passed the assessment of the Tiandao College by accident.

From then on began his own life like hanging out.

The young generation's disciples, even the older generation, are being beaten up across the entire Tiandao College.

Ultimately bear the fate.

It's just that Emperor Xingyuan is also the lowest-key emperor.

He did not create any forces, but instead acted as a teacher in Tiandao College for a period of time bearing the fate of heaven.

I left all my studies in my life in the college, and eventually I went into the sky.


"I don't know how the emperor evaluated?" Mo Tianming asked curiously.

"It's simple, just beat me," Emperor Xingyuan laughed.

Mo Tianming was stunned for a while, and he faced the emperor head-to-head, but now they are still a little bit closer.

After all, today they are nothing more than divine context.

"You don't have to be nervous," Emperor Xingyuan laughed.

"The phantom I left here was left when I didn't carry the destiny.

So in a sense, we are all about the same. "

"Who will come first?" Emperor Xingyuan laughed.

"I'll come," Mo Tianming glanced at Xu Zimo and said immediately.

He stepped forward slowly, surrounded by a blue aura.

Reiki turned into countless strong winds and roared around.

I saw that Mo Tianming turned around and disappeared directly into the void.

The next moment, has appeared in front of the Emperor Xingyuan.

The gusty wind tore out, and killed Xingyuan Emperor.

The Emperor Xingyuan was slightly correct, and did not dare to look down on the other party.

I saw him raise his right hand, the endless power of stars permeated in his palm.

With a "boom", the figures exploded in the void.

Three steps back, respectively, evenly divided.

"Good, come again," Xingyuan Emperor laughed.

I saw the strength of the starry sky around him was even more intense.

The Milky Way is falling down, and its own power has exploded a bit.

Emperor Xingyuan fell with a punch, and endless starlight bloomed in front of him.

"Kunpeng Nine Steps," only Mo Tianming heard a cold drink.

The hurricanes around him formed a gust of tornado that rolled up the dust.

A sharp bird song seemed to ring out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Mo Tianming's figure turning into countless ghosts, attacking around the surrounding Star Emperor.

The power of the stars exploded in front of the eyes with the hurricane.

The two figures separated again.

"One move will determine the outcome," Emperor Xingyuan laughed.

"Under such a tentative attack, I'm afraid I can't finish it all day."

"Okay," Mo Tianming nodded.

I saw that he extended his right hand, a cyan ball formed in the palm of his hand.

There is a barren force in this ball.

The cyan ball was absorbed in the palm of the hand and killed with the power of destruction.

The Emperor Xingyuan chuckled, and he also raised his right fist.

Stretching towards the top of the head, the power of the stars in the sky and sky all surged towards him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"War," Mo Tianming shouted sharply.

Collision with Xingyuan Great Emperor Double Fists.

At this moment, a strong force spread from the middle, and the space was like a piece of thin paper, which was directly torn apart.

The endless power pervades the two.

Two fists, two huge phantoms emerged behind him.

Behind the star source emperor is the starry sky, and behind Mo Tianming is a ghost image of a monster.

The monster is cyan, but it only outlines an outline, not seeing its true appearance.

Seeing the two stalemate, at this moment, a very mysterious breath erupted from Mo Tianming's body.

The figure of Xingyuan Emperor flew backwards.

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